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7 Selections of 2023 Fatal Accident News in Indonesia – Week 1 of August 2023

Liga AsuransiHello, risk takers. Once again, we have collected some news about accidents in Indonesia, which deserve attention for all of us to be more aware that risks can happen anywhere and can happen to anyone. Accidents are unpredictable events and can happen anytime, anywhere. While safety is our top priority, we all must stay alert and take the proper precautions. In this article, we’ve compiled 7 accident news stories that will provide insight and a deeper understanding of how important safety is in everyday life.

Always be vigilant and protect yourself and those closest to you. Together, we can create a safer environment and reduce the risk of accidents. Enjoy reading, and I hope these articles provide valuable benefits and understanding in keeping us all safe.

The Toyota Innova car had an accident after crashing into a truck on the Tangerang Toll Road that goes to Jakarta, and as a result, the car suffered a severe fire.

On Monday (7/8/2023), the incident caused the Innova car driven by a driver named Waryi to catch fire after hitting the back of a truck. Luckily, the driver exited the vehicle through the glass door before his burns became severe.

Kompol Suwito from the Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road PJR (Janger) Head Office confirmed that the Innova driver survived and only suffered minor burns. The driver was rushed to Siloam Hospital for further medical treatment.

The accident occurred at kilometer 23+300 of the Janger Highway, which goes to Jakarta, at around 05.45 WIB in the morning. An Innova car with police number A-1864-ZS, driven by Waryi, was going from Merak to Jakarta. Upon arriving at the crash site, the Innova suddenly crashed into the back of the truck. It is suspected that the Innova driver was not careful in controlling his vehicle.

Suwito explained that after hitting the truck, the two vehicles touched each other and eventually hit the road divider, which caused the Innova to catch fire between lanes 1 and 2 facing east. This incident shows the need for vigilance in driving and anticipation of situations on the road.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Vehicle Insurance
  3. Life insurance
  4. Third-Party Liability Insurance


The earthquake in Sigi, Central Sulawesi, resulted in 91 houses experiencing minor damage and 11 homes experiencing heavy damage.

The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has reported that in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi), there was damage to 91 houses with light levels of wear and 11 houses with heavy damage due to the earthquake. An earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 5.3 hit Sigi on Sunday (6/8/2023).

News from the Sigi Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) stated that as many as 102 families were affected by the series of earthquakes in Sigi from morning to night. The evacuation was carried out on the football field in Lemban Tongoa Village and around residential areas.

Abdul Muhari, Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information, and Communication Center, revealed that BPBD officials were recording the damage caused by the earthquake. There were 91 houses with light wear and 11 with heavy damage in several villages in two sub-districts, namely Kamarora and Sopu Villages in Nokilalaki District and Lemban Tongoa Village in Palolo.

In addition, several public facilities were also damaged, including 2 churches and 2 educational facilities. The infrastructure for the trans-Tongoa – Lemban Tongoa road was also cut off at km 4 of Gunung Pasir.

Abdul Muhari pointed out that Lemban Tongoa Village became isolated due to these conditions. In addition, the electricity network in the affected area was reported to be out.

After this earthquake, the BPBD of Sigi Regency appealed to residents to remain vigilant against the potential for aftershocks. BPBD also continues to collect data and coordinate with village and sub-district officials whose areas have felt earthquake shocks.

Aam, the nickname for Abdul Muhari, also mentioned that the current urgent needs include family tents, baby equipment, and medicines.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Life insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Property All Risks Insurance
  4. Earthquake Insurance
  5. Vehicle Insurance


Minimarket robbery by employees in Rawalumbu, Bekasi

On Wednesday (2/8/2023), a theft occurred at a mini market on Jalan Kampung Rawa Roko RT 03/RW05, Bojong Rawalumbu Village, Rawalumbu District, Bekasi City. Surprisingly, the head of the shop, Chandra Satriyanto, planned the robbery.

Kompol Sukadi, East Bekasi Police Chief, revealed that Chandra designed the robbery scenario. He took this desperate step to pay off his wife’s debt. In this scenario, there are five suspects involved and coordinated by Chandra. Apart from Chandra is A, Chandra’s wife, who is still at large, and Nana Supriyatna, Indra Dwi Baskoro, and Subuh Superman, acting as executors.

“The motive was an economic problem. C admitted he designed the robbery scenario to pay off the artisan debt his wife was participating in,” said Sukadi on Monday (7/8/2023).

On the night of the robbery, the perpetrators, Nana, Subuh, and Indra, arrived at the mini market where Chandra worked. Nana guards outside while Subuh and Indra go inside and threaten Chandra, who already knows about the plan.

The scenario continues, where Chandra is asked to open the store safe and hand the cash to the robbers. In this action, cash amounting to IDR 40 million was successfully robbed.

In order not to arouse suspicion, Chandra immediately reported this incident to the police. The police responded to the report by directly visiting the scene.

“On that night, C had reported this incident, and we found several suspicious things there,” said Sukadi.

During the investigation and examination of witnesses at the location, witness D, a colleague of Chandra’s, gave suspicious information about the behavior of Chandra and the robbers.

“Witness D is suspicious of the suspect because it seems the suspect gave the code about the location of the safe by winking,” added Sukadi.

As a result of their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 365 of the Criminal Code concerning theft with violence. They face up to 12 years in prison.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Theft Insurance
  2. Valuables Insurance
  3. Security Insurance
  4. And others


Shophouse 2 Floors in Sukmajaya Depok Scorched

In the early hours of Monday (7/8/2023), a two-story shophouse or shophouse building located in Happy Raya Gang RT 9 RW 21, Mekarjaya, Sukmajaya, Depok, West Java, experienced a fire that destroyed most of the buildings.

Denny Romulo, Head of the Depok City Fire and Rescue Service’s (DPKP) Disaster Management Division, said that the first floor of the building that was affected was the one concerned. Allegedly, the cause of this fire is due to electrical equipment malfunction.

“The part that caught fire was the first floor of the shop building, and it was suspected that it was triggered by problems with the functioning of electrical equipment,” said Denny on Monday (7/8/2023).

Denny explained that the area burned reached 65 square meters. However, he ensured that no casualties occurred in the incident.

“The burned area covers about 65 square meters. Luckily, this incident had no fatalities or injuries,” he explained. Denny also informed that efforts to extinguish the fire were carried out by deploying three fire extinguishers.

“We extinguished the fire by deploying one unit from the City Hall Post and two from the Merdeka Post. The total personnel involved were 13 people,” he added.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Property All Risks Insurance
  3. Business Insurance
  4. Public Responsibility Insurance
  5. Life insurance


A Mineral Water Truck Loses Control, Resulting in a Serial Accident of 8 Vehicles in Cianjur, West Java

On Wednesday (2/8/2023), a series of accidents involving eight vehicles on Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Cianjur, West Java resulted in one motorcyclist’s death.

The Head of the Cianjur Police Traffic Unit, AKP Anaga Budiharso, explained that this incident started when a truck carrying mineral water allegedly experienced a problem with the braking system.

The truck was on its way from Sukabumi to Cianjur at high speed. When he reached Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, it was suspected that the truck’s brakes had failed and caused the driver to lose control.

The mineral water truck first hit the house’s fence and several vehicles in front of it. The accident involved three trucks, one minibus, and three motorbikes.

Anaga revealed that the truck that got out of control went through a red light and collided with various vehicles, including trucks, minibusses, and motorcyclists. Finally, the car overturned into the fields.

Police have asked for statements from witnesses, including the minibus driver and the truck driver who was involved in the accident. An investigation is underway to clarify the exact cause of this accident. Eyewitnesses also reported that the truck was out of control and moving quickly.

“I screamed for other drivers to avoid, but the truck had already hit the minibus, and a female motorcyclist was pinned between the truck and the minibus,” said witness Agus (34), owner of a tire repair shop.

The truck did not stop immediately after hitting eight vehicles but continued for 700 meters until it fell into the rice fields.

“I saw that there was one woman who died, and three other people were seriously injured,” he added.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Accident insurance
  2. Vehicle Insurance
  3. General Liability Insurance
  4. Life insurance

The Molen Truck Driver Dies, Falls into a Cement Mixer Machine in Madiun

A worker at a concrete supply factory in Madiun Regency, named Gunari (46), had a fatal accident while working on Monday (7/8/2023). The victim worked as an operator and driver at PT Citra Indo Beton (Ciamix), located in Garon Village, Balerejo District, Madiun Regency.

Balerejo Police Chief, AKP Slamet Riadi, revealed that this incident started when the victim was about to wait in line to fill cement around 08.40 WIB. Next, the victim cleaned the truck’s tank with plate number AE 8508 UF, then started the mixing machine and moved it slowly. At that time, the victim was trying to clean the cement mixer tube with his body inside.

“Suddenly, the victim might have slipped and was trapped in the machine. At 09.05 WIB, the victim’s colleagues tried to find the victim. After a while, they found the victim’s shoes in the molen truck,” he explained.

Suwardji, a co-worker curious about the situation, climbed onto the truck’s mixer tube. On top of the canister, he finds the victim trapped in the mixer jug ​​with it spinning. Without hesitation, Jianto turned off the mixer truck’s engine.

“Then other colleagues entered the mixer truck and found the victim dead. They informed management and then reported this incident to the Balerejo Police at 10.00 WIB,” he continued.

The Balerejo Sector Police, together with the Inafis Team and the Madiun Police SPKT, conducted the processing of the crime scene. The victim’s body was taken to Caruban Hospital for further investigation. The staff of the Installation Room for the Caruban Hospital, Mochammad Harianto, revealed that the victim’s body had severe head and leg injuries.

“The body is currently in the morgue, awaiting the arrival of the family and the post-mortem process. Arrival at the hospital at 12.00 WIB,” he added.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Third-Party Liability Insurance
  4. And others


Tour Boat Burns, Captain Suffers Burns on Nusa Penida Bali

An incident occurred with a tour boat called the Dolphin Queen Snorkeling Boat which suddenly caught fire and spread at Banjar Nyuh Harbor, Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency, in Bali Province, on Friday (4/8/2023).

In this incident, a ship captain named I Made Jana, or known as Ancruk (35 years), suffered severe burns to his face and both arms as a result of being hit by fire during the explosion.

“According to the assessment of medical personnel, the victim suffered burns of around 40 percent on his body, and the plan is to refer him to Sanglah Hospital,” Kompol Ida Bagus Putra Sumerta said in a written statement on Friday.

He stated that the cause of this fire was suspected to be a short circuit in the ship’s engine electrical installation. The incident occurred when the victim was preparing to start his snorkeling trip around 10.45 WITA.

When the victim was about to start the ship’s engine, suddenly, there was an explosion from the engine. As a result, the fire quickly spread and burned the victim’s body.

“The fire likely started from a short circuit in the ship’s electrical installation, considering that the explosion occurred when the victim tried to start the ship’s engine,” he added.

After seeing the incident, the local community and officers, moved to the location to help put out the fire. As a result of the fire, the ship with two engines with a capacity of 100 PK and the snorkeling equipment in it was burnt. The total loss is estimated at around IDR 650 million.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Fire insurance
  4. Public Responsibility Insurance
  5. Asset Insurance

L&G Insurance Broker, the leading insurance broker in Indonesia, presents this article. 


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