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7 Selections of 2023 Fatal Accident News in Indonesia – 4th Week of September

Liga Asuransi – Hello risk takers, in the fourth week of September 2023, we are again collecting some news regarding accidents in Indonesia, which deserves attention for all of us to be more aware that risks can happen anywhere, anytime, and can happen to anyone. We cannot predict when and where an accident will occur or happen to anyone. But we can minimize the consequences of accidents by always prioritizing safety aspects. While safety is our top priority, we all must stay alert and take the proper precautions. In this article, we’ve compiled 7 accident news stories that will provide insight and a deeper understanding of how important safety is in everyday life.

Always be vigilant and protect yourself and those closest to you. Together, we can create a safer environment and reduce the risk of accidents. Enjoy reading, and I hope these articles provide valuable benefits and understanding in keeping us all safe.

Chronology of Deadly Accident at Bawen Toll Exit Revealed: Brakes Failed on Truck, 4 Died and Dozens of People Injured

The police revealed the complete sequence of events related to the fatal accident at the Bawen Toll Exit, Semarang, Central Java, on Sunday (24/9/2023). The tragic incident at the Bawen Toll Exit left four people dead and dozens of others injured.

The head of the Semarang Police Traffic Unit, AKP Himawan, provided a detailed explanation of the chronology of the accident after his team investigated the scene.

According to AKP Himawan, the accident occurred when a truck traveled from Semarang to Salatiga. The truck driver is known to have reduced his speed to avoid a possible accident.

“Initially, the driver downshifted from fourth gear to second gear, but he had difficulty and tried to brake, too. However, the driver reported that the brake system was not functioning properly,” said AKP Himawan to on Monday (25/9 /2023).

This driver’s confession was strengthened by expert testimony, who concluded that the brake system was not operating correctly, so the truck hit several vehicles in front of it.

“There were six cars and nine motorbikes in front of the truck. One of the victims who died was a motorbike passenger affected by a rear-end collision,” he added.

The head of the Semarang Regency Transportation Service, Tri Martono, revealed that a physical examination of the truck confirmed that the brake system was not functioning.

“A lack of oil causes this. The hoses and tubes do not have enough air or gas pressure,” said Tri.

Tri also noted that these two factors cause the brake system not to function properly or what is usually called a “failure.” Apart from that, from examining the data, it was discovered that the truck had never undergone a fitness inspection since 2015.

Semarang Police Chief, AKBP Achmad Oka Mahendra, revealed that the police had secured several vehicles in the fatal accident at the Bawen Toll Exit. Meanwhile, the truck driver, Agus Riyanto (44) from Pacitan, East Java, has been named a suspect. Currently, the suspect is being held at the Semarang Police Detention Center.

The suspect was charged under Article 310 paragraph (4) of the Road Traffic Law, with the threat of a prison sentence of 6 years and/or a maximum fine of IDR 12 million.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Life insurance
  4. Third-Party Insurance
  5. General Liability Insurance


Severe Fire Burns 7 Residents’ Houses, 38 People Displaced

On the morning of Tuesday (26/9/2023), a fire broke out in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, involving seven residents’ houses in a densely populated residential area. The fire is thought to have been caused by an electrical short circuit. Although this tragic incident did not result in any casualties, the large fire caused panic among residents.

This devastating fire incident occurred in ​​Jalan RE Martadinata, Gang Mawar, and Jalan Siti Aisyah, Teluk Lerong Ilir Village, Samarinda Ulu District, at around 03.40 WITA. As the fire grew more prominent, residents tried to save their property from the threat of fire, which caused the situation to become very panicky. The situation was worsened by strong winds and building materials made of wood, which accelerated the spread of the fire.

Efforts to handle the fire involved dozens of Samarinda City Fire Department officers, with volunteers’ assistance. They worked hard to control the fire and deployed eight fire trucks to prevent it from spreading to other houses.

Head of the Samarinda Fire Department, Hendra, explained that residents first reported the fire at around 03.40 WITA. The fire quickly spread and burned at least seven residents’ houses, while one other place suffered minor damage due to this incident.

Hendra said, “This fire occurred at around 03.40 WITA on Jalan Siti Aisyah, burning at least seven residents’ houses and destroying another house.”

He also revealed that handling fires in this densely populated residential area was difficult because the road leading to the location was very narrow.

“Conditions are tough because of the narrow road access, and Siti Aisyah Road can only be passed by a small fire tank,” added Hendra.

Based on temporary data from the Samarinda Fire Department, seven residents’ houses were affected by the fire, consisting of two houses in RT 03 and five in RT 05. Although there were no fatalities in this incident, nine families, with 38 family members, were forced to lose their place. live them.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Property Insurance
  3. Third-Party Liability Insurance

Tragedy of PT Sumber Cahaya Agung (SCA) Weaving Factory Employees Exposed to Hot Steam from a Boiler Machine, 1 Person Died, 2 Others Severely Burned

A worker at the PT Sumber Cahaya Agung (SCA) Jetis weaving factory, Karanganyar Regency, who experienced an incident of being exposed to hot steam from a boiler machine while working, 30-year-old Ari Widodo, finally breathed his last breath at RSUD dr. Moewardi Solo on Friday (22/9/2023) at 05.00 WIB after undergoing intensive treatment. The victim suffered severe burns of up to 80 percent due to the incident when he turned on the boiler machine at the weaving factory where he worked on Thursday (14/9/2023) evening.

This sad news was conveyed by a fellow victim, NR, who received information about Ari’s death in the morning. After Friday prayers, the family will hold a funeral at the local village cemetery.

NR felt lost at the passing of his friend and described him as a good person and always ready to help his friends.

Previously, three employees of the PT Sumber Cahaya Agung weaving factory in Jetis, Karanganyar Regency, suffered burns due to trying to put medicine into the boiler machine. In contrast, the machine was still hot on Thursday (14/9/2023) evening. Two suffered severe burns, while one sustained injuries to his legs. They were immediately rushed to Dr. Moewardi to get medical treatment.

The chronology of this work accident began when the three victims, including Ari Widodo, tried to put medicine into a steam engine on Thursday at around 18.00 WIB. Despite being warned by colleagues not to do so because the engine was still hot, they continued with the action. As a result, hot steam exploded and caused severe burns to the three employees.

The sound of the explosion and the screams of the victims made other employees at the factory run out to provide first aid by spraying water. However, the burns suffered by the three victims were quite severe, so they were immediately rushed to hospital.

The three victims are Ari (28 years), a resident of Palur; Andi (28 years), a resident of Malanggaten; and Agus (30 years), a resident of Kaling. Ari and Andi suffered severe burns all over their bodies, while Agus only sustained injuries to his legs.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Life insurance
  4. Liability Insurance
  5. Legal Protection Insurance


The crossing bridge collapses when hit by a sand pontoon boat. Residents are forced to use ketek boats to cross and carry out activities

The bridge connecting Red Mata Village in Hamlet 3 and Hamlet 4, Banyu Asin 1 District, Banyu Asin Regency, South Sumatra, suffered severe damage on Saturday night (23/9/2023). The damage to this bridge was caused by a collision with one of the pontoon boats passing on the river.

The damage to the bridge occurred right in the middle and was about 8 meters long. When checked by the media, the damaged part was still near its original location. Residents revealed that this incident occurred at night, around 21.00 WIB on the same date.

Due to this damage, this bridge cannot be used by motorists and is currently being monitored by residents. The head of Hamlet IV, Tasmidi, explained that this bridge collapsed two days ago, precisely on Saturday (23/9/2023) at around 21.00 WIB. The accident occurred when the bridge was grazed by the pontoon of a sandboard that was not carrying any cargo. At the time of the incident, there was no activity around the bridge involving people.

Damage to this bridge means that residents are threatened with isolation. The local government hopes that the government will soon rebuild this bridge, and they will submit a proposal regarding this matter. The bridge has been used since 2008 and is 80 meters long and 2.5 meters wide. Before the damage occurred, this bridge was used by residents for various activities, including motorbike riders, some of whom paid and some who did not, as well as students who could cross it for free. After the bridge collapsed, residents used ketek boats to travel.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Public Liability Insurance
  2. Construction Insurance
  3. Business Loss Insurance
  4. Bridge Insurance


Police Arrest Perpetrator of Theft at a Hotel Which Resulted in Losses of Hundreds of Millions for the Victims

The South Sulawesi Regional Police’s Resmob Team arrested the perpetrator of weighted theft (Curat), who often acts in various areas, including Palopo City, North Toraja Regency, and Parepare City. The perpetrator, Boby Donal Runtukahu (41), a Southeast Minahasa, North Sulawesi resident, was arrested at a hotel in Manado City on Sunday (24/9/2023).

When he was about to be arrested, the perpetrator tried to escape by jumping from the hotel room window. Even though police officers fired warning shots, the perpetrator attempted to escape. Finally, the perpetrator was shot in the left thigh and rushed to hospital for medical treatment.

The perpetrator was involved in several cases of aggravated theft in South Sulawesi, with four police reports against him. One of the cases occurred on April 16, 2023, in Palopo City, where the perpetrator robbed 100 kg of Vanilla Rempa. On July 28, 2023, the perpetrator also committed a theft in Parepare, stealing cigarettes and a large amount of cash.

The perpetrator was also involved in a robbery while on holiday in North Toraja, stealing items from a house. On August 18, 2023, he robbed a shop in Palopo City, stealing cloves and a swallow’s nest.

During interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that he acted with four colleagues, still being chased by the police. They have different roles in the robbery, with the perpetrator as the executor. The stolen proceeds were used to buy cars and cell phones.

This perpetrator is a recidivist with a history of stealing 15 kg of gold in Minahasa Regency. In August 2022, he has just served his sentence at Tandano Prison.

The Palopo Police Headquarters has secured the perpetrator and the evidence for further legal proceedings while the police are still chasing his four colleagues.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Valuables Insurance
  2. Business Insurance
  3. Vehicle Insurance
  4. Property Insurance
  5. Third-Party Insurance


The cracker factory burned down badly, causing a loss of IDR 100 million

In the early hours of Tuesday (25/9/2023), a fire broke out at a cracker manufacturing factory located in Tawanganom Village, Magetan District, Magetan Regency. This fire caused severe damage to the cracker-making machine and the entire factory building. The estimated loss due to this incident reached IDR 100 million.

This incident started when residents around the factory, which belonged to 73-year-old Salimin, saw the fire growing at the back of the factory. It is suspected that the steam boiler at the back of the factory exploded, and the fire quickly spread throughout the factory building.

Salimin, as the factory owner, immediately asked for help from the Magetan fire brigade (Damkar) to assist in the extinguishing process. Firefighters responded by deploying four fire engines. The extinguishing process took approximately 2.5 hours, including wetting the area.

Head of Public Relations for Magetan Police, AKP Budi Kuncahyo, explained that his party immediately responded to reports from residents and went to the scene of the incident. The police participated in the extinguishing process and conducted investigations at the location after the fire was extinguished.

The most likely cause of this fire was a fire that was still smoldering in the steam boiler engine, which then spread and increased due to the influence of the wind. As a result of this incident, the factory and cracker-making machines were destroyed by fire, although no fatalities or injuries were reported. However, material losses are estimated at around IDR 100 million.

Kuncahyo also reminded the community always to be careful and alert to the use of equipment that can potentially cause fire after use.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Property Insurance
  3. Property Insurance


The Samudra Sakti III Cargo Ship was Burnt in the Middle of the Lampung Sea

The 26 Samudera Sakti III Cargo Ship crew, which experienced a fire in Lampung waters, were successfully evacuated safely. One of the crew members suffered minor burns and had to undergo medical treatment.

According to the Head of Lampung Basarnas, Deden Ridwansyah, one crew member who suffered light burns was Slamet Jumari.

“Of the 26 crew members of the Samudera Sakti III Cargo Ship, all were successfully evacuated safely. Only one of them, namely Slamet Jumari (3RD Engineer), suffered minor burns,” he said in his statement on Monday (25/9/2023).

Meanwhile, the Director of the Lampung Police Ditpolair, Kombes Sis Mulyono, stated that the cause of the fire was still under investigation.

“We are continuing to investigate this incident and collect information from various parties,” he said when asked for confirmation by detikSumbagsel.

The fire incident on the Samudera Sakti III Cargo Ship in Tarahan waters, South Lampung, occurred on Sunday (24/9/2023), at around 09.00 WIB. To extinguish the fire, three fire boats were involved, namely TB. Alpine Marine 20, TB. Aria Citra VIII, and TB. AJ 1.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Cargo Insurance
  2. Marine Hull Insurance
  3. Fire insurance
  4. Personal Accident Insurance
  5. Health Insurance

This article is brought to you by L&G Insurance Broker.


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