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KM Twindo 288 and the Barge Agung Cendana Burned After Filling with Fuel at Muara Baru Port, Losses Reaching Billions: And 7 Latest Incidents in Indonesia That Are Shocking

Liga Asuransi – Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and happen to anyone, as you can read in the 7 accident news stories below. Whether on roads, construction projects, or in daily activities, risks are always lurking. This is why it is important for us to understand and use the right insurance coverage. Insurance not only provides financial protection, but also helps minimize the impact of unexpected events. We also include a review of related insurance which can be a protection solution for you and your business in facing situations such as those that occurred in these various cases.

A fast truck hits a minibus that was about to enter a restaurant, the victim is injured and the restaurant fence is damaged!

Traffic accidents occurred again in the Jalan Raya Puncak area, Bogor, West Java. A truck with plate number B-9418-VCD hit a Toyota Avanza B-1502-EGX minibus which was trying to enter the restaurant parking area. One person was injured as a result of this incident.

According to the Head of the Bogor Police Traffic Unit Gakkum, Ipda Ferdhyan Mulya, the incident occurred on Sunday (29/9/2024). The truck driven by SN, a resident of Cianjur, was traveling from Puncak to Jakarta. When he arrived at the scene, the truck tried to overtake the stopped bus by taking the left lane. However, unfortunately, the truck hit a minibus that was crossing towards the basecamp restaurant area.

“The truck was driving on the left side, overtaking a vehicle that had stopped, until it hit a minibus that was about to cross to the restaurant,” said Ferdhyan.

The heavy impact hit the front of the minibus driven by FJ, a resident of Depok. The truck, which did not stop after hitting the minibus, continued to accelerate until it finally hit the restaurant’s fence wall.

As a result of this incident, a minibus passenger with the initials PR, a resident of Depok, suffered injuries to his face and was immediately rushed to Hermina Ciawi Hospital for treatment. Luckily, the victim only suffered minor injuries.

Currently, the cause of the accident is still under investigation by the police.

This incident is a warning to drivers to always be careful on the road, especially in areas with heavy traffic such as Jalan Raya Puncak which is often the location of accidents.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Personal Accident Insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Health Insurance


Truck Loaded with Chicken Feed Was Hit by Train, Driver and Machinist Were Rushed to Hospital

A dramatic accident occurred in Bayeman Village, Tongas District, Probolinggo Regency, Tuesday morning (1/10/2024), involving a truck carrying animal feed and a Pandalungan train bound for Gambir – Jember. Although this violent collision caused extensive damage to the vehicles involved, fortunately there were no injuries.

Head of Traffic Unit for Probolinggo City Police, AKP Siswandi, explained that the incident started when the truck with the registration number S 8184 WK did not realize the arrival of a passing train. The truck was reckless enough to cross the tracks and was hit by a train at high speed.

“The accident occurred because the truck driver didn’t pay enough attention when the train was about to pass,” said AKP Siswandi.

As a result of this collision, the truck carrying chicken feed suffered heavy damage, while the front of the train was also damaged. The truck driver, driver and assistant driver suffered injuries and were immediately rushed to the nearest health center and hospital for further treatment.

“Luckily, there were no fatalities in this accident. However, the truck driver, driver and assistant driver suffered injuries and we immediately took them to the nearest health facility,” added Siswandi.

This incident also caused a delay in the scheduled departure of the Pandalungan train from Gambir Station to Jember. However, none of the passengers were injured in the incident.

Authorities are currently conducting further investigations to determine the exact cause of the accident. Residents are advised to always be careful, especially when crossing unguarded railway crossings.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Cargo Insurance 
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Life insurance
  5. Health Insurance


Severe Fire Destroys Fried Onion Factory, Losses Reach IDR 4.6 Billion and Neighbors’ Houses Burned

A devastating fire broke out at a fried onion factory in Cikaso Village, Kramatmulya District, Kuningan Regency, on Monday morning (30/9), burning down the entire factory building and the neighboring house next door. Even though there were no fatalities, the factory owner, Dede Solihin (50), had to suffer material losses of up to IDR 4.6 billion due to this incident.

The fire first appeared at around 07.30 WIB, when one of the workers was installing a regulator on a 12 kilogram gas cylinder to start the production process. Unexpectedly, the fire quickly spread in the factory kitchen, triggering a large fire that was difficult to control due to the lack of air ventilation and the large amount of flammable materials such as flour and cooking oil tanks.

The entire factory measuring 8×20 meters burned down, including fried onion production equipment such as drying machines, chopping machines and onion washers worth hundreds of millions of rupiah. In fact, around 2,000 bales of fried onions ready for sale were also burnt down, causing huge losses.

“This fire was very fast, the fire spread to all parts of the factory and destroyed all production equipment,” said the Head of the Kuningan Damkar UPT, Andi Arga Kusumah, at the scene.

Not only the factory, the fire also spread to Suhadi’s house (58), which is located right next to the factory. Half the roof of the house as well as the furniture in the bedroom and living room were destroyed by fire, with losses reaching IDR 118 million. Two fire engines were immediately deployed to the location, and after almost two hours of battling the fire, officers finally succeeded in extinguishing the fire at 09.45 WIB.

According to Andi, the fire was thought to have been triggered by a gas leak when workers installed a regulator on a gas cylinder. “There is a possibility of a gas leak due to imperfect installation of the regulator, which then triggered a spark and caused this large fire,” he explained.

Kramatmulya Police Chief, Inspector Adin Safrudin, stated that his party was currently investigating further the exact cause of the fire. The Kuningan Police Inafis Team has carried out the crime scene investigation and taken witness statements to confirm the incident.

“Apart from the factory that burned down, residents’ houses next to it were also affected. We have asked the village head to mediate a meeting between the factory owner and the house owner for further discussions regarding compensation,” said Inspector Adin.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. All Risks Property Insurance
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Machinery Breakdown Insurance


Worker Dies at Tangerang Flyover Project Due to Collapse of Road Barrier

A tragic work accident claimed the life of a man with the initials I while he was working on a flyover construction project in Tangerang Regency. This incident occurred at the PT Flyover Project. Sira Jasa, located on Jalan Raya Cicalengka, Kadusirung Village, Pagedangan District, Tangerang Regency, on Sunday, September 29 2024, at around 14.28 WIB.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Police Commissioner Ade Ary Syam Indradi, confirmed that the victim was the only person who died in the incident. Four eyewitnesses were also at the location when the incident occurred. “The victim is a man with the initials I,” said Ade Ary when giving a statement to the media, Tuesday, October 1 2024.

According to Ade Ary’s statement, there were four witnesses with the initials EZ, F, FU and Y who witnessed the accident. He explained the chronology of the incident, which began when the victim and two other witnesses were working on the flyover project. They were working on the wall dividing the flyover road when suddenly the barrier collapsed. The falling material hit the victim’s body, right in the back, so that the victim immediately fell and experienced severe pain.

The victim’s co-workers who were at the location immediately provided assistance and took him to the Tangerang District Hospital. Unfortunately, rescue efforts were unsuccessful, and the victim was declared dead. The next day, Monday, September 30 2024, at around 11.50 WIB, PT. Sira Jasa together with the victim’s family reported the incident to the Pagedangan Police. The official report was received at around 12.15 WIB.

Further investigations are being carried out to find out the exact details of the cause of the collapse of the road barrier on the project and to ensure work safety at the ongoing project site.

Source :  

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Business Interruption Insurance
  5. Construction Insurance 


Coal Barge Hits 3 Ships on the Musi River, One Ship Sinks Due to Storm

An incident on the Musi River, Palembang, occurred when the coal barge Surya Nawa 21 hit three jukung ships that were docked at the Pasar 16 Ilir pier on Thursday (26/9/2024). This incident occurred at around 17.00 WIB when tugboat Alfin Marine 22 was towing the barge Surya Nawa 21, assisted by tugboat KJ 03, towards the Musi 2 area. However, strong winds that suddenly came caused the ship to go off course and hit the ships that were anchored. Two ships, Pelita Berkah and Ilham Putra, suffered serious damage, while Putra Tunggal sank after being hit.

The Director of Polairud Polda South Sumatra, Police Commissioner Andreas Kusmaedi, confirmed that although material losses reached IDR 750 million, there were no casualties in this incident. Andreas also stated that the crew managed to escape without injury. The video of the incident went viral on social media, showing how the barge was dragged by strong winds and hit ships at the pier.

Currently, the tugboat captain, his assistant and the barge crew have been questioned by the South Sumatra Regional Police’s Polairud. Several witnesses and the ship owner were also questioned regarding the incident.

Source :  

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Cargo Insurance
  2. Marine Hull Insurance
  3. General Legal Liability Insurance
  4. Business Interruption Insurance


KM Twindo 288 and the Barge Agung Cendana Burned After Filling with Fuel at Muara Baru Port, Losses Reaching Billions

A large fire occurred at Muara Baru Harbor, North Jakarta, involving two ships which were burnt down on Wednesday (25/9/2024). This incident started when refueling the KM Twindo 288 ship from the barge Agung Cendana. After filling was complete and the engine was started, a spark suddenly appeared which started a large fire.

“The fire started from a spark on the KM Twindo 288 engine shortly after refueling. The fire quickly spread and consumed both ships,” said Head of the DKI Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat), Satriadi Gunawan.

Not only did the KM Twindo 288 burn down, the fire also spread to the barge Agung Cendana which was nearby. In order to prevent further spread, the barge was immediately towed by a fishing boat, but the fire still destroyed both ships.

The extinguishing process was intense with the deployment of 21 fire units and 102 personnel. Until this news was published, the fire was still in the process of being extinguished. Temporary losses are estimated at IDR 1.5 billion for KM Twindo 288 and IDR 500 million for Agung Cendana.

“We are still trying to extinguish the fire. Currently the loss is in the billions of rupiah, especially at KM Twindo 288,” added Satriadi.

In a photo circulating from the Gulkarmat Service, thick black smoke can be seen rising from the burning ship at the East Pier, Muara Baru Harbor. This tragedy shocked many parties, and further investigations will be carried out to determine the exact cause of the incident.

Source :  

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Marine Cargo Insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. Machinery Breakdown Insurance
  5. Liability Insurance


Tragic Accident in Magelang, Dump Truck Hits Cargo Truck, Driver Gets Pinned in Cabin

A tragic accident occurred on Jalan Semarang-Magelang, Magelang Regency, Central Java, on Wednesday (25/9/2024), when a dump truck hit the back of a cargo truck. This incident resulted in the dump truck driver dying after being trapped in the vehicle’s cabin.

This fatal accident occurred at the traffic light at the Secang Village/District intersection at around 02.30 WIB. According to reports, a Mitsubishi dump truck with license plate number AA 8049 BB driven by ES (29), along with his driver DW (30), was driving from Semarang to Magelang. In front of them, a Hino cargo truck with plate G 8426 OD driven by TAR from Tegal Regency was seen slowing down.

Head of the Magelang Police Traffic Unit Gakkum, Ipda Ricky S Hartono, stated that this accident was caused by the alleged dump truck driver being sleepy, so he could not control the speed of his vehicle and ended up hitting the Hino truck from behind.

ES, a dump truck driver from Srumbung District, Magelang, was declared dead at the scene due to being trapped by the cabin. Even though he was rushed to Soerojo Magelang Hospital, the injuries he suffered to his stomach were too severe to be saved. Meanwhile, kernet DW suffered abrasions on his legs and is currently receiving treatment at the same hospital.

From the photo released by the Magelang Police Traffic Unit, it appears that the front of the dump truck was badly damaged, with the window falling off the truck frame, indicating how serious this accident was.

This accident reminds us of the importance of driving safety, especially for drivers who travel long distances. Let’s be careful on the road for the safety of ourselves and others.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Cargo Insurance (Transportation of Goods)
  3. Life insurance
  4. Public Liability Insurance
  5. Health Insurance

This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


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