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7 Selections of 2023 Fatal Accident News in Indonesia – 1st Week of September

Liga Asuransi – Hello risk takers, in the first week of September 2023, we are again collecting some news regarding accidents in Indonesia, which deserves attention for all of us to be more aware that risks can happen anywhere, anytime, and can happen to anyone. We cannot predict when and where an accident will occur or happen to anyone. But we can minimize the consequences of accidents by always prioritizing safety aspects. While safety is our top priority, we all must stay alert and take the proper precautions. In this article, we’ve compiled 7 accident news stories that will provide insight and a deeper understanding of how important safety is in everyday life.

Always be vigilant and protect yourself and those closest to you. Together, we can create a safer environment and reduce the risk of accidents. Enjoy reading, and I hope these articles provide valuable benefits and understanding in keeping us all safe.

Truck Loaded with Pebbles Family: One Dead Victim, Two Critical, Accident Case in Sukabumi

A tragic accident occurred in Sukabumi Regency, West Java, involving a truck carrying gravel and a family. In this incident, one victim died, while two others are still in critical condition. This family consists of a husband and wife and one child. The accident’s cause is still under investigation by the Traffic Accident Unit of the Sukabumi Police.

The victim who died was named Saiukun (50), while his wife Nyai Marini was undergoing intensive care at Betha Medika Cisaat Hospital. At the same time, their son, Muhamad Dirga (8), was being treated by the medical team at Sekarwangi Cibadak Hospital, Sukabumi Regency.

This family resides in Cipayung Village, RT 05/05, Darmareja Village, Nagrak District, Sukabumi Regency. This tragic incident began when the family had just bought tarpaulin at a shop in Cikukulu Village, Cisande Village, Cicantayan District, Sukabumi Regency, and was about to continue their journey on a motorcycle with plate number F 4607 UBV.

Then, the victim Saiukun, who was on a motorbike, put his child on the motorbike, and the victim’s wife was about to sit on the motorbike seat. Suddenly, at high speed, a truck loaded with gravel came from Sukabumi City towards Cibadak District, Sukabumi Regency, crashing into the back of the family’s motorbike.

One of the witnesses at the scene, Ivan, saw this accident take place very quickly. He saw a truck coming from Sukabumi City at high speed suddenly swerve and immediately hit the back of a motorbike ridden by a family. This accident is a sad tragedy and invites deep sorrow for the victim’s family.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Life insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. Third-Party Liability Insurance
  5. Vehicle Insurance


Lift Rope Breaks at Bali Resort, 5 People Die

The tragic incident occurred at Ayu Terrace Resort, Ubud, Bali, on Friday (1/9/2023). Five freelance daily workers who work as cleaners become victims in a deadly elevator accident.

These victims took the elevator to the top of the resort to carry out their work. However, when the lift reached a height of 100 meters with a slope of 35 degrees, a horrific incident occurred: the lift rope broke.

The repercussions were terrifying. The victims were thrown from that height and fell to the bottom of the elevator. Even two of them fell to the bottom of the abyss. Two victims died at the scene, while three others were declared dead after being taken to the hospital.

The evacuation team consisting of the Gianyar Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Damkar, and PMI are working with the police to resolve the situation. All victims were evacuated and taken to Payangan Hospital and Ari Canti Ubud.

This tragic event enveloped the atmosphere of grief at the resort. This unexpected incident saddens the victim’s family and friends. This accident is also the first black record since the resort was built eight years ago.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Life insurance
  2. Personal Accident Insurance
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance


Fire Strikes Muara Baru: Nine Fishing Boats Burnt, Fire Almost Comes to Fish Auction

Nine fishing boats at the Nizam Zachman Muara Baru Ocean Fishing Port, North Jakarta, became victims of the fire. The North Jakarta Fire Management and Rescue Service firefighting team immediately responded to this incident.

The fire department received a report about this fire at 23.48 WIB and quickly moved to the location with 17 fire extinguishers and other supporting equipment. Only two ships were initially burned, but the fire quickly spread to the other ships, forcing officers to act.

In this fire, a total of nine fishing boats became victims. Apart from that, the fire also touched the nearby fish auction building. Even so, the officers succeeded in limiting the fire so that it did not spread further so that the Syahbandar office, which was adjacent to the area, was not threatened.

The firefighting team finally extinguished the fire after two hours of hard work, around 01.55 WIB. One of the obstacles they faced was that the burning ship was located in the waters, so they had to pull several other vessels to avoid a wider spread of fire.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Fire insurance
  3. Public Responsibility Insurance


Work Accident Tragedy at the Madiun Sugar Factory: One Died, Two Injured by a Mixer Machine

The work accident occurred at the Pagotan Sugar Factory (PG), Madiun, on September 4. This time, three factory mechanical technicians had an incident where they were pinned by a mixer machine that was being repaired. One of the employees working inside the machine was trapped and died due to this tragic accident.

This incident was recorded around 11:30, as Radar Madiun (Jawa Pos Group) reported on Tuesday (5/9). The victim who died was a mechanic foreman named Marsudi, 36 years old, with his address in Geger District, Madiun. At the same time, the other two injured employees were Ansori, 54 years old, and Supriyanto, 50 years old, both of whom are located in Wungu District, Madiun.

Assistant HR Manager of PG Pagotan, Kolan Bima Ghofara, explained that when the evacuation was carried out, the victim who died was lifeless and was immediately taken to the hospital. Meanwhile, two other injured victims were rushed to the factory clinic for medical treatment.

The survivors were shocked to see their colleague pinned by the grinding machine. The Head of the Geger Police, Kompol Sukarijanto, stated that further investigations were being carried out to determine the cause of the work accident at this sugar factory.

Kompol Sukarijanto also explained that at the time of the incident, the victim who died had asked for help, but his colleagues could not help him because the victim was trapped in a machine that was difficult to reach. The victim who died suffered severe injuries to the back of the head and broken bones in several body parts, including the hands and feet. His body was then taken to Dolopo Regional Hospital for processing.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Life insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Third-Party Liability Insurance
  4. Work Accident Insurance


Tragedy of Deadly Accident Between Eka Bus and Sugeng Rahayu Bus on Jalan Magetan-Ngawi: Three People Died, 14 Seriously Injured

Three people died in a fatal collision between Bus Eka and Bus Sugeng Rahayu on the Magetan-Ngawi route, Tambakromo Village, Geneng District, Ngawi Regency, East Java. The Ngawi Police Chief AKBP Argo Wiyono revealed the identity of the deceased.

The victims who died were the two bus drivers, Catur, Eka bus driver, Agus Susanto, Sugeng Rahayu bus driver, and a pedestrian. At the same time, the injured victims reached 14 people from the passengers of the two buses.

This corrects previous reports, which stated that four people died. “The injured are currently receiving treatment at Geneng Hospital and Soeroto Ngawi Hospital,” said the police chief.

Meanwhile, the wreckage of two buses crossing the Magetan-Ngawi road has been successfully moved to the side of the road. The two vehicles are still in the vicinity due to the purposes of processing the crime scene (TKP) by officers.

As for the condition of the injured victims being treated at the hospital, some of the victims improved, but some were reported to have suffered severe injuries.

The police are also still asking for statements from several witnesses from bus passengers to investigate the traffic accident.

Previously, the Eka Fast Bus with the Sugeng Rahayu Bus had an accident on the Magetan-Ngawi route to be precise in Tambakromo Village, Geneng District, Ngawi Regency, East Java, at around 05.40 WIB, which caused three people to die and dozens of others to be injured.

The accident started when the Eka bus, driven by Catur, a resident of Boyolali, Central Java, was speeding from the direction of Ngawi to Magetan. Arriving at the incident scene, the Yogyakarta-Surabaya bus wanted to avoid pedestrians.

The bus had swerved right from the opposite direction. The Sugeng Rahayu Bus, driven by Agus Susanto, a Blitar, East Java resident, drove at high speed until the collision was inevitable.

The collision caused the two buses to roll over, and their bodies were damaged. The driver, Sugeng Rahayu, was even thrown out of the bus and died.

The bus driver Eka died after being pinned by the front body of the wrecked bus. Meanwhile, a pedestrian crossing was also reported to have died due to the incident.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. Third-Party Liability Insurance
  5. Health Insurance


Muggers Robbed IDR 190 million in Batam, Riau Archipelago.

The Riau Islands Regional Police managed to arrest a man with the initials PIJ (42) in Bekasi, West Java, after being involved in a massive robbery of Rp. 190 million in Batam, Riau Islands Province. Head of Sub Directorate of Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Kepri, AKBP Robby Topan Manusiwa, revealed that the crime occurred on Friday (25/8). The suspect escaped from Batam and was finally caught in Bekasi, West Java, on Thursday (31/8).

Robby said this incident started when the suspect was asked to accompany the victim with the initials JN to deposit Rp. 190 million in cash at the bank using a van. However, the suspect took a knife during the trip and threatened the victim. Even though the victim tried to rebel, the suspect managed to force the victim out of the car in a deserted location.

“Arriving at a quiet place, the suspect stopped the boxcar, then pushed the victim out of the car while pulling the victim’s bag, which contained Rp. 190 million in cash,” Robby explained. After successfully taking the money, the suspect left the car in one of the housing estates and fled the city.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Personal Accident Insurance
  2. Travel Insurance
  3. Vehicle Insurance


A jeep plunges into a cliff with a height of 30 meters in the area of ​​Mount Bromo, East Java. One Died, Four Others Wounded

An incident occurred on the road to Mount Bromo, East Java, on Monday (4/9/2023) at 12.30 WIB. This accident involved a jeep with number N 1963 QG in Wonokerto Village, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency. reported that this white jeep fell off a 30-meter-high cliff after it came into contact with another vehicle that has not been identified. As a result, the jeep fell off a cliff and landed with the roof down.

Ipda Aditya Wikrama, Head of the Probolinggo Police Traffic Unit, revealed that the authorities had investigated the scene and interviewed witnesses.

“According to the initial results of the investigation, this accident occurred when the white jeep was moving from east to west,” said Aditya, as reported by on Monday (4/9/2023).

Aditya explains that five people were in the jeep when the accident happened. The jeep was driven by Sumir (23) and carried four passengers, all of whom were family members: Raton (50), Saiful Anwar (21), Sutomo (45), and Mohammad Erik (2). These five people are Boto Village, Lumbang District, Probolinggo Regency residents.

“At the scene, the jeep came into contact with another unrecognized vehicle coming from the opposite direction, namely from west to east, which caused a minor collision,” he explained.

The condition of the road at the scene of the incident was classified as winding, declining, and quite narrow.

“Then, the jeep driver turned sharply to the left and fell into a cliff about 30 meters high, then landed upside down on the road below. The jeep suffered serious damage,” he continued.

As a result of this accident, one jeep passenger named Raton died. While the other four, Sumir, Sutomo, Saiful Anwar and Mohammad Erik, survived but suffered injuries and were immediately taken to the Sukapura Health Center for intensive care.

Aditya emphasized that the victims of this accident were not tourists and reminded motorists to be more careful and vigilant when crossing Jalan Raya Bromo.


Insurance and Risk Management Overview:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Personal Accident Insurance

This article is brought to you by L&G Insurance Broker.


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