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7 Selections of Fatal Accident News in Indonesia – First Week of April 2024

Liga Asuransi – Greetings, risk takers! In the first week of April 2024, we again present a series of news regarding accident incidents in Indonesia which invites all of our attention. Risk can lurk anywhere and at any time, and it doesn’t know who is the victim. We cannot predict when accidents will occur, but we have the ability to reduce their impact by prioritizing safety. In this article, we have collected seven accident news stories that will deepen our understanding of the importance of safety in everyday life.

Let’s stay alert and take care of ourselves and those closest to us.

Out of Control Truck! Consecutive Collisions on the Cileungsi-Cibubur Transyogi Highway, Material Losses Reach IDR 100 Million

A serious accident occurred on the Transyogi Highway between Cileungsi and Cibubur last Sunday (31/3), when a truck and five cars were involved in a tense collision. According to Head of Traffic Unit for Bogor Police, AKP Rizky Guntama, the terrible incident occurred at around 13.40 WIB.

From the information given by Rizky, the unfortunate incident began when a large truck was driving from Cileungsi to Cibubur. However, when the truck reached an incline, the vehicle apparently lost power and began to slide backwards without control.

“The Hino truck with plate number B 9040 TYY seemed to have difficulty climbing uphill, then uncontrollably reversed,” explained Rizky in his official statement.

The truck, which shifted backwards, then crashed into the side of a nearby Hyundai Creta. The tragic incident continued with a heavy impact on the Mercy Mayasari bus, before finally turning around and hitting the Toyota Avanza.

Unfortunately, the seemingly out of control truck continued to accelerate and hit other cars along the way, including a Daihatsu Sigra and a Honda Freed, before finally hitting the road divider with terrifying force.

“The truck hit the Daihatsu Sigra and Honda Freed before finally stopping after hitting the sidewalk,” added Rizky.

Luckily, there were no fatalities in the accident, although four people were reported to have suffered minor injuries. However, material losses resulting from the collision are estimated to reach an astonishing figure, around IDR 100 million.

This tragic incident immediately attracted the attention of netizens after a video circulated showing the tense moments of the accident. The video shows how several cars were involved in a horrific chain collision.

Congestion along the Cileungsi-Cibubur Highway was unavoidable due to this incident, with many residents coming to the location to see the situation and help with the evacuation process.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Personal Accident Insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Health Insurance


Explosion and Fire at the PT Pokphand Chicken Feed Factory in the Makassar Industrial Area. 14 people injured and 1 fatality

Monday (1/4), a major fire occurred at the chicken feed factory owned by PT Pokphand which is located in the Makassar Industrial Area (KIMA). This incident not only caused material losses, but also left deep sorrow with one worker dying and 14 other people suffering burns.

Makassar Police Chief, Police Commissioner Mokhamad Ngajib, revealed that the fire that occurred on Monday afternoon was accompanied by an explosion in the factory. “Then we investigated the crime scene (TKP), it turned out there were victims, one person died, then 14 people were injured,” said Ngajib.

The cause of the fire is thought to have come from welding activity in one of the leaking chimneys, which then sparked a spark. “This was the cause of the explosion and there were also sparks. So the victim who died suffered blisters (burns),” he said.

Currently, the police are carrying out an investigation and will ask for information from a number of witnesses regarding this tragic incident. “We are carrying out the crime scene processing and tomorrow we will carry it out together with the South Sulawesi Police Labfor Team and the Identification Team, then we will examine the witnesses,” he explained.

The workers who were victims are undergoing intensive treatment in hospital. “We have just checked at the hospital. We have just reported one death and 14 injuries,” he added.

This incident is an important moment to review safety protocols in the workplace to prevent a similar tragedy from recurring in the future.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Health Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Property Insurance
  5. Fire insurance


Mugi Berkah Grocery Store Engulfed in Fire. Losses Reach IDR 1 Billion

A tragic incident struck the Mugi Berkah Grocery Store on Jalan Ir. Juanda, Ponorogo, when the fire fiercely devoured the entire building. Temporary estimates indicate that the fire was caused by an electrical short circuit, causing losses estimated at IDR 1 billion. Although it was fortunate that there were no fatalities in this incident, the sight of the burnt-out shop left the owner deeply scarred.

One of the victim’s family members, Harjanto, described the tense moment when the fire erupted. “The shop had just closed for about half an hour, our family went into the house,” he told reporters. “Suddenly, we saw a fire appear. At first, we didn’t really notice it. However, screams from local residents and people passing in front of the shop warned us that there was a fire,” explained Harjanto.

In a brave effort to extinguish the fire, the owner and local residents fought tooth and nail. However, the fire was so fierce that it was difficult to control. “Everything in the shop is gone, there’s nothing that can be saved,” said Harjanto in a sad tone.

Adding to this story, Ponorogo Police Chief Inspector Muhammad Mustofa Sahid explained that the fire occurred at around 23.45 WIB on Monday night. “A fire suddenly appeared on the left side of the grocery store. Luckily the fire did not spread to all the houses adjacent to the shop,” said Sahid.

Even though the material losses are very large, the most important thing is that the safety of the soul is maintained. Surviving this disaster, the homeowner and his family of 5 people can breathe a sigh of relief. “A total of 4 vehicles were deployed to extinguish the fire. Three PMK cars and one BPBD Ponorogo water tank,” explained Sahid.

The shop owner, Sudrajat, had to swallow a bitter pill because of this incident. Shops that were ready to welcome the Eid season had to be burned to the ground. “It is estimated that the loss will reach IDR 1 billion,” concluded Sahid in a concerned tone. Hopefully recovery and restoration can be carried out soon for all those affected by this fire.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Property Insurance
  3. Valuables Insurance
  4. Public Liability Insurance


Horrible Explosion on the Musi River: Jukung Ship Burns Under Ampera Bridge

Palembang was shaken by panic when a jukung ship, the Morning Star, suddenly exploded in the Musi River. The violent explosion was followed by flames that licked the night sky, spreading panic among residents living on the outskirts of the Ampera Bridge.

The jukung ship which was refueling at the Apung gas station in Lorong Keramat, Kelurahan 4 Ulu, Palembang, that night, suddenly became a source of destruction. The fierce fire destroyed the ship, while the current of the Musi River quickly dragged the wreckage far from the scene.

From this tragedy, four people became victims. Two of them were in critical condition, one was declared dead, and another was reported missing. This accident not only caused panic among motorists passing through the Ampera Bridge, but also caused destruction around the area under the iconic bridge.

An eyewitness, Deri, who witnessed the terrible incident, revealed that the explosion was not from the Floating Gas Station, but from a jukung ship loaded with oil. “It was a jukung ship that exploded, carrying shopping goods coming from under Ampera,” he said.

According to him, the jukung ship first exploded near the coast of the Musi River, in the area of ​​Kelurahan 3-4 Ulu Palembang. “Earlier there was a firefighting boat and local residents helped put out the fire. The boat was swept away by the gradual current,” he explained.

This tragedy illustrates the tension felt by Palembang residents, but also shows the spirit of solidarity in efforts to extinguish fires and save lives. Hopefully the injured victim can recover quickly, and incidents like this can be avoided in the future.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Personal Accident Insurance
  2. Public Liability Insurance
  3. Fire and Explosion Insurance
  4. Goods Transport Insurance


Ship carrying fuel caught fire at KBN Marunda Port

KBN Marunda Port, Clincing, North Jakarta, witnessed tension when a ship carrying fuel oil (BBM) caught fire on Tuesday (2/3/2024) at around 09.30 WIB. The fiercely burning fire was successfully extinguished at around 10.11 WIB by North Jakarta Fire Department (Damkar) officers, after their hard efforts involving eight cars and around 40 personnel.

Abdul Wahid, Head of North Jakarta Fire and Rescue Operations, revealed that the situation is currently still in the process of cooling down at the scene. “Damkar arrived at the location at around 10.09 WIB and the fire was successfully localized at around 10.11 WIB,” he told

Although material losses can be expected to be large, to date there have been no reports of casualties due to the fire. “At the moment there is no confirmation of victims,” ​​said Abdul Wahid.

The dramatic video of the ship fire was widely spread on social media, attracting the attention of netizens. In the video, black smoke fills the sky when the red rooster attacks the fuel carrier. The video was first uploaded by the social media account @mas_ibeng, which openly witnessed the terrible incident.

This incident is a reminder of the risks inherent in the fuel transportation industry, and also highlights the bravery and alertness of firefighters in dealing with emergency situations. Hopefully there will be no casualties in this incident, and hopefully the authorities can find out the exact cause of the ship fire to prevent a similar incident from recurring in the future.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Marine Cargo Insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Marine Hull Insurance


Grocery Shop Owner in West Sumatra Threatened with Firearms, Losses Reach IDR 80 Million

Terror has returned to haunt the West Sumatra (Sumbar) region with worrying acts of armed robbery. This time, two perpetrators armed with firearms attacked a grocery store owner in Jorong Sungai Nili, Nagari Sungai Kambut, Pulau Punjung District, Dharmasraya Regency.

In the 1 minute 10 second video recording received by detikSumut, tension was visible when the two perpetrators entered and held the shop owner at gunpoint with a firearm. They do not hesitate to intimidate with these dangerous actions.

The identity of the victim, Ahmad Bonjovi (33), had to feel the bitter impact of the attack with losses reaching IDR 80 million. In this fast-paced incident, the two perpetrators swiftly took money from the grocery store and BRI Link, then ran away without leaving a trace.

Head of Public Relations for the Dharmasraya Police, Akp Edi Sumantri, confirmed this frightening incident. “The two perpetrators came suddenly and immediately threatened the victim with a revolver type firearm. They forced the victim not to fight back while threatening to shoot if there was any resistance,” he explained.

Even though the victim has reported the incident to the police, the whereabouts of the two perpetrators are still unknown. However, the Dharmasraya Police have taken serious action in investigating this case.

“We are investigating the two perpetrators and trying to confirm their whereabouts,” said Edi.

This incident is a warning to the public about the dangers of crime, and shows the importance of prevention efforts and strong law enforcement. Hopefully the perpetrator will soon be arrested and prosecuted in accordance with applicable law, while the victim can recover from the psychological and financial impacts caused by this incident.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Fire insurance
  2. Property Insurance
  3. Home Insurance
  4. Public Liability Insurance
  5. Employee Insurance


Residents of Mandala, Medan City, flock to cite spilled oil from a CPO tank truck accident

A tragic accident occurred on Jalan Garuda 3, Mandala, Medan City, when a tanker truck carrying CPO had an accident on the Bandar Selamat – Tembung toll road on Tuesday (2/4/24). The oil spilled from the truck then flowed into nearby settlements, causing concern for local residents.

In response to this incident, a number of residents spontaneously moved to recover the spilled oil, which had flowed through the toll road drainage and down into the ditch. Without hesitation, they flocked to collect the oil that was scattered in their settlements.

Leo Barus, a resident who was an eyewitness to the incident, explained the chronology of the accident. According to him, the accident occurred after the car in front stopped on the side of the toll road without turning on the hazard lights. As a result, the CPO tank truck coming from behind was unable to avoid it and hit the car, causing the car’s tank to burst which contained CPO oil.

“From that incident, as many as 4 car tanks broke. The oil from the car tanks was also taken by local residents. This person was in the convoy. Because of a car in front. CPO oil,” said Leo Barus.

Meanwhile, residents continue to be busy harvesting the oil that is still flowing, even though the area around the oil spill has become slippery and smelly. This incident shows the quick response and solidarity between residents in dealing with emergency situations like this.


Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Personal Accident Insurance
  3. Goods Delivery Insurance
  4. Public Liability Insurance

This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


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