Apa perbedaan istilah Construction dengan Erection dari sudut pandang asuransi?
7 Reasons Why Coal Trading companies need insurance for the transportation of goods in the form of Marine Open Policy (MOP)
4 Jenis kecelakaan kerja yang sering terjadi di proyek konstruksi
Liga Asuransi – The beginning of December 2024 was marked by various major events...
Readers Liga Asuransi dear, How are you? We hope that you and your business...
Liga Asuransi – The Indonesian insurance industry is facing various new challenges, starting from...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Shipowners, Ship Operators, Ship Financiers, and Forwarders, We hope this...
Liga Asuransi – The oil and gas industry has a vital role in the...
Liga Asuransi – The insurance industry in Indonesia is moving dynamically, facing challenges while...
Liga Asuransi – Friends of entrepreneurs, risk managers, underwriters, and loyal readers, welcome back...
How are you, Liga Asuransi Readers? We hope you are in good health and...
Liga Asuransi – In this modern era, driving safety is increasingly becoming a major...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Shipowners, Oil Traders, and Transporters, Hello! I hope business is...
Liga Asuransi – Indonesia has been shocked again by a series of tragic incidents...
Liga Asuransi – In the midst of the dynamics of the insurance and pension...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Shipowners, Ship Operators, Ship Financiers, and Forwarders, We hope this...
Liga Asuransi – Indonesia has been shocked again by a series of tragic incidents...
Why Do Insurance Brokers Need Digitalization? In an increasingly complex business world, insurance brokers...
Liga Asuransi – In the midst of the ever-growing dynamics of the insurance industry,...
Liga Asuransi – Hello, business owners, risk managers, and insurance enthusiasts! I hope your...
Liga Asuransi – The world has again been colored by a number of tragic...
Liga Asuransi – Hello, Entrepreneur Friends and Risk Management Practitioners! I hope you’re doing...
Liga Asuransi – In the midst of the transformation and dynamics of the Indonesian...
Readers Liga Asuransi dear, How are you? We hope that you and your business are always in top condition and continue to...
Liga Asuransi – The Indonesian insurance industry is facing various new challenges, starting from the planned increase in VAT to 12% in...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Shipowners, Ship Operators, Ship Financiers, and Forwarders, We hope this message finds you well and that your business...
Liga Asuransi – The oil and gas industry has a vital role in the Indonesian economy as one of the main contributors...
Liga Asuransi – The insurance industry in Indonesia is moving dynamically, facing challenges while taking advantage of opportunities that present themselves amidst...
Liga Asuransi – Friends of entrepreneurs, risk managers, underwriters, and loyal readers, welcome back to this blog! This time, we will discuss...
How are you, Liga Asuransi Readers? We hope you are in good health and your business continues to grow successfully! As usual,...
Liga Asuransi – In this modern era, driving safety is increasingly becoming a major concern, not only for drivers but also for...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Shipowners, Oil Traders, and Transporters, Hello! I hope business is sailing smoothly for you. In our blog, we’re...
Liga Asuransi – Indonesia has been shocked again by a series of tragic incidents that highlight the importance of safety, vigilance and...
Liga Asuransi – In the midst of the dynamics of the insurance and pension fund industry in Indonesia, the Financial Services Authority...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Shipowners, Ship Operators, Ship Financiers, and Forwarders, We hope this message finds you well and that your business...
Liga Asuransi – Indonesia has been shocked again by a series of tragic incidents that have occurred in the last few days,...
Why Do Insurance Brokers Need Digitalization? In an increasingly complex business world, insurance brokers are faced with various challenges, from handling customer...
Liga Asuransi – In the midst of the ever-growing dynamics of the insurance industry, the involvement of insurance brokers in drafting regulations...
Liga Asuransi – Hello, business owners, risk managers, and insurance enthusiasts! I hope your businesses are thriving and becoming ever more successful,...
Liga Asuransi – The world has again been colored by a number of tragic incidents that remind us of the risks that...
Liga Asuransi – Hello, Entrepreneur Friends and Risk Management Practitioners! I hope you’re doing well, and that your business continues to thrive...
Liga Asuransi – In the midst of the transformation and dynamics of the Indonesian insurance industry, a number of large companies such...
Liga Asuransi – Indonesia has been rocked again by a series of tragic incidents that claimed lives and destroyed property, highlighting how...
Liga Asuransi – Setiap bisnis memerlukan biaya, dan demikian juga dengan industri konstruksi. Ada...
Liga Asuransi – Industri tambang batu bara adalah satu andalan pendapatan devisa bagi Indonesia....
Liga Asuransi – Dalam rangka mempercepat pemulihan ekonomi Indonesia yang sedang terpukul akibat dari...
Liga Asuransi – Sidang pembaca yang luar biasa apa kabar? Mari kita lanjutkan diskusi...
Liga Asuransi – Ekosistem di dalam industri asuransi merupakan penyebab utama mulainya ada “gangguan”...
Liga Asuransi – Di era digital seperti sekarang ini peralatan elektronik menjadi kebutuhan pokok....
Liga Asuransi – Sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi digital yang sangat pesat saat ini, hampir...
Liga Asuransi – Ketika barang sudah diserahkan kepada perusahaan expedisi, sejak itu pemilik tidak...
Liga Asuransi – Belakangan ini sering sekali kita mendengar berita tentang kecelakaan proyek pembangunan...
Liga Asuransi – Kondisi ekonomi yang anjlok akibat dari wabah COVID-19 seperti sekarang ini,...
Liga Asuransi – Dear readers, how are you? Let’s continue the discussion on risk...
Liga Asuransi – Salah satu tujuan pembangunan nasional dari pemerintahan saat ini adalah peningkatan...
Liga Asuransi – Berdasarkan hasil statistik yang dikeluarkan European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) dari...
Liga Asuransi – Dear Readers, how are you? Hopefully, your business this year will...
Liga Asuransi – Memasuki minggu ke-3 bulan Juli 2020, kegiatan ekonomi sudah semakin bergairah...
Liga Asuransi – Wabah Covid-19 yang merebak sejak awal tahun 2020 telah menyebabkan terjadinya...
Liga Asuransi – Peran dan fungsi broker asuransi kini semakin penting karena semakin kompleksnya...
Liga Ausransi – Di era digital seperti sekarang ini, hampir semua peralatan pendukung kehidupan...
Liga Asuransi – Sidang pembaca yang luar biasa. Untuk melengkapi tulisan kami sebelumnya mengenai...
Liga Asuransi – Membantu dalam penyelesaian klaim asuransi adalah salah satu fungsinya sebagai “after...