Asuransi Liability

Doctor’s Malpractice Cause #5 – Failure To Follow Up After Treatment

Liga Asuransi – Dear readers, how are you? I hope you and your family are always well.

We go to the doctor or hospital for treatment when we feel unwell. Surgery may be carried out if our health condition is severe enough, and further action must be taken. We start worrying about it.

It must be admitted that the treatment facilities, health care, and doctors are already adequate in Indonesia. 

Still, sometimes we hear that people experience problems after getting health care. Even his health condition is getting worse and worse. 

One of the causes is the failure to carry out postoperative actions by doctors’ hospital teams.

As a senior insurance broker, I want to discuss it thoroughly in this article to avoid this risk.

If you are interested in this article, please share it with your colleagues, so they understand like you.

Penyebab Malpraktek Dokter #4 – Kegagalan Untuk Mendapatkan Persetujuan Dalam Perawatan Medis


Follow-up after medical treatment refers to the monitoring and evaluation of a patient’s health status after undergoing medical treatment. It is an essential part of healthcare that ensures that the patient is recovering correctly, the treatment has been effective, and any new health concerns are addressed promptly.

Follow-up after medical treatment may involve physical exams, laboratory tests, imaging studies, or other diagnostic procedures. The frequency and duration of follow-up will depend on the type of treatment and the patient’s individual health needs.

The primary goals of follow-up after medical treatment are to:

  • Monitor the patient’s progress and recovery.
  • Detect any recurrence of the condition or the development of new health problems.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
  • Provide ongoing support and education to the patient.

By staying in touch with healthcare providers and following through with recommended follow-up care, patients can help ensure they receive the best possible outcomes from their medical treatment.



Doctors follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment for several reasons:

  • Monitoring recovery

Following up with patients allows doctors to monitor their recovery and ensure the treatment or procedure succeeded. This is particularly important for complex procedures or those that involve significant risk.

  • Detecting complications

Complications can occur after a procedure or treatment, and following up with patients allows doctors to identify and address potential issues early on. This can help prevent serious complications and improve outcomes.

  • Adjusting treatment

Depending on how the patient responds to the treatment, the doctor may need to adjust the dosage or frequency of medication or make other changes to the treatment plan. Follow-up appointments provide an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the treatment and make any necessary adjustments.

  • Answering questions

Patients may have questions or concerns about their treatment or recovery, and follow-up appointments allow the doctor to address these issues and provide reassurance.

  • Building rapport

Following up with patients can help build a strong doctor-patient relationship, improving patient satisfaction and compliance with treatment recommendations.

Follow-up appointments are essential to the treatment process and help ensure patients receive the best care.



Doctors may follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment in a variety of ways, including:

  • In-person appointments

The doctor may schedule an in-person appointment to assess the patient’s recovery and progress.

  • Phone calls

The doctor may call the patient to discuss their progress, any concerns or questions the patient may have, and any changes to the treatment plan.

  • Telemedicine appointments

Telemedicine appointments may be used to assess the patient’s recovery progress and monitor their condition remotely.

  • Electronic communication

Doctors may use electronic communication, such as email or secure messaging, to communicate with patients and provide updates on their care.

  • Care coordination

Sometimes, the doctor may work with the patient’s primary care provider or other healthcare providers to coordinate care and ensure that the patient receives comprehensive care.


The specific follow-up method may depend on the nature of the procedure or treatment, the patient’s condition, and the doctor’s preferences. Patients should always feel free to ask their doctor about the follow-up process and what to expect after a procedure or treatment.



Failure to follow up with patients after a procedure or treatment can have serious consequences, including delayed detection of complications, increased healthcare costs, and lower patient satisfaction. 

Doctors need to recognize the importance of follow-up care and work to overcome barriers to providing it. Patients should also be encouraged to ask their doctors about the need for follow-up care and to ensure they understand the importance of keeping follow-up appointments.

Doctors may fail to follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment for several reasons, including:

  • Lack of communication

If the doctor and patient do not communicate effectively about the importance of follow-up care, the patient may not understand the need or assume they will follow through on their own.

  • Administrative barriers

Scheduling appointments and coordinating care can be time-consuming, and doctors may face administrative barriers that make it difficult to follow up with patients.

  • Resource constraints

Some doctors may need more resources, including staff and technology, which can impact their ability to schedule and conduct follow-up appointments.

  • Patient non-compliance

Patients may fail to keep follow-up appointments or may not follow the doctor’s recommendations for follow-up care.

  • Lack of awareness

In some cases, doctors may need to be made aware of the importance of follow-up care or receive training on effectively managing processes.



If  doctors fail to follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment, it can have several negative consequences, including:

  • Delayed detection of complications

Follow-up appointments are essential for detecting and addressing any complications or side effects arising after a procedure or treatment. If doctors follow up with their patients, these complications may stay protected, leading to further health problems and potential long-term consequences.

  • Increased healthcare costs

Follow-up appointments are a critical component of high-quality healthcare. Doctors should ensure their patients receive appropriate follow-up care after a procedure or treatment.

Failure to follow up with patients can result in the need for additional healthcare services, which can increase healthcare costs for patients and the healthcare system as a whole.

  • Lower patient satisfaction

Patients may feel that their care needs to be completed or improved if their doctors fail to follow up with them after a procedure or treatment. This can lead to lower patient satisfaction and potentially damage the doctor-patient relationship.

  • Legal liability

If a patient experiences complications or adverse outcomes due to a doctor’s failure to follow up, the doctor may be liable for medical malpractice.

  • Worsened health outcomes

Failure to follow up with patients can result in worsened health outcomes and potentially even mortality in some cases.



Failure to follow up with patients can have serious consequences, including legal liability for healthcare providers. Doctors need to recognize the importance of follow-up care and make every effort to ensure that their patients receive appropriate follow-up care after a procedure or treatment.

If doctors fail to follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment, it may lead to legal liability in cases where patients experience harm. Some potential legal liability issues that could arise from a failure to follow up with patients include:

  • Medical malpractice

If a patient experiences harm or injury due to a doctor’s failure to follow up, the doctor may be liable for medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare provider breaches the standard of care owed to a patient, resulting in harm or injury.

  • Negligence

A doctor’s failure to follow up with a patient may also be considered a form of negligence if it results in harm or injury to the patient. Negligence occurs when a healthcare provider fails to exercise reasonable care, resulting in damage or injury to a patient.

  • Breach of duty

Doctors must provide reasonable care to their patients, and failure to follow up with a patient after a procedure or treatment may be considered a breach of that duty. The doctor may be liable if a patient experiences harm or injury due to a breach of duty.



There have been several legal cases in which doctors or medical providers were held liable for failing to follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment. Here are a few examples:

  • In 2015, a jury awarded $2.5 million to the family of a woman who died after a doctor failed to follow up with her after a heart procedure. After the procedure, the woman complained of severe chest pain, but the doctor did not order any tests or follow-up appointments. She later died from a heart attack.
  • In 2016, a woman was awarded $8.5 million after a doctor failed to follow up with her after a breast cancer screening. The doctor had ordered a mammogram for the woman but did not inform her of the results or schedule a follow-up appointment. The woman later developed stage IV breast cancer.
  • In 2019, a doctor was sued for failing to follow up with a patient after a colonoscopy. The patient had abnormal test results, but the doctor did not notify the patient or schedule a follow-up appointment. The patient later developed colon cancer and required surgery and chemotherapy.

These cases illustrate the importance of follow-up care after a procedure or treatment, and the potential legal liability doctors or medical providers may face if they fail to provide appropriate follow-up care. Doctors need to recognize the importance of follow-up care and make every effort to



Professional liability insurance, or medical malpractice insurance, is designed to cover healthcare providers, including doctors if they are sued for medical malpractice or negligence. Suppose a  doctor fails to follow up with their patients after a procedure or treatment and is sued for medical malpractice or negligence. 

Their professional liability insurance may cover the resulting damages and legal fees in that case.

However, whether or not a particular policy will cover a specific claim depends on the terms and conditions of the policy. Professional liability insurance policies often have specific exclusions, conditions, and limitations, and doctors need to review their policies to understand what is covered carefully.

It is also worth noting that professional liability insurance is not a substitute for providing high-quality care to patients. 

While insurance can provide financial protection in the event of a malpractice claim, doctors have an ethical obligation to provide appropriate care to their patients, including follow-up care after a procedure or treatment.

Professional liability insurance may cover doctors or medical providers if they are sued for medical malpractice or negligence due to a failure to follow up with their patients. However, the specific terms and conditions of the policy will determine whether a particular claim is covered.



Doctors and medical providers often require insurance coverage for various reasons, including protecting themselves against malpractice lawsuits, covering the costs of unexpected accidents or injuries, and meeting regulatory requirements. However, selecting the right insurance policy can be complex and time-consuming, which is why many doctors and medical providers choose to work with insurance brokers.

Managing insurance by contacting insurance companies directly or through agents is not recommended because it can lead to limited insurance coverage, uncompetitive premium costs, the use of less secure companies, and the absence of claim settlement assistance.

Insurance brokers are professionals who specialize in understanding insurance policies and the various options available in the market. 

They can help doctors and medical providers navigate the insurance landscape, assess risks, and recommend policies that best fit their needs and budgets. Additionally, insurance brokers can help doctors and medical providers understand the terms and conditions of their policies. They can act as an intermediary between the policyholder and the insurance company in case of a claim.

Working with an insurance broker can also help doctors and medical providers save time and money. Insurance brokers have access to a wide range of insurance products from multiple insurance companies and can help their clients compare prices and coverage options to find the best value for their money. They can also negotiate on behalf of their clients to secure better rates or more favorable policy terms.

Doctors and medical providers benefit from working with insurance brokers because they can provide expertise and access to various insurance products and help navigate the complexities of insurance policies and claims.

One of the leading insurance brokers in Indonesia focusing on medical insurance is L&G Insurance Broker

For all your insurance needs, please call L&G now!


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