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7 Selected Fatal Accident News March 2023 – Week 3

Liga Asuransi – Dear readers, I wish your business to run smoothly and thrive.

Again, we remind you always to be careful when driving and carrying out daily activities because all kinds of risks that can be financially detrimental to your life can occur at any time.

Hopefully, this information is helpful for you, and please share it with your colleagues, so they can understand it just like you.


Pertamina Fuel Carrier Ship Burns, Three Crews Reportedly Dead

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — As many as three crew members (ABK) of the MT Christin ship carrying Pertamina’s fuel, which suffered a fire in the waters of Mataram City, NTB, were reported dead.

NTB Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Firefighter Dady Sukmawan said several other crew members had been evacuated to Ampenan Beach, Mataram City.

“The information I received was that three crew members died. Some have been evacuated to Ampenan Beach. A total of 17 crew members,” Dady said as quoted by Antara, Sunday (26/3).

He has yet to receive information on the exact cause of the ship suddenly catching fire while waiting in line to load and unload fuel at the Pertamina Ampenan Depot.

The Pertamina fuel carrier caught fire in waters not far from the Mataram City Ampenan Fuel Terminal, NTB, at around 15.30 WITA.

“We received a report from a resident named Dady Sukmawan who happened to be at his parents’ house in Ampenan Bugis Village, which is close to the incident site,” said Public Relations of the Mataram SAR Office I Gusti Lanang Wiswananda.

Mataram SAR Office personnel have rushed to the incident scene to carry out rescue efforts.

So far, the fire is still burning. The ship had also moved away from the Pertamina Ampenan Depot to avoid an explosion because fishing boats were nearby.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20230326153947-20-929509/kapal-pengangkut-bbm-pertamina-terbakar-tiga-abk-dilaporkan-tewas

Risk Management and Insurance Overview

  • Fire insurance
  • Marine Hull Insurance
  • Indemnity protection insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Liability Insurance
  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • Machinery Breakdown Insurance


Fire at Manggis Market Scorches 8 Houses, 41 People Evacuate

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – A crowded settlement on Jalan Menteng Rawa Jelawe RT 010 RW 004, Pasar Manggis, Setiabudi District, South Jakarta, caught fire on Monday (27/3/2023) evening.

South Jakarta Gulkarmat picket officer Sartono said that at least eight houses were burned down in the incident. According to Sartono, the fire caused nine family cards (KK), or 41 people, to flee.

The area of ​​500 square meters caught fire allegedly from a gas stove. While Putting Out the Fire “Residents saw the fire from Mr. Mustar’s house and then spread to the surroundings. Residents then reported it to the Setiabudi Sector Fire Department,” said Sartono, quoted from TribunJakarta.com, Monday (27/3/2023).

The South Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-agency for the Setiabudi sector received a report from residents around 18.04 WIB. A total of 70 Gulkarmat officers with 16 units were deployed to extinguish the red flame. The fire was managed to be tamed until it was declared killed at around 20.19 WIB.

Source: https://megapolitan.kompas.com/read/2023/03/28/08203591/kebakaran-di-pasar-manggis-hanguskan-8-rumah-41-orang-mengungsi

Risk Management and Insurance Overview


A travel car crashed into a palm oil truck at OKU, South Sumatra, and three passengers died

KOMPAS.com- A fatal accident between a Mitsubishi Fuso L300 travel car and a truck transporting palm oil occurred in Jalan Raya Kurup Village, Lubuk Batang District, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra.

As a result, three passengers in the travel car died on the spot, and six people were seriously injured and had to undergo treatment at the hospital. The three victims who died were Ayu Brillian (18), Rani Anita bint Saiful (22), and Karmila (23), who were all registered as residents of OKU Regency.

Head of the Traffic Unit of the Resort Police (Kasat Lalu Polres) OKU AKP Dwi Kartika Astuti said the incident took place on Sunday (26/3/2023). Initially, the minibus travel car with plate number BG 1609 ZF driven by Dedi Eko (43) came from Lubuk Batang’s direction to Prabumulih city.

Meanwhile, from the opposite direction came a truck transporting palm oil driven by Radiansyah. When it was in a cornering position, the truck went off the track because it was traveling at high speed, so that the travel car carrying 12 passengers was shocked and hit the left side of the truck.

As a result, the travel car was immediately wrecked on the right side and spun after being hit. “The position of the travel car was rotated when it was hit. There were 12 passengers in the car, including the driver, three of whom died from serious injuries, six were still being treated, and two were not injured. The drivers of the two cars are also safe,” said Dwi Monday (27/3/2023).

Dwi explained that the two cars involved in the accident have now been brought to the OKU Police for investigation. Meanwhile, truck and travel drivers were also questioned for questioning. The officers also had difficulty evacuating the victims of the travel passengers because the car body squeezed some of them.

“For the victims who died yesterday, their bodies have been handed over to the family for burial,” he said. From the results of the investigation, the cause of the accident was suspected to be the driver of the truck transporting palm oil that had lost control. As a result, the car went off the track and was hit directly by the traveling driver. “For now, we are still examining the driver,” said Dwi.

Source : https://regional.kompas.com/read/2023/03/27/141045778/mobil-travel-tabrak-truk-sawit-di-oku-sumsel-3-penumpang-tewas?page=all#page2

Risk Management and Insurance Overview

  • Fire insurance
  • All Risk property insurance
  • Asuransi Third Party Liability
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Motor vehicle insurance


Mount Anak Krakatau Erupts, Eruption Reaches 800 Meters

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia — Mount Anak Krakatau erupted on Tuesday (28/3) morning at around 04.12 WIB.

The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) noted that the height of the eruption column reached 800 meters above the peak.

“There was an eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 04:12 WIB,” wrote the PVMBG Twitter account.

In its report, PVMBG said the eruption was recorded on a seismograph with a maximum amplitude of 60 mm and a duration of 145 seconds.

“The ash column was observed to be gray with a thick intensity to the northeast,” he explained.

The public is asked not to approach Mount Anak Krakatau or does activities within a 5 km radius of the active crater.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20230328061023-20-930094/gunung-anak-krakatau-erupsi-letusan-capai-800-meter

Risk Management and Insurance Overview

  • Earthquake insurance / natural disaster insurance
  • All risk property insurance
  • Agricultural insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Life insurance


Overflowing Rokan Kanan River, BPBD Evacuates Rokan Hulu Residents

JAKARTA – As many as four areas in Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau, were flooded on Tuesday (21/3). The floods occurred after overflowing the Rokan Kanan River’s water into residential areas.

The affected areas refer to the BNPB Operations Control Center (Pusdalops) report on Tuesday (21/3) at 19.30 WIB. These include Babussalam Village, Pematang Berangan Village, Koto Tinggi Village, and Pasir Pengairan Village, which are in the Rambah District area and were affected by the floods.

Preliminary data that was successfully collected, 999 heads of families and 999 units of residents’ houses were flooded with a water level between 70 to 150 centimeters. In addition, two religious facilities and several road segments were also submerged.

The Rokan Hulu Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and a joint team headed straight to the location to collect data and handle and evacuate the affected victims. Several rubber boats were deployed to facilitate the movement of the people.

Based on the BMKG weather forecast, the Rokan Hulu area on Wednesday (22/3) will experience cloudy, sunny weather to light rain. Meanwhile, Thursday (23/3), there will be moderate to heavy-intensity rain.

Responding to the potential for heavy rains in the area, BNPB appealed to local governments to take preparedness measures, such as strengthening embankments using sandbags around watersheds to reduce overflows of water discharge.

Then people who live along the river to form a village-level disaster management team, and monitor weather information and actual river water discharge to reduce potential risks when a flood occurs.

Source : https://bnpb.go.id/berita/sungai-rokan-kanan-meluap-bpbd-evakuasi-warga-rokan-hulu 

Risk Management and Insurance Overview

  • Earthquake insurance / natural disaster insurance
  • All risk property insurance
  • Motor vehicle insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Life insurance


Three consecutive ship accidents in the Mentawai, six survivors – 9 missing

Mentawai – Mentawai National Search and Rescue Agency reported three ship accidents in the area due to bad weather that hit in the last two days. To this day, the team is still looking for nine people, including a Spanish foreign national named Laura (32 years)

“There were three incidents (accidents) on the ship. In total, there were 15 passengers. We are still looking for nine more people because the six have been evacuated safely,” said the Head of the Mentawai SAR Office, Akmal, when confirmed by detikSumut, Saturday (25 /3/2023).

According to Akmal, the three accidents were experienced by fishing boats and cargo ships.

The first accident was experienced by a cargo ship going to Pei-pei with 7 passengers on board. However, between the islands of Sipora and Siberut Island, namely in the Bunga Laut Strait, the boat was hit by a storm and tossed around. The incident was reported to the Sar Mentawai Office on Friday (24/03/2023) at 16.30 WIB.

“After searching until Friday night, three of the seven crew members of the ship were found by joint SAR officers in a tossed state in the middle of the sea. The other four have yet to be found,” explained Akmal.

Those being sought are Inpa (22), Jandi (23), Delfira (20), and Andira (21), who are all male.

“While the joint team was still looking for passengers on the cargo ship, another report came in that a fishing boat also sank at 7 to 15 minutes. The fishing boat from Tuapejat was looking for fish in the Sipora Islands. However, when it was about to return, the ship sank in the waters of Berimanua. Luckily all three survived even though they were found drifting in the middle of the ocean,” explained Akmal.

Meanwhile, the third ship accident was experienced by a fishing boat with a crew of five people. Based on the report received Friday night at 21.30 WIB, the ship lost contact between Sipora Island and Siberut, Sipora Utara District, Mentawai, since 7 pm.

The ship reported to have lost contact departed from Tuapejat to Malilimok Pulau Shadow with five passengers on board. However, until 19.00 WIB, it had not arrived at its destination and the ship contacted was not connected anymore.

The five passengers on the Longboat type ship with the ‘Shadow Mentawai’ hull brand which has a length of 10 meters are Rahmat (36), Ade (32), Ario (21), Aria (21) and a Spanish citizen named Laura (32).

Since the incident until now, sea conditions in the Mentawai are still very high. Sea waves reach a height of more than three meters with wind speeds of between 2 and 15 knots.

Source : https://www.detik.com/sumut/berita/d-6637843/3-kecelakaan-kapal-beruntun-di-mentawai-6-selamat-9-hilang

Risk Management and Insurance Overview

  • Earthquake insurance / natural disaster insurance
  • All risk property insurance
  • Motor vehicle insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Life insurance


The articulated truck overturned on the Solo-Yogyakarta road in the Klaten area, allegedly, the driver was sleepy.

Klaten, tvOnenews.com – An articulated truck overturned on Jalan Raya Solo-Yogyakarta, precisely in the Karang Village area, Delanggu District, Klaten Regency, Central Java, Wednesday (22/3/2023).

As a result of this accident, the entire load of the truck in the form of drinks in the first tub spilled over. Meanwhile, the second tub is still safe not topple over.

Information gathered, the truck with police number AG 9218 US driven by Prasetyo Nugroho (26), a resident of Tulungagung, East Java, was driving from Solo to Yogyakarta.

Before the incident, the truck suddenly turned to the left, swerved, and rolled over in the first bed, causing the drink to spill. At the same time, the second tub is still safe.

Head of Pam Pos 03 Sat Then Klaten Police, Aipda Eko Setyo Haryono, said this accident occurred around 04.00 – 05.00 WIB. The accident is believed to have been caused by a drowsy driver.

“There were no casualties, only material damage. Then the truck was evacuated using a crane,” he said. The truck driver, Prasetyo Nugroho, said he was alone at the time of the incident. The truck came from Pasuruan, East Java, and was going to Yogyakarta.

“I was alone. My position was like a sleeping person. Suddenly the truck collapsed,” he said.

Source: https://www.tvonenews.com/daerah/jateng/109182-truk-gandeng-terguling-di-jalan-solo-yogyakarta-wilayah-klaten-diduga-sopir-mengantuk?page=2 

Risk Management and Insurance Overview

  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Heavy equipment insurance
  • Asuransi Third Party Liability
  • Vehicle Insurance

This information is presented by L&G Insurance BrokerThe Smart Insurance Broker.


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