Industri CPO

Ipoc 2023: Discussing The Future Of Palm Oil Amid Global Uncertainty

Liga Asuransi – Dear risk takers, how are you? I hope your business is doing well. 

On the 1st and 2nd of November in 2023, I had an opportunity to attend the Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2023 held at The Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali, Indonesia. This was my first time entering the Palm Oil industry. 

I am very impressed with the development of this industry. CPO is a very important source of vegetable food and besides that, CPO is also a source of energy (renewable) energy ranging from biofuels and bio avtur and derivatives.

The following are my notes taken from the conference. I hope you enjoy it please share to your friends so they can understand as much as you do. 

The Indonesian Palm Oil Entrepreneurs Association (GAPKI) held the Indonesian Palm Oil Conference (IPOC) 2023, the world’s largest palm oil industry conference. The event took place from November 1 to 3, 2023, at the Bali International Convention Center, The Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali, under the theme “Enhancing Resiliency Amid Market Uncertainty.”

Eddy Martono, the Chairman of GAPKI, explained the reason for choosing this theme during the opening of IPOC 2023. He observed the ongoing dynamics of the global economy, marked by uncertainties such as economic slowdown, high inflation, and central bank policies worldwide.

Moreover, the impact of the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has been a concern, especially regarding global food and energy supply. Eddy acknowledged that this war had affected farmers and the supply of grains.

Not only that, the resilience of Indonesia’s palm oil industry also faces challenges from European Union regulations promoting the consumption of “deforestation-free” products. This has the potential to affect production costs and the position of small-scale farmers in the supply chain.

IPOC 2023 features several discussion sessions covering topics such as domestic policies, the resilience of the palm oil industry, prospects and challenges in the CPO market, bioavtur research, and the B35 program in biodiesel. Other sessions address the global perspective on crude palm oil, EUDR regulations, and their implications. Furthermore, the third session includes insights from regional markets such as India, China, Pakistan, Eurasia, and the United States.

Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) also emphasized the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in advancing Indonesia’s palm oil industry. IPOC 2023 serves as a platform for discussing and collaborating in the current global uncertainty, with the hope that Indonesia’s palm oil industry remains sustainable and has a positive impact on economic growth, job creation, and the welfare of palm oil farmers.



The Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry stands at a crossroads in Indonesia, the world’s largest producer of this versatile vegetable oil. With one eye on the present challenges and another on the ever-evolving global landscape, the industry is poised for a transformative journey. 

The Indonesian CPO industry has a rich history dating back to the early 20th century when the Dutch introduced oil palm to the archipelago. However, it was in the 1970s and 1980s that the industry began to flourish, primarily driven by government initiatives to promote palm oil cultivation as an economic development strategy. Today, Indonesia stands as the world’s largest producer of palm oil, with an industry that has seen rapid expansion over the past few decades.

Production Capacity:

Indonesia’s CPO industry has experienced remarkable growth in terms of production capacity. In early 2022, Indonesia produced over 50 million metric tons of crude palm oil annually, making it the global leader in palm oil production. The country’s vast land resources and suitable climate have allowed it to expand its palm oil plantations significantly.

Economic Contribution:

The CPO industry is a cornerstone of the Indonesian economy, contributing significantly to both national and local economies. It provides livelihoods to millions of people, from smallholder farmers to plantation workers and downstream industries. The sector has been instrumental in poverty reduction and rural development, particularly in regions where palm oil cultivation is prevalent.

The industry’s economic contribution extends to exports, as CPO is one of Indonesia’s major export commodities. It generates substantial foreign exchange earnings and contributes to the country’s trade balance. The palm oil sector also plays a vital role in supporting the government’s economic development goals.

Importance for Indonesia:

The CPO industry is of paramount importance to Indonesia for several reasons:

Employment: It provides employment opportunities to a large number of people, helping to reduce unemployment and improve the livelihoods of rural communities.

Economic Growth: The industry is a significant driver of economic growth, contributing to Indonesia’s GDP through exports, taxes, and investments.

Foreign Exchange Earnings: CPO exports are a vital source of foreign exchange earnings, supporting Indonesia’s international trade.

Poverty Alleviation: The industry has played a key role in reducing poverty in regions where palm oil is a major crop, improving living standards for many families.

Industrial Development: The CPO sector has stimulated the growth of downstream industries, including refineries, oleochemicals, and biodiesel production, which add value to the palm oil supply chain.

Importance for Global Consumption:

Crude palm oil is a versatile and widely used vegetable oil in the global market. Its significance lies in its applications, which encompass a wide range of industries, including food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels. Here’s why CPO is crucial for global consumption:

Versatility: CPO is an essential ingredient in numerous consumer products, from cooking oils and processed foods to personal care and household products.

Affordability: Palm oil is often more affordable than alternative vegetable oils, making it accessible to consumers across the world.

Biodiesel: As a feedstock for biodiesel production, CPO contributes to the growing demand for renewable energy sources.

Sustainability: The sustainable production of CPO is of global concern, as it impacts deforestation, biodiversity, and climate change. Sustainable practices in the Indonesian CPO industry are critical for addressing these global challenges.



The European Union (EU) has been actively addressing concerns related to deforestation and its impact on global supply chains, including palm oil production. In this context, the EU has introduced regulations aimed at promoting the consumption of “deforestation-free” products, and these regulations are known as the European Union Delegated Regulation (EUDR).

The main objective of the EUDR is to ensure that the products imported and consumed in the EU market are not associated with deforestation, particularly in regions where deforestation poses a significant threat to biodiversity and the environment. These regulations target commodities such as palm oil, soy, beef, and others, as these are often linked to deforestation activities in countries outside the EU.

Key points about the European Union Delegated Regulation (EUDR) include:

Due Diligence Requirements: The EUDR imposes due diligence obligations on EU companies involved in the import and trade of certain commodities. These companies are required to demonstrate that the products they import do not contribute to deforestation or other adverse environmental impacts.

Traceability and Transparency: Companies must establish and maintain traceability systems that can track the origins of the commodities they import. They must also disclose information about their supply chains, including the specific sources of the products and the practices in place to avoid deforestation.

Risk Assessment: Companies are expected to conduct risk assessments to identify and mitigate the environmental and social risks associated with their supply chains. If high-risk practices, such as illegal deforestation, are identified, companies are required to take action to avoid sourcing from such suppliers.

Sanctions: The EUDR empowers EU member states to impose sanctions and penalties on companies that fail to comply with these regulations. Sanctions can range from fines to trade restrictions, depending on the severity of non-compliance.

Consumer Awareness: The EUDR also aims to raise consumer awareness by requiring products to be labeled as “deforestation-free” if they meet the necessary criteria. This labeling helps consumers make more informed choices and encourages companies to source sustainable products.

Impact on Palm Oil: Palm oil is one of the primary targets of these regulations due to its association with deforestation, particularly in Southeast Asian countries. To comply with the EUDR, palm oil producers and suppliers must adopt sustainable and environmentally responsible practices in their production and supply chains.



Physical risks in the Crude Palm Oil (CPO) industry can encompass a range of factors that directly impact the production and supply of palm oil. These risks are often associated with the industry’s geographical location, climate, and the physical conditions of palm oil plantations. Some of the physical risks in the CPO industry include:

Extreme Weather Events:

Droughts: Prolonged periods of drought can stress palm trees and reduce their fruit yields. Extended dry spells can also increase the risk of forest fires, which can damage plantations.

Floods: Excessive rainfall and flooding can inundate palm oil plantations, leading to waterlogged roots, damaged trees, and reduced fruit production.

Pest and Disease Outbreaks:

Pests: Infestations of pests, such as the Rhinoceros beetle or bagworms, can damage palm trees, reducing fruit yields and the overall health of the plantation.

Diseases: Palm oil plantations are susceptible to diseases like Fusarium wilt and Ganoderma, which can lead to tree mortality and reduced productivity.

Climate Change Impact:

Erratic Rainfall Patterns: Climate change can disrupt traditional rainfall patterns, leading to irregular and unpredictable precipitation, which affects the growth and yield of palm oil trees.

Temperature Extremes: Extreme temperatures, such as heatwaves or cold snaps, can harm palm trees and reduce fruit production.

Land Degradation:

Soil Erosion: Poor land management practices can result in soil erosion, which depletes the soil’s nutrients and negatively impacts palm oil production.

Salinity: Saltwater intrusion, often associated with sea-level rise, can affect plantations in coastal areas, making the soil unsuitable for palm oil cultivation.

Fire Risks:

Forest Fires: In regions where forested areas are cleared for palm oil plantations, the risk of forest fires is significant. Uncontrolled fires can damage plantations and surrounding ecosystems.

Natural Disasters:

Earthquakes and Tsunamis: These events can disrupt plantation infrastructure and damage palm trees.

Landslides: Hilly or mountainous palm oil plantations are vulnerable to landslides during heavy rains.

Infrastructure Vulnerability:

Damage to Roads and Facilities: Physical risks can include damage to roads, mills, and other infrastructure due to natural disasters or extreme weather events. This can disrupt transportation and processing.

Supply Chain Disruptions:

Transportation and Logistics Challenges: Extreme weather events can hinder the transportation of palm fruit from plantations to mills, leading to delays and supply chain disruptions.

Wildlife Encroachment:

Damage from Wildlife: Some wildlife, such as elephants, can cause damage to palm plantations when they encroach on plantation areas in search of food.

Addressing these physical risks often requires proactive risk management strategies, such as improved land and water management practices, climate-resilient palm oil varieties, and measures to reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events. Sustainability initiatives and certification schemes like RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) aim to mitigate these risks by promoting sustainable and environmentally responsible palm oil production practices.



Insurance coverage plays a crucial role in the palm oil industry, offering financial protection and risk management solutions to various stakeholders in the sector. Here’s an elaboration of the importance of insurance coverage for the palm oil industry:

Protection Against Natural Disasters:

Palm oil plantations are susceptible to various natural disasters, including floods, droughts, fires, and landslides. Insurance coverage can provide financial protection in the event of such disasters, helping palm oil producers recover from the resulting losses.

Crop and Yield Insurance:

Crop insurance policies are essential for palm oil growers. These policies protect against yield loss due to factors like extreme weather events, pests, diseases, and other unforeseen circumstances. They ensure that growers have a safety net in place, helping them manage the financial impact of reduced yields.

Property and Infrastructure Coverage:

Palm oil plantations often have valuable infrastructure, including mills and processing facilities. Property insurance can cover the cost of repairs or replacement in case of damage from fires, natural disasters, or other unforeseen events.

Liability Insurance:

Liability insurance protects palm oil producers from legal claims, including those related to accidents, pollution, or damage caused to neighboring properties or communities. It’s a critical component for safeguarding the reputation and financial stability of plantation owners.

Transportation and Cargo Insurance:

The palm oil supply chain involves the transportation of both fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and processed oil. Insurance for cargo and transportation ensures that losses due to accidents, theft, or damage during transit are covered.

The transportation of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) involves various risks and challenges, both on land and at sea, due to the nature of the product and the complex supply chain. Here are some of the key risks associated with the transportation of CPO:

Quality and Contamination Risks:

CPO is highly sensitive to temperature changes and can solidify or become cloudy at lower temperatures. During transit, exposure to extreme temperatures can affect the quality and consistency of the oil, making it less desirable for buyers.

Storage and Handling Risks:

Improper storage and handling of CPO can lead to contamination, spoilage, and even safety hazards. Inadequate tank cleaning, improper sealing, or contact with contaminants can compromise the quality of the product.

Leakage and Spillage:

Accidental leakage or spillage of CPO during transportation can lead to environmental pollution, soil contamination, and financial losses. Proper maintenance and inspection of transport containers and vessels are critical to prevent such incidents.

Health and Safety Risks:

Transportation personnel and workers involved in loading and unloading CPO are exposed to potential health and safety risks. CPO can be slippery, and accidents may occur during handling if safety precautions are not observed.

Transportation Infrastructure Risks:

Infrastructure risks include road and port conditions, which can affect the efficiency and safety of CPO transportation. Poorly maintained roads or congested ports can lead to delays and increased risks.

Theft and Pilferage:

CPO is a valuable commodity, and there is a risk of theft or pilferage during transportation. Ensuring the security of the supply chain and implementing anti-theft measures is crucial.

Weather-Related Risks:

Weather conditions at sea can impact the transportation of CPO in bulk carriers. Storms, rough seas, and adverse weather can lead to delays, vessel damage, and cargo shifting.

Container and Packaging Risks:

The quality of containers and packaging used for CPO transportation is essential. Substandard containers or packaging may lead to leakage, contamination, and damage during transit.

Legal and Regulatory Risks:

Complying with international and local regulations governing the transportation of hazardous goods is crucial. Failure to meet these requirements can result in legal consequences and financial penalties.

Supply Chain Disruptions:

Disruptions along the supply chain, such as labor strikes, transportation strikes, or logistical challenges, can lead to delays in CPO transportation, affecting delivery schedules and market prices.

Environmental Risks:

Accidents or spills during transportation can have severe environmental consequences, leading to soil and water pollution, harm to wildlife, and potential legal liabilities.



Local insurance brokers play a crucial role in the Indonesian palm oil industry by acting as intermediaries between palm oil stakeholders and insurance providers. Their importance can be highlighted in various ways:

Understanding Local Dynamics:

Local insurance brokers are intimately familiar with the specific risks and challenges faced by the Indonesian palm oil industry. They understand the local climate, regulations, and unique conditions, enabling them to provide tailored insurance solutions that address the industry’s particular needs.

Navigating Regulatory Frameworks:

Indonesia’s insurance market has its own set of regulations and compliance requirements. Local brokers are well-versed in these regulations and can ensure that the insurance coverage they recommend complies with local laws, helping palm oil companies avoid legal issues.

Access to Local Insurance Providers:

Local brokers have established relationships with insurance providers in Indonesia. This enables them to connect palm oil companies with insurers who offer policies specifically designed for the palm oil sector.

Customized Risk Assessments:

Local brokers can conduct comprehensive risk assessments tailored to the specific circumstances of each palm oil operation. This ensures that the insurance coverage recommended is well-suited to the risks faced by the individual plantation or processing facility.

Negotiating Favorable Terms:

Local brokers can negotiate with insurers on behalf of palm oil companies to secure the most favorable terms, including coverage limits, deductibles, and premiums. They use their market knowledge to ensure companies get the best value for their insurance investments.

Claims Assistance:

In the event of a claim, local brokers can provide invaluable assistance to palm oil companies. They can help expedite the claims process and ensure that companies receive fair and timely compensation for their losses.

Risk Mitigation Strategies:

Local brokers often offer risk management services that go beyond insurance. They can advise palm oil companies on risk mitigation strategies to reduce the likelihood of incidents that could trigger insurance claims.

Continuity and Support:

Local brokers provide ongoing support and assistance throughout the insurance coverage period. They can help palm oil companies make adjustments to their policies as circumstances change or new risks emerge.

Cultural and Language Familiarity:

Local brokers can bridge cultural and language gaps, making communication with insurers and other local stakeholders more effective. This can be especially valuable when dealing with complex insurance issues.


Local brokers often have a deep understanding of the local insurance market and can identify cost-effective insurance solutions. This can help palm oil companies manage their insurance expenses while maintaining adequate coverage.

Quick Response to Local Events:

Local brokers can respond quickly to local events or crises, helping palm oil companies address immediate insurance needs in a timely manner.

In summary, local insurance brokers are instrumental in helping the Indonesian palm oil industry manage risks, obtain suitable insurance coverage, and ensure business continuity. Their local knowledge, relationships with insurers, and ability to navigate the regulatory environment make them valuable partners for palm oil stakeholders looking to protect their investments and operations.

One of the local insurance brokers in Indonesia that focuses on Crude Palm Oil industry is L&G Insurance Brokers.

This article is presented by L&G Insurance Broker. A leading local insurance broker in Indonesia.



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