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Deadly Accident in Malang-Surabaya: Truck Carrying Excavator Kills 7 People: And 7 Latest Incidents in Indonesia That Are Shocking

Liga Asuransi – Accidents and incidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone without exception. Whether on the road, at work or at home, risks always lurk at every step we take. In an instant, a previously safe situation can turn into an unexpected disaster. Therefore, it is very important for us to understand how important insurance protection is in everyday life. By having insurance, we can reduce the impact of losses and ensure that we and our loved ones have protection when unexpected events occur.

Through this article, we want to remind readers of the importance of risk awareness and insurance protection, as well as share various news and real stories about accidents and incidents that can be valuable lessons for all of us.

Krian Market Devoured by Red Roc: 530 Stalls Scorched, Billions in Losses!

A devastating fire has rocked Sidoarjo Regency again! This time, the Krian Market in Krian Village, Krian District, was devoured by a red rooster in the early hours of the morning, Tuesday (20/8/2024). Around 530 stalls operating on the 1st and 2nd floors of the market burned down, leaving the traders in deep sorrow.

This terrible incident started at around 04.00 WIB when the fire first emerged from a grocery stall under the back stairs of the market. In an instant, the fire spread like a strong wind, consuming the stalls, most of which sold flammable goods such as clothes and household items.

“At that time, the fire spread quickly, especially because many stalls in this market sold flammable grocery equipment and clothing,” said Indra, one of the stall owners who witnessed the tragedy.

Panicking, the traders rushed to try to extinguish the fire with whatever tools they could while waiting for help from the Fire Brigade (PMK). Two fire trucks from PMK Krian immediately rushed to the location, but the fire continued to grow and overwhelmed them.

“We are still carrying out investigations to find out the exact cause of this fire,” said Krian Police Chief, Kompol Daky Dzul Qornaen, who stated that this fire caused significant material losses even though there were no casualties.

Extinguishing efforts were also strengthened with the addition of 20 fire engines from Sidoarjo BPBD Damkar, Surabaya Damkar, and Mojokerto Regency Damkar. Thanks to the hard work of the fire team, several fires south of the market were successfully extinguished, but the struggle to extinguish the remaining fire was still ongoing until this morning.

The losses caused by this fire cannot be estimated with certainty, but with the number of kiosks burned reaching hundreds, it is certain that the losses borne by traders were very large.

“At this time, our priority is to ensure the fire is completely extinguished and to carry out further investigations. “We will also coordinate with related agencies to help affected traders,” added Police Commissioner Daky.

The Krian community can now only hope that this fire will be the last and will be a valuable lesson for all parties. For traders, this is a major blow that forces them to start all over again.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Property Insurance
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Personal Accident Insurance


Hot Dust at Morowali Nickel Factory Kills Foreign Worker, Burns 90%

A tragic work accident occurred again at the nickel ore processing factory in Morowali. This time, the incident happened to PT. Indonesia Huabao Industrial Park (PT. IHIP), which is also known as PT. Baoshuo Industrial Park Investment Group (PT. BTIIG). On 17 August 2024, two workers, including a foreign worker (TKA), fell victim to hot calcine dust coming from the dump, resulting in serious burns.

The first victim, Sakkaria (32), a welder employee from Topogaro, suffered burns on his left and right legs and thighs. Sakkaria was immediately rushed to the Wosu Community Health Center to receive intensive care. However, the condition was more serious for Shi Xiamian, a worker from Henan, China, who suffered burns on 80-90 percent of his body. Shi Xiamian, employee of PT. Shanghai Jinzhe, was initially treated at Bungku Regional Hospital and was planned to be referred to SOS Medika Hospital, Jakarta. However, tragically, Shi Xiamian died due to the severe burns he suffered.

Shi Xiamian’s death was confirmed by Huabao Indonesia’s External Manager, Cipto Rustianto, who expressed his deep condolences to the victim’s family. “We express our deepest condolences to the employees who died and the families of the victims for the disaster that occurred,” said Hasrul, Public Relations of PT IHIP/PT BTIG, in his official statement on Monday (19/08/2024).

According to information gathered, the accident occurred at around 13.50 WITA, when Shi Xiamian and Sakkaria were measuring HBIM poles in the KILEN area. While they were waiting for the loader vehicle to withdraw, Sakkaria felt excessive heat at the location and immediately shifted. However, Shi Xiamian remained where he was until finally the hot calcine dust from the exhaust exploded, covering his body. Sakkaria managed to save himself by running to Furnace 8, but an unfortunate fate befell Shi Xiamian who was hit by the hot dust.

The company immediately evacuated the two victims and provided first aid at the PT Clinic. IHIP. However, despite rescue efforts, Shi Xiamian’s life could not be saved.

Morowali Police Chief, AKBP Suprianto S.I.K., M.H, has confirmed the incident and stated that a Satreskrim team has been dispatched to carry out crime scene investigation and collect further information regarding this incident. “Earlier I received an initial report, currently temporary members are heading to the crime scene to process the crime scene and examine witnesses,” said Morowali Police Chief on Sunday (18/08/2024).

This accident once again reminds us of the dangers that lurk in the industrial sector, especially in work environments involving hazardous materials such as in nickel processing plants. This incident is a valuable lesson in the importance of work safety and adequate protection for workers, both local and foreign.


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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Employee Health Insurance
  3. Life insurance 
  4. Liability Insurance
  5. Machinery Breakdown Insurance


Two Cleaning Service Employees Arrested, Suspected of Stealing Dozens of Fiber Modems from PT. Telkom

The Gorontalo City Police Criminal Investigation Unit’s Rajawali Team has just arrested two perpetrators who are suspected of being involved in the theft of dozens of Home Fiber modems/ONTs belonging to PT. Telkom Access. The arrests took place on Monday, August 19 2024, after the perpetrators acted on August 15 and 16 2024.

Gorontalo City Police Chief, Kombespol Ade Permana, through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner Leonardo Widharta, revealed that the two perpetrators were cleaning service employees at PT. Telkom. The first perpetrator, with the initials MK (29), is a resident of Dumbo Raya District, Gorontalo City, while the second perpetrator, BU (38), comes from Telaga District, Gorontalo Regency.

After receiving a loss report from PT. Telkom, the Rajawali Team immediately carried out an investigation. As a result, the police succeeded in identifying MK as the main perpetrator, who was allegedly assisted by BU. The stolen modems were sold by the two perpetrators for between IDR 145,000 and IDR 150,000 per unit.

After carrying out intensive interrogation of the two perpetrators, the Rajawali Team moved quickly to find evidence. As a result, 43 Fiber Home modem/ONT units that had been sold were successfully secured.

“Currently, we have secured the two perpetrators and their evidence at the Jatanras unit for further investigation and investigation,” said Leonardo.

This case shows that criminal acts can come from unexpected parties, even from within the company itself. The police continue to work hard to uncover this case and ensure justice for PT. Telkom.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Property Insurance
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Criminal Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance 


Computer Theft in Pantura: Gang Acts in Broad Daylight 

Computer theft is rampant in the Pantura region, with gangs of perpetrators becoming increasingly bold. Quoted from the Instagram account @jatenginfo.update, the perpetrators used cars to target computer shops in the Batang, Pekalongan, Pemalang, Tegal and Brebes areas.

Interestingly, their operating hours are not limited to the night or early morning. The perpetrator even dared to take action in the morning, around 05.30 WIB, when conditions were quite busy with residents wanting to do their activities. This shows how reckless this gang was in carrying out their actions.

Several shops that have become victims are in Batang and Pekalongan. In the CCTV footage that was captured, it is clear how the perpetrators tried to break through the padlock locking the shop door calmly, witnessed by their colleagues. Once successful, they quickly put the stolen computer into the car.

This incident is of serious concern, and the public is advised to be more alert to the increasingly widespread theft. Will computer shops in the Pantura region further improve their security after this incident? Only time will tell.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Property Insurance 
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Criminal Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance
  5. Security Maintenance Insurance (Such as CCTV)


Fatal Accident in Malang-Surabaya: Excavator Transporter Truck Kills 7 People 

The deadly accident tragedy occurred on the Malang-Surabaya route, precisely in Sentul Village, Purwodadi, Pasuruan, which resulted in 7 people losing their lives. This tragic incident involved a truck carrying a speeding excavator on Sunday, December 22 2019.

According to a report from detikcom, the accident started when the truck was speeding and hit a Yamaha motorbike with plate number N-3418-TD, and a Suzuki Karimun with plate number L-1119-FE at the Sentul Village intersection. After hitting the two vehicles, the truck number S-9066-UU lost control, swerved and hit the road median before sliding into the opposite lane.

What was even more tragic was that the truck’s excavator load fell and hit two other cars, namely the Daihatsu Ayla with plate number N-1702-WY and the Daihatsu Sigra with plate number W-1031-TF. As a result of this accident, five passengers from the car, one driver of the truck, and one motorbike rider died at the scene.

Pasuruan Police Chief, AKBP Rofiq Rifto Himawan, confirmed that all the victims, both dead and injured, had been rushed to hospital. During the investigation, the truck driver, Slamet Zuhdi (48), was named a suspect because he was driving a vehicle without a driving license (SIM).

“We have identified the driver as a suspect based on witness statements and strong clues at the scene,” said the Police Chief. According to him, the driver was not only negligent, but also drove the truck without a valid permit, which was the main cause of this fatal accident.

The driver was charged under Article 310 paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of Law no. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. This tragedy is a reminder of the importance of driving safety and obeying traffic rules to avoid similar incidents in the future.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Asuransi Heavy Equipment (Heavy Equipment) 
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Life insurance
  5. Health Insurance
  6. Cargo Insurance

Horrible Accident in Ngawi, Light Steel Truck Hits Minibus Containing Students

A truck loaded with light steel was involved in a tragic accident involving a minibus carrying students on Jalan Raya Ngawi-Caruban, precisely in Cangakan Village, Kasreman District, Ngawi Regency, on Tuesday (20/8/2024). This incident was recorded on a CCTV camera and is thought to have been caused by the truck driver being sleepy.

In CCTV footage, the minibus carrying students can be seen pulling over to drop off passengers. However, from behind, the truck was traveling at high speed without braking, directly hitting the back of the minibus and getting stuck in the fence of a resident’s house. This incident disrupted traffic flow in the area.

As a result of this incident, a student and the minibus driver suffered injuries and were immediately rushed to the Padas Health Center, before being referred to Widodo Ngawi Hospital for further treatment. Meanwhile, the truck driver, Deni Wibowo (46) from Surabaya, survived this accident.

Deni said, “Sleepy, suddenly I fell asleep for a moment at that time. “This is a load of light steel from Surabaya going to Solo.”

Head of the Ngawi Police Traffic Unit Gakkum, Iptu Parsidi, confirmed that this accident occurred due to the truck driver’s negligence. “The minibus pulled over to unload passengers, when it was suddenly rear-ended by a truck. “The initial examination results show that the truck driver was asleep,” explained Inspector Parsidi.

The police immediately deployed a tow truck to evacuate the damaged minibus, while the light steel truck and its driver were taken to the Ngawi Police Traffic Police Gakkum Unit office for further inspection.

Inspector Parsidi appealed to the public to always be alert when driving, especially for drivers of large vehicles to get enough rest. “There are several rest locations on Jalan Raya Ngawi-Caruban, especially in the gas station area,” he added, mentioning three gas stations along the road: Karangjati gas station, Sambiroto gas station and Kedungprahu gas station.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Cargo Insurance
  3. Insurance Public Liability
  4. Personal Accident Insurance
  5. Health Insurance


Disaster on the Kahayan River, Four Boat Passengers Disappeared in the Current

A terrible water accident occurred on the Kahayan River, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan, on Thursday (15/8) at around 17.15 WIB, when a small boat capsized with six passengers on board. Tragically, four passengers were reported missing and have not been found.

Head of the Palangka Raya Search and Rescue Office, AA Ketut Alit Supartana, confirmed that his party had sent a search team to help look for the missing victims. “We have dispatched a search and rescue unit (SRU) team from the Palangka Raya Search and Rescue Office at around 22.50 WIB,” explained Alit Supartana, on Friday (16/8/2024).

According to the explanation, this unfortunate incident occurred when the boat carrying six people to the jetty port suddenly capsized. Of the six passengers, two managed to save themselves by swimming to shore, while the other four were swept away by the current and lost.

The four missing passengers were Anwar Sidiq Purnomo, Agung, Ahmad Mustofo, and Rori Tri Amirudin. “The company and local residents have carried out a search, but have not found them. Therefore, they reported to the authorities to ask for help,” added Alit Supartana.

Until this news was published, the Joint SAR Team consisting of the Palangka Raya Search and Rescue Office, Pulang Pisau Police, Pulang Pisau Koramil, Maliku Police, Pulang Pisau BPBD, PT Menteng Kencana Mas, Gerdayak, and local residents were still trying to find the four victims. is lost. This incident reminds us of the importance of safety when doing activities in waters.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Life insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance

This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


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