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Ship Loaded with 45 Tons of Rice Sinks in Taka Gantarang Waters, Selayar: And 7 Latest Incidents in Indonesia That Left Deep Sorrow

Liga Asuransi – Hello, risk takers! We are back with various news related to accident incidents in Indonesia which attracts all of our attention. Risk can come to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. 

Although we cannot predict when an accident will occur, we can minimize its impact by prioritizing safety. 

In this article, we have collected seven accident news stories that will deepen our understanding of the importance of safety in everyday life. Let’s remain alert and take care of ourselves and our loved ones around us.

Container Truck Driver Dies in Accident on JORR Cakung Toll Road

A container truck driver with plate number B 9391 UEI died in an accident on the Jakarta Outer Ring Road (JORR) KM 53-400, Cakung, East Jakarta. The truck driver with the initials SR (38) died at the scene as a result of being thrown from the truck and crushed by a container box.

Head of Traffic Accident Unit for East Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Darwis, when confirmed, stated that this single accident occurred at around 13.45 WIB. According to AKP Darwis, the truck driver who was traveling from Tanjung Priok to Bekasi was suspected of being sleepy and hit the concrete dividing the toll road, causing him to lose control of his vehicle.

“The truck crossed the toll road and the container box overturned. The truck driver died at the scene because he bounced and was crushed by the container box,” said AKP Darwis.

The victim was immediately taken to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital for further examination. Meanwhile, the truck and its container load have been evacuated and taken to the East Jakarta Metro Police Regional Traffic Unit Office for further treatment.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Marine Cargo Insurance 
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. Life insurance
  5. Public Liability Insurance


Fire engine crashes into freight train at Haurgeulis level crossing

The accident between a fire engine and a goods train occurred at the Haurgeulis level crossing, Indramayu Regency, West Java. Although there were no casualties, the fire engine was badly damaged and train travel was hampered.

The incident took place on Tuesday (2/7/2024) at 01.55 at Kilometer 138+2/3 upstream of Haurgeulis Station. The fire engine with license plate number E 9919 P belonging to the Indramayu Regency Government, driven by Warsito, stopped in the middle of the crossing when the goods train number 2526 connecting Kampung Bandan-Kalimas passed at high speed.

“Thank God there were no fatalities because the five members or personnel from the fire brigade who were going to carry out the firefighting in Mekarwaru were all safe, they were able to get out of the vehicle,” said Head of Indramayu Satpol PP and Damkar Teguh Budiarso.

According to Teguh, the fire engine was going to extinguish a fire in Mekarwaru Village, Gantar District. When passing through a level crossing, the car was blocked by a motorbike rickshaw which could not move, so the vehicle could not move forward and the engine stopped.

PT KAI Operations Area 3 Cirebon Public Relations Manager Rokhmad Makin Zainul said that his party immediately dispatched officers after the accident occurred. Five minutes after the incident, officers arrived at the location and checked the track and locomotive. “There was damage to the locomotive facilities, namely the right locomotive fog light was broken and the rear cab lock ladder was bent,” said Zainul.

The train involved in the accident was delayed 27 minutes and the other train was delayed about 35 minutes. At 05.16, a tow truck arrived to evacuate the fire engine so that at 05.52 the train line was declared sterile.

Zainul reminded motorists to always prioritize train travel when at level crossings, in accordance with Article 124 of Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways and Law No. 22/2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation.

“Road users, including fire brigades and ambulances, must prioritize train travel because trains have their own track and cannot stop suddenly,” said Zainul. He emphasized the importance of being careful at level crossings to prevent fatal accidents.

Transportation observer from Soegijapranata University Semarang, Djoko Setijowarno, assesses that accidents at level crossings are prone to occur. Apart from drivers crossing barred crossings, not all train crossings are guarded by officers. In the Daop 3 Cirebon area, there are 164 level crossings recorded, 92 of which are guarded by officers and residents, while the other 72 are unguarded.

PT KAI recorded 2,022 accidents at level crossings throughout Indonesia from 2018 to mid-February 2024, with 86 percent or 1,731 accidents occurring at unguarded crossings. The central and regional governments are expected to close level crossings that are prone to accidents or provide overpasses, while road users must be alert and stop when the train signal sounds or the train door latch closes.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance  
  2. Public Liability Insurance
  3. Third Party Liability Insurance
  4. Business Interruption Insurance
  5. Property and Infrastructure Insurance


Massive Fire Hits Gas Station in Pati, Losses Reach IDR 300 Million 

A major fire hit the Public Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) in Bakalan Village, Dukuhseti District, Pati, Central Java, on Tuesday morning (2/7/2024). The fire is thought to have been sparked by a spark from a car that had a short circuit while refueling at the gas station.

This incident occurred at around 03.30 WIB. Noor, one of the residents who witnessed the incident, admitted that he heard a loud explosion which shocked him. “I was shocked, because there was a sound like a boom. After that, I came out and the fire had already burned down the gas station,” he said.

The fire quickly engulfed one of the fuel measuring machines and a Daihatsu Espass car which was being refueled at the gas station, causing a violent explosion. As a result of this fire, it is estimated that losses reached IDR 300 million.

Firefighters from the Pati Satpol PP were immediately deployed to the location after receiving the report. Two fire engines were deployed to extinguish the blaze. After two hours of extinguishing process, the fire was successfully contained.

From the scene of the incident, you could see the wreckage of 1 unit of the Pertalite pump machine at the gas station destroyed and burned. Apart from that, a Daihatsu Espass minibus was also destroyed by fire. One goat was also found roasted to death in the burning minibus.

Head of the Pati Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), Sugiyono, confirmed that the fire occurred at around 04.30 WIB. His party immediately deployed three firefighters from the post and Juwana, and were assisted by firefighters from the Trangkil Sugar Factory, TNI, Polri and the local community.

“We deployed 3 firefighters from the post and from Juwana. Then we also assisted with the Trangkil Sugar Factory Fire Brigade, TNI, Polri and the local community,” said Sugiyono to Liputan6. The fire was successfully extinguished at 05.15 WIB.

According to Sugiyono, the fire was allegedly triggered by an electrical short circuit in a vehicle that was refueling. “The car that was filling up with fuel had a short circuit,” he explained. Apart from the vehicle, a goat was also burnt in the incident.

This fire caused material losses estimated at IDR 300 million. Sugiyono emphasized the importance of vigilance and regular maintenance on vehicles to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Source : 

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Commercial Property Insurance
  2. Vehicle Insurance
  3. Business Interruption Insurance
  4. Third Party Liability Insurance


Fire Hits Kemang Main Market, Dozens of Stalls and Losses Burned

A major fire hit the Kemang Main Market, Bogor City, West Java, on Monday (1/7/2024) afternoon, burning dozens of stalls and stalls in the city’s largest traditional market. There were no fatalities or injuries in this incident.

“Thank God, there were no victims. As for the handling, we have localized everything safely,” said the Head of the Yasmin Post Fire Department, Mochammad Royani, Monday evening.

According to Royani, the fire destroyed around 60 kiosks and stalls in Blocks C15 and C16. The kiosks and stalls that burned were stalls selling spices, fruit and vegetables.

The exact cause of the fire is still unknown. However, preliminary allegations state that the fire was triggered by an LPG gas leak at a rice stall. “Initially it was from a gas stove, when the stove was turned on it suddenly shot out a big fire. It was suspected that the LPG gas was leaking,” explained Royani.

The large number of flammable materials at the Kemang Main Market caused the fire to quickly grow and consume the stalls of the surrounding traders. This condition makes the fire difficult to extinguish.

A fire brigade team was immediately dispatched to the location to handle the situation. Even though the fire was successfully controlled, dozens of stalls and stalls were already burned down, leaving significant losses for traders.

This fire is a warning for all parties to always be alert to the potential for fire, especially in places that are vulnerable and have lots of flammable materials. Kiosk and stall owners are expected to always check the safety of their gas equipment and installations to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Source :

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Commercial Property Insurance
  2. Fire insurance
  3. Third Party Liability Insurance
  4. Business Interruption Insurance


Work Accident Tragedy at PT Daesang Ingredients: 1 Person Died, 2 People Injured 

Deep sorrow still surrounds the family of Ahmad Zakki Wildani, a worker at PT Daesang Ingredients or Miwon, who died as a result of a work accident. The victim’s father, Mukhsin, felt the great loss of his first son who was only 18 years old.

Ahmad Zakki Wildani, who is familiarly called Dani, died while cleaning chimney machine fluid at the Miwon factory in Driyorejo, Gresik. Dani’s passing left deep sorrow at the funeral home in Lopang Hamlet RW 04, Driyorejo, Gresik, where co-workers and family relatives came one after another to strengthen and pray.

Mukhsin revealed that his son had only worked for 17 days at the factory. “I didn’t expect that that day would be my child’s last goodbye,” said Mukhsin with sadness on Monday (1/7/2024). He recalled that Dani did not show any inkling before the tragic incident. “Say like this, when will you have coffee with me again,” said Mukhsin, imitating what Dani’s friend said.

This deadly incident occurred on Friday (28/6), when Dani and two colleagues, Supriyono (47) from Balongbendo, Sidoarjo, and Ali from Driyorejo, were working. Driyorejo Police Chief, AKP Mushiram, explained that the accident occurred when they were cleaning the chimney engine fluid. The fluid in the machine suddenly gushed out and hit the victims.

As a result of the explosion, Dani suffered serious head injuries and could not be saved. “One AZW person died,” said AKP Mushiram. Meanwhile, Supriyono suffered a broken right leg and Ali was also injured. The two injured victims are currently undergoing treatment at the Petrokimia Putra Driyorejo Hospital.

Until this news was published, there had been no official statement from PT Daesang Ingredients Indonesia or Miwon regarding this incident. This work accident case is currently under further investigation by the Gresik Police. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Gresik Police, AKP Aldhino, said that his party was still investigating the crime scene and asking for information from the victims and other witnesses.

This tragic incident emphasizes the importance of work safety in industrial environments and the need for preventive measures to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Source :

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance


Tourist Boat Leaks on Mursala Island, Central Tapanuli. Three People Killed

Mursala Island, Central Tapanuli Regency (Tapteng), North Sumatra (North Sumatra) was a silent witness to the tragedy of the sinking of a ship carrying a number of tourists, Saturday (29/6/2024). This incident resulted in three people dying.

Tapteng Police Chief AKBP Basa Emden Banjarnahor confirmed the incident. “Currently, we are handling the evacuation and being taken to the hospital. Later, when the data is complete, we will release it,” said Basa when confirmed detikNorth Sumatra.

Ps Head of Penmas Sub-Section Tapteng Police, Aiptu Dariaman Saragih, said the accident occurred during the day. The ship was carrying dozens of tourists, including the Permata GBKP Berastagi Rg Cinta Rakyat 2024 Retreat Church group from Karo Regency, as well as residents from Asahan Regency and Batu Bara Regency.

“The latest information is that three people died,” he said Dariaman.

The police together with Basarnas are still focused on rescuing and evacuating the victims. From the results of a temporary inspection, it is suspected that the ship sank after experiencing a leak.

“The ship is suspected of having problems entering water in the hull, which is thought to be caused by a leak in the hull due to the waves,” he explained.

The process of rescuing and evacuating victims was carried out until the victims arrived at Pandan Regional Hospital. The situation at the scene is still being handled intensively by a joint team to ensure the safety of all ship passengers.

Source : 

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Personal Accident Insurance
  2. Marine Hull Insurance
  3. Travel Insurance
  4. Life insurance
  5. Liability Insurance


Wooden Ship Loaded with 45 Tons of Rice Sinks in Taka Gantarang Waters, Selayar

A wooden ship loaded with 45 tons of rice from Bone Regency, South Sulawesi, reportedly sank in Taka Gantarang Waters, District Taka Bonerate, Selayar Islands Regency. This incident involved six crew members (ABK) with the following identities: Bambang Sugeng (31) as captain, Lagian Efendi, Irfan, Jumardi, and Salama.

Information from Ps. Head of Public Relations of the Selayar Islands Police, Aipda Suardi, indicating that the ship departed from Tuju-tuju Harbor, Bone Regency, bound for Flores. The ship sailed on Wednesday (26/6) at around 06.00 WITA carrying a cargo of 45 tons of rice and 30 cylinders.

“The ship sank due to bad weather which caused the main engine and water pump to stop. The crew members were floating in the ocean not far from the location of the sunken ship,” said Suardi.

Luckily, all crew members and the captain were successfully evacuated by fishing boats passing around the scene. “There were no casualties in this incident. The crew members were rescued by fishermen and evacuated to Tarupa Village to be handed over to the local government,” he explained.

However, the ship’s cargo of rice and cylinders sank causing material losses estimated at IDR 1.5 billion.

The joint team is still carrying out further investigations regarding this incident to determine the exact cause and minimize the risk of a similar incident in the future.

Source : 

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Cargo Insurance 
  2. Machinery Breakdown Insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance

This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


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