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Update 7 Indonesian Insurance News: This is the amount of loss suffered by Indonesian citizens without mandatory vehicle insurance

Liga Asuransi -Hello risk takers, let’s review interesting developments and events in the world of Indonesian insurance in the last week. We would like to remind you that in business, insurance objects are not only limited to vehicles, health, life and property. In fact, the scope of insurance objects is very broad and covers almost all aspects of business processes. In this edition, we have curated 7 important news related to insurance that you must know, including hot topics regarding Tapera. If you find this article useful, don’t hesitate to share it with your colleagues so that they too get the same insight.

This is the amount of loss suffered by Indonesian citizens without mandatory vehicle insurance

Traffic accidents in Indonesia are still a big problem. Police data records that throughout 2023 there will be almost 150 thousand accidents with material losses reaching almost IDR 300 billion. On average, each accident causes losses of around IDR 2 million. This shows that the financial risk due to accidents is very significant and burdens society.

As a solution, Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance has emerged as a relevant product. According to analysis by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), TPL insurance claims in the 2017-2021 period show the claim value per incident ranges from IDR 6 million to IDR 10 million. This proves that TPL insurance can shift people’s financial burdens to insurance companies, reducing the economic impact experienced by accident victims.

Ogi Prastomiyono, Chief Executive of the OJK Insurance, Guarantee and Pension Fund Supervision, emphasized the importance of TPL insurance in reducing social costs borne by society. “With TPL insurance, financial risks due to accidents can be transferred to insurance companies, which allows the public to be better protected,” said Ogi.

Insurance, by its very nature, operates on the principle of mutual cooperation governed by the “Law of Large Numbers”. People who buy TPL insurance pay premiums to the insurance company, which then collects these funds to cover risks that many people may face.

Furthermore, demographic analysis from Jasa Raharja shows that by June 2024, around 60% of accident victims will be non-productive age groups, such as students, university students and the elderly. Thus, it is hoped that the existence of TPL insurance can provide a sense of security for the community, as well as encourage better driving behavior.

Please note that TPL insurance is protection against losses suffered by third parties due to accidents. This product is different from vehicle insurance such as Total Loss Only (TLO) or All-Risk (comprehensive) which are more commonly known to the public. Currently, TPL insurance is still voluntary and is an extension of the All-Risk insurance product. However, in the future, it is very possible that this product will become a standalone product that can be purchased without having to have vehicle insurance first.

According to Article 234 paragraph (1) of the Road Traffic and Transportation Law, people who do not have TPL insurance must bear their own responsibility for material losses arising from accidents. Thus, TPL insurance is an effort to achieve a welfare state, where the state must guarantee the welfare of its citizens, including in terms of protection against the risk of road accidents.

As we have seen in National Social Security programs such as BPJS Health and Employment, Village Funds, as well as other programs such as KIS and KIP, TPL insurance can be an important next step in social protection. Apart from that, TPL insurance will also complement the mandatory social insurance that has been implemented by Jasa Raharja, where drivers pay a premium every time they extend their STNK or buy a travel ticket.

With TPL insurance, we can hope that people will feel more protected from financial risks due to accidents, which will ultimately improve overall social welfare.

Source : https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/market/20240806182155-17-560915/tanpa-asuransi-wajib-mobil-motor-segini-kerugian-warga-ri 


Financial and Health Protection Solutions for Facing 50 Critical Illnesses

In a world full of uncertainty, having comprehensive financial and health protection is an increasingly urgent need. Responding to this need, Fuse and PT Asuransi Simas Jiwa (Simas Jiwa) introduced Simas Definite Fund, a revolutionary insurance program that provides protection for 50 critical illnesses from an early stage.

Ivan Sunandar, Co-founder & CEO of Fuse, revealed that Simas Dana Pasti was designed to ensure that the Indonesian people receive optimal protection. This program is available exclusively through the Fuse Pro application, which provides easy access for customers to get insurance products with maximum protection.

Advantages of Simas Dana Pasti lies in the product design which provides life protection for 10 years by only paying an annual premium for five years. With affordable premiums starting from IDR 10 million per year, this product is very suitable for those who want long-term financial security. Not only that, Simas Dana Pasti also promises a premium return of 124% of the total premium paid at the end of the 10th year.

One of the superior features of Simas Dana Pasti is coverage benefits for 50 critical illnesses from the initial stage, with a coverage value reaching 125% of the total annual premium paid for five years. In addition, this product provides a total benefit of 150% of the sum insured with a maximum limit of IDR 1 billion, thereby providing peace of mind for customers when facing health risks.

Dewi Listyaningtyas, President Director of Simas Jiwa, emphasized that this product is part of the company’s commitment to providing the best insurance solutions that are relevant to the Indonesian people. “This insurance protects the quality of life for you and your family from financial difficulties if there is a risk of critical illness, so you can still be present for the people you love,” said Dewi.

By leveraging Fuse’s powerful and scalable technology platform, Simas Definite Fund will be marketed by more than 100 thousand marketers spread throughout Indonesia via the Fuse Pro application. This product is designed to be part of a family’s financial planning with maximum protection and the advantage of optimally growing return premiums, whether there are or are no insurance claims.

Simas Jiwa is optimistic that Simas Definite Fund will be well received in the market, becoming the main choice for people who need comprehensive life protection. With early protection features for 50 critical illnesses and significant coverage benefits, Simas Dana Pasti is present as a comprehensive solution for customers in facing various risks that may occur.

Source : https://mediaindonesia.com/ekonomi/691376/50-penyakit-kritis-bisa-ditanggung-asuransi-sejak-stadium-awal 


BNI Life Increases Health Insurance Premium Income to IDR 390.2 Billion in Semester I-2024

PT BNI Life Insurance (BNI Life) succeeded in recording brilliant achievements with total health insurance premium income of IDR 390.2 billion in the first semester of 2024. This achievement is the result of various strategic efforts made by the company to increase the capability and productivity of marketers, as well as focus on the middle customer segment.

Asrian mother, Acting President Director of BNI Life Insurance, explained that the company is actively improving the capabilities and efficiency of its marketing staff to reach more customers. “We also focus on customers in the middle segment whose number of participants is under 10,000 participants,” said Neny in an interview with Kontan on Wednesday (7/8).

However, as premium income increases, BNI Life health insurance claim also experienced a significant increase. Until the first semester of 2024, health claims increased by around 38% year on year (YoY). To overcome this surge, BNI Life has taken a number of strategic steps.

One of the main steps taken is improving the risk selection process (underwriting) and claims management. By making improvements to this process, BNI Life is trying to reduce the number of claims that must be paid, while ensuring that registered customers are those who truly meet the requirements for protection.

Apart from that, BNI Life regularly evaluates premium adequacy to ensure that the rates set are appropriate to the risks borne. The company is also aggressively educating the public about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of using telemedicine.

In a proactive effort to improve customer health, BNI Life carries out various health program (wellness program), including providing access to flu vaccines and other health services. “With this approach, customers not only get financial protection, but also encouragement to live a healthier lifestyle and be proactive in maintaining their health,” stressed Neny.

This strategy not only aims to reduce claims, but also to build long-term relationships with customers through education and improving quality of life. With a holistic approach, BNI Life is optimistic that the company will continue to develop and provide added value for its customers.

Source : https://keuangan.kontan.co.id/news/premi-asuransi-kesehatan-bni-life-mencapai-rp-3902-miliar-per-semester-i-2024 


Capitol Group Officially Acquires Staco Mandiri Insurance, Ready to Launch New Business Strategy

Capitol Group has just completed the acquisition of Staco Mandiri Insurance, a strategic step which was declared complete after the Financial Services Authority (OJK) issued official letter No. S-21/D.05/2024 on August 2 2024. President Director of Staco Mandiri Insurance, Sigit Suciptoyono, revealed that after this acquisition, Capitol Group immediately moved quickly by increasing the company’s authorized capital to IDR 250 billion and paid-up capital of IDR 180 billion.

“With this step, we ensure that the company’s equity has reached a minimum of IDR 250 billion, in accordance with the requirements set by the OJK,” said Sigit in an interview with Bisnis, Thursday (8/8/2024).

Capitol Group, as a new shareholder, is committed to continuing to increase its authorized capital and paid-up capital in accordance with the provisions stated in OJK Regulation (POJK) No. 23 of 2023. With stronger financial support, Staco Mandiri is ready to enter a new era in its growth in the insurance industry.

Sigit explains several strategic steps that will be taken by the company post-acquisition. The first step that will be taken is to do it business synergy with other businesses under the auspices of the Capitol Group and its business partners. “We believe that this synergy will provide significant added value for the company,” he said optimistically.

With increasingly strong capital, Staco Mandiri Insurance will also expand the scope of cooperation with various business sources, both in the banking and non-bank sectors. Sigit sees a lot of potential that can be developed, especially in the increasingly developing financial sector.

In order to strengthen its position in the market, this company also plans to develop financial line products such as counter bank guarantee and surety bond. This product innovation is expected to expand the company’s services while increasing competitiveness in the industry.

The new management of Staco Mandiri Insurance has now been formed, with Sigit Suciptoyono who is trusted to lead as President Director. Sigit stated his readiness to lead this company towards better growth and make a significant contribution to the insurance industry in Indonesia.

Capitol Group, which has a business portfolio in the fields of plantations, property, trade and international trade, is now adding the insurance industry to its portfolio. Even though some of its members are grandchildren of the founder of Sinarmas Group, Capitol Group operates independently and separately from Sinar Mas.

With this acquisition, Capitol Group shows its seriousness in strengthening its foothold in the financial and insurance sectors, as well as expanding its influence in the Indonesian market.

Source : https://finansial.bisnis.com/read/20240808/215/1789354/capitol-group-rampungkan-akuisisi-asuransi-staco-mandiri-sigit-suciptoyono-presiden-direktur 


OJK Tightens Supervision, 916 Sanctions Imposed on Financial Institutions in the Insurance and Pension Sector

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) continues to tighten supervision of financial services institutions in the insurance, guarantee and pension fund (PPDP) sectors. Chief Executive of the OJK Insurance, Guarantee and Pension Fund Supervisor, Oh Prastomiyono, revealed that throughout January to June 2024, OJK had dropped 916 administrative sanctions to institutions in the sector.

The details, 602 sanctions in the form of a warning or reprimand, six sanctions freezing of business activities, and 308 sanctions fines that may be accompanied by additional warnings or reprimands. This step was taken as part of OJK’s efforts in enforcement of regulations and consumer protection in the PPDP sector.

“These steps are part of the regulator’s efforts to increase stability and trust in this industry,” said Ogi in a press conference after the July 2024 OJK Monthly Board of Commissioners Meeting (RDKB), quoted on Tuesday, August 6 2024.

Apart from that, OJK also continues to encourage problem solving in financial services institutions through special supervision of eight insurance and reinsurance companies. This supervision aims to help companies improve their financial condition for the benefit of policyholders.

bread adding that until June 2024, there are 15 pension funds which are also under special supervision, with two of them in the process of applying for dissolution to the OJK.

Regarding the obligation for all insurance companies to have actuaries, until July 31 2024, there is 11 companies who still do not meet these requirements. They do not yet have a company actuary or have not submitted a prospective actuary to be assessed for their abilities.

OJK continues to monitor implementation corrective action (supervisory actions) in accordance with applicable regulations, for companies that have not complied with these requirements. “This action includes an increase in the warning sanctions that had previously been given as well as a request for a follow-up plan for fulfilling the company’s actuarial obligations,” concluded Ogi.

With these steps, OJK shows its commitment to safeguarding stability and integrity financial industry, especially in the insurance and pension fund sectors, in order to protect consumer interests and ensure a healthier and more trustworthy industry.

Source : https://www.metrotvnews.com/read/NG9C3gv1-ratusan-industri-asuransi-hingga-dana-pensiun-dikenakan-sanksi 


Insurance and Fintech are now required to report customer data to SLIK OJK

In an effort to strengthen the financial services sector and improve financial market infrastructure, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has released new regulations requiring more parties to report through the Debtor Information System (SID). Head of the OJK Literacy, Financial Inclusion and Communication Department, Aman Santosa, revealed that OJK had just published OJK Regulation Number 11 of 2024, which is the second change to the rules regarding reporting and requesting debtor information via Financial Information Services System (SUCH).

This rule expands the scope of reporters who are required to submit data via SLIK, by adding five new categories who is obliged to report. “This change will provide more comprehensive debtor information, support credit and insurance risk management, and strengthen the implementation of business activities at Financial Services Institutions (LJK),” said Aman in a written statement, Thursday (8/8/2024).

Five new parties Those who are required to report in the SID are:

  1. Insurance Company which markets credit insurance and/or suretyship products.
  2. Sharia Insurance Company which markets sharia financing insurance products and/or sharia suretyship.
  3. Guarantee Company.
  4. Sharia Guarantee Company.
  5. Information Technology Based Joint Funding Service Provider (LPBBTI/Fintech Peer to Peer Lending), which is better known as an online loan platform or pinjol.

According to this new rule, the five parties have the maximum time one year since the promulgation of POJK SLIK to start reporting. This is a strategic step by the OJK to expand the scope of debtor information available in the SID, so that more data can be accessed by the FSI to support risk management.

Previously, parties who were required to report via SLIK were limited to:

  1. Commercial Bank.
  2. rural banks.
  3. Sharia People’s Credit Bank.
  4. Financing Institutions which provides funding facilities.
  5. Securities Company who carries out business as a securities broker.
  6. Securities Funding Institution.
  7. Other Financial Services Institutions (LJK). which provide funding facilities, including export financing institutions, pawnshops, secondary housing financing companies, as well as financing companies for infrastructure development, cooperatives and small and medium enterprises.

By expanding the scope of reporting, OJK hopes that the financial services industry can be more effective in managing risks related to credit, financing, insurance and guarantees. More complete and accurate debtor information will be key in supporting the stability and growth of Indonesia’s financial sector.

Source : https://www.liputan6.com/bisnis/read/5667893/asuransi-dan-pinjol-wajib-laporkan-data-nasabah-ke-slik?page=1 


Young Generation, Don’t Let Health Problems Burden Your Pockets: It’s Time to Understand the Importance of Insurance

According to data from the IDN Research Institute, around 26 percent of Gen-Z in Indonesia have not prepared an emergency fund, and another 23 percent have not allocated their income to insurance and health costs. In fact, in the financial pyramid, emergency funds and insurance are two basic things that should be the main priority.

“These two aspects are often ignored, even though without adequate insurance protection, health problems can become a large financial burden due to high medical costs,” said Meta Lakhsmi, Head of Investment Communication & Fund Development at Allianz Life Indonesia, in the “Allianz” online workshop Health Insurance 101: Choose Pure or Unit Link Rider,” on Wednesday (7/8/2024).

Meta emphasized that the ever-increasing medical costs can empty your pockets if you are not prepared early. Therefore, health insurance needs to be a top priority for every individual. Currently, there are two types of health insurance that are commonly known, namely traditional health insurance (standalone) and health insurance that is combined as an additional benefit in a unit link, which is better known as a rider.

“Traditional insurance protects one of life’s risks, such as death or illness, with premiums that are only used for insurance costs without any potential investment returns,” explained Meta. Meanwhile, unit links not only provide health benefits, but also include investment placement.

The younger generation needs to understand the difference between traditional and unit-linked insurance. Himawan Purnama, Country Chief Product Officer of Allianz Life Indonesia, added that the public, including the younger generation, is expected to understand the insurance products in detail before choosing, and also consider the insurance company’s track record.

“Before buying a health insurance product, you should first understand your protection needs and compare various health insurance products while paying attention to the insurance company’s track record,” said Himawan. He also explained that traditional health insurance is more recommended for those who are young or just entering the world of work because the initial premium is more affordable but still provides protection benefits.

“Unit-link health insurance is more suitable for those who are more established and need more complete protection according to their phase of life,” he concluded.

Source : https://www.krjogja.com/peristiwa/1244952674/kesehatan-bisa-kuras-kantong-generasi-muda-didorong-melek-asuransi 


This is the amount of loss suffered by Indonesian citizens without mandatory vehicle insurance

Traffic accidents in Indonesia are still a big problem. Police data records that throughout 2023 there will be almost 150 thousand accidents with material losses reaching almost IDR 300 billion. On average, each accident causes losses of around IDR 2 million. This shows that the financial risk due to accidents is very significant and burdens society.

As a solution, Third Party Liability (TPL) insurance has emerged as a relevant product. According to analysis by the Financial Services Authority (OJK), TPL insurance claims in the 2017-2021 period show the claim value per incident ranges from IDR 6 million to IDR 10 million. This proves that TPL insurance can shift people’s financial burdens to insurance companies, reducing the economic impact experienced by accident victims.

Ogi Prastomiyono, Chief Executive of the OJK Insurance, Guarantee and Pension Fund Supervision, emphasized the importance of TPL insurance in reducing social costs borne by society. “With TPL insurance, financial risks due to accidents can be transferred to insurance companies, which allows the public to be better protected,” said Ogi.

Insurance, by its very nature, operates on the principle of mutual cooperation governed by the “Law of Large Numbers”. People who buy TPL insurance pay premiums to the insurance company, which then collects these funds to cover risks that many people may face.

Furthermore, demographic analysis from Jasa Raharja shows that by June 2024, around 60% of accident victims will be non-productive age groups, such as students, university students and the elderly. Thus, it is hoped that the existence of TPL insurance can provide a sense of security for the community, as well as encourage better driving behavior.

Please note that TPL insurance is protection against losses suffered by third parties due to accidents. This product is different from vehicle insurance such as Total Loss Only (TLO) or All-Risk (comprehensive) which are more commonly known to the public. Currently, TPL insurance is still voluntary and is an extension of the All-Risk insurance product. However, in the future, it is very possible that this product will become a standalone product that can be purchased without having to have vehicle insurance first.

According to Article 234 paragraph (1) of the Road Traffic and Transportation Law, people who do not have TPL insurance must bear their own responsibility for material losses arising from accidents. Thus, TPL insurance is an effort to achieve a welfare state, where the state must guarantee the welfare of its citizens, including protection against the risk of road accidents.

As we have seen in National Social Security programs such as BPJS Health and Employment, Village Funds, as well as other programs such as KIS and KIP, TPL insurance can be an important next step in social protection. Apart from that, TPL insurance will also complement the mandatory social insurance that has been implemented by Jasa Raharja, where drivers pay a premium every time they extend their STNK or buy a travel ticket.

With TPL insurance, we can hope that people will feel more protected from financial risks due to accidents, which will ultimately improve overall social welfare.

Source : https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/market/20240806182155-17-560915/tanpa-asuransi-wajib-mobil-motor-segini-kerugian-warga-ri

This news is brought to you by L&G Insurance Brokers, insurance broker experienced in Indonesia.


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