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7 Selected Insurance News for the Third Week of December 2022

Top News Liga Asuransi

Liga Asuransi – Amazing readers, how are you? As usual, we will always present 7 choices of information for you about the world of the Indonesian insurance industry. We hope that this news can be of benefit to you. If you are interested, please share with your colleagues, so they also understand like you.


  1. LPS Guarantees Policy for Five More Years, Chairman of AAUI: 

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA — The General Insurance Association of Indonesia (AAUI) responded to the Financial Sector Development and Strengthening Bill or the PPSK Bill regarding the implementation of a policy guarantee program by the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS).  

As is known, the DPR has approved and ratified the PPSK Bill to become law today, Thursday (15/12/2022). 

Referring to Article 329, it is stated that the implementation of the policy guarantee program will take effect 5 years from the promulgation of the PPSK Law.

Sri Margi Widodo said 5 years is a realistic timeframe, in line with the Application of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK) 74.  

Hastantoin line with the implementation of PSAK74 on January 1, 2025, with the opportunity to improve company conditions and implement a new cost structure in premium rates,” Widodo told Bisnis, Thursday (15/12/2022). 

Widodo considers that this also does not rule out the possibility of the initial implementation of the functions of the Policy Guarantee Agency (LPP) partially. AAUI believes that the existence of a financial omnibus law, aka the PPSK Law, will allow insurance companies to regain trust. 

Furthermore, Widodo added that after 5 years, it would operate healthily with a contractual service margin model. Meanwhile, according to him, if an insurance company wants to participate in the policy, it must first become a healthy company. 

“If it’s not healthy and not guaranteed, capital injection or consolidation are only options. If LPP does not guarantee it, the customer will choose the one guaranteed,” he explained. 

The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, said that there were at least two reasons why the new LPS mandate to organize a policy guarantee program was only held 5 years after promulgated. 

“Why does [LPS need 5 years]? That’s because two things must be prepared, namely, industry and LPS, so that later in the PP, the derivatives will still capture the readiness process from industry and LPS,” explained Minister of Finance Sri in a press conference after the Level II Plenary Session of the PPSK Bill, Thursday (15 /12/2022). 

The Minister of Finance sees that the new task that will be handed over to LPS is very different from its role in banking. 

“So we always need to see a balance between protecting the community, providing certainty to the industry, and preventing moral hazard,” he said. 

Article 53 paragraph (1) explains that the policy guarantee program is intended to guarantee the return of part or all of the rights of the policyholder, the insured, or participants from an insurance company or sharia insurance company whose business license has been revoked and liquidated.

Source: https://finansial.bisnis.com/read/20221216/215/1609010/lps-jamin-polis-lima-tahun-lagi-ketua-aaui-company-asuransi-punya-time-berbenah.


  1.         Final Phase of Jiwasraya Restructuring, Management Rack Returns License 

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – The PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Restructuring Program has entered its final round, as the last batch of the transfer of the portfolio accompanied by Jiwasraya’s assets and liabilities began to IFG Life in December 2022.

Jiwasraya’s Main Director, Angger P. Yuwono, revealed that the return of the company’s license would mark the end of the entire Jiwasraya Restructuring Program series.  

This has become the basis for management to start preparing a plan to return the company’s license to the regulator, along with the final stage of transferring the portfolio, including policies, assets, and liabilities.  

“Therefore, we are committed to continuing to carry out this process by applicable laws and regulations and continue to prioritize the principles of compliance and caution,” said Angger in his statement Thursday (15/12/2022).  

Angger added that in line with the implementation of the final stages of the Jiwasraya Restructuring Program series, his party is also trying to make the company’s expenses efficient to ensure that the company can still be a going concern.  

This step was taken so that all the rights of the policyholders who had participated in the Restructuring Program could be transferred to a new company, IFG Life. 

One of the steps was to carry out a rightsizing program for the organizational structure, followed by rationalization. This series of programs has been socialized recently and communicated to shareholders.  

“For that, let us express our respect and gratitude for all forms of contribution and dedication that have been given by our colleagues internally. This is also part of the solution to protect every existing right,” he added. 

For your information, the Jiwasraya Restructuring Program is a program to save policy benefits carried out by the state as a shareholder with Jiwasraya management, one of which is to avoid the potential for large losses that policyholders will feel.  

As of December 31, 2021, policyholders participating in the restructuring program reached 99.3 percent of the total corporate category policyholders, 99.6 percent of the whole retail category policyholders, and 98.4 percent of the comprehensive bancassurance category policyholders. 

Meanwhile, until November 1, 2022, Jiwasraya was recorded as having transferred assets of IDR 7 trillion, with liabilities of IDR 29 trillion to IFG Life. It is known that the transfer of assets and liabilities has reached 74.14 percent of the total value of the assets and liabilities to be transferred. 

Efficiency & Rightsizing 

On the same occasion, the Director of Risk Management, Human Resources and General Affairs of Jiwasraya R. Mahelan Prabantarikso explained that the rationalization program was carried out in compliance with the provisions of several regulations.  

For example, Government Regulation (PP) number 35 of 2021 concerning Work Agreements for Specific Time, Outsourcing, Working Time, and Rest Time; Government Regulation (PP) number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages; as well as the Collective Labor Agreement (PKB) made between Jiwasraya Management and the Jiwasraya Workers’ Union in 2020. 

Later, the rightsizing of the organizational structure followed by rationalization is also intended to make the company’s expenses efficient. 

This is because the company’s workload had significantly reduced after the transfer of portfolios accompanied by assets and liabilities before the Jiwasraya permit was finally returned. 

“In addition, currently, there is no product sales activity, and the company has been experiencing losses for a long time. These factors underlie the need to rightsize the organizational structure to suit the company’s needs towards plans to return permits,” explained Mahelan. 

Mahelan also ensured that Jiwasraya’s management had fulfilled employee rights amidst the company’s declining financial condition.  

Apart from that, he said, the calculation of post-employment rights for employees who are included in this rationalization program is also appropriate, even better than the provisions for post-employment rights for employees who are subject to rationalization in the context of efficiency, as stipulated in Article 43 paragraph (1) PP 35/ 2021. 

“This decision is not easy, so it requires support and understanding from all parties. But once again, we are grateful for all the support that has been given so far that finally, the restructuring programs have entered their final stages,” concluded Mahelan.

Source:  https://finansial.bisnis.com/read/20221215/215/1609046/babak-akhir-restrukturisasi-jiwasraya-manajemen-racik-pengembalian-izin.


  1.         Is it necessary to make pet insurance? Get to Know the Pros and Cons

 JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Some owners already consider their pets like family. 

Not surprisingly, they will take good care of him like their own child, providing welfare and attention, and meeting all his needs, from nutrition, health, and training, to a safe and comfortable place to live. 

This is all done to keep pets healthy, strong, and long-lived. However, giving these things to pets costs a lot, especially medical or veterinary fees. 

No doubt, the cost of veterinary care often worries some animal owners. As a solution, consider making insurance for pets.  

Please note vet bills can be expensive, especially when a pet requires ongoing care. This can add up fast.  

For example, a claim for the treatment of pneumonia in a turtle can result in a payment of IDR 9 million, a broken femur in a skunk can result in a claim being paid IDR 16 million, and stomatitis or inflammation of the mouth in an iguana can result in a claim payment of IDR 4 million.  

Of course, this is not a small fee.  

However, using pet insurance is inseparable from the pros and cons. So, before buying insurance for a fur friend, it is essential to know the following pros and cons, as reported by Exotic Direct Thursday (15/12/2022).  

Advantages of pet insurance 

The main reason for buying pet insurance is often to cover unexpected vet bills. 

If you choose a policy that covers vet fees, you will have the maximum vet fee coverage that can be claimed up to that year. 

It should be remembered that this is subject to the terms and conditions of your claims fulfillment policy. Some exotic pets are more likely to need veterinary care, so it’s essential to have pet insurance.  

By paying for insurance, you get a set amount of money each month. Once a policy is placed, you can forget about it. The temptation to ‘cancel’ pet insurance is less in theory than the temptation to ‘make’ savings.   

Some insurance companies allow you to make payments in installments. Protecting your pet if it dies, gets lost, or is stolen is also essential. 

Some exotic pet species can cost hundreds, if not thousands, so it’s worth considering pet insurance. 

For example, a blue and gold macaw costs more than IDR 15 million, and a turtle around IDR 3 million. 

One of the most expensive parrots, namely the hyacinth macaw, can cost up to IDR 234 million. However, consider carefully the type of insurance coverage you need. Some insurers offer policies that cover veterinary expenses, death, loss, and theft.   

Disadvantages of pet insurance  

You may not need to claim on the policy. You must consider the risk of not having to claim.  

Some of your claims may be rejected by the insurance because they do not meet the terms and conditions of the policy. Therefore, it is recommended to read the terms and conditions of the policy carefully when buying it.  

If a pet dies, you may need to pay a post-mortem, which insurance policies may not cover.  

This will only apply to pet owners who have purchased a policy that includes death cover. 

Remember, post-mortems can sometimes exceed the sum insured by the pet. Try talking to the vet to determine how much the post-mortem will cost. 

Some insurance does not cover it, so you have to pay post-mortem, which is not covered by your policy.

Source:  https://www.kompas.com/homey/read/2022/12/15/164144776/perlukah-buat-asuransi-dinding-peliharaan-kenali-pro-dan-kontranya?page=all#page2


  1.         Is There Insurance that Protects When a Car Rental is Off the Key? 

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Renting a car off the key is more flexible to accompany activities or trips. The reason is that tenants can drive their vehicles anywhere without having to be bound by the limitations of a driver from the rental party.

However, care must be taken when driving because there are always risks on the road. Both internal damage to the car until external damage occurs due to an accident or the like.

So, is there insurance that protects keyless car renters?

Anang, the owner of the Anang Trans car rental, said that if there is an accident or damage while the car is being rented, it is the tenant’s responsibility to fix it. 

“We cannot provide insurance yet, so when the car is damaged while renting, it is the lessee’s responsibility,” said Anang to Kompas.com, Monday (12/12/2022). 

He said tenants need to think carefully before renting a car off the key. 

“If you are not proficient at driving, you should not force yourself to drive. It is better to rent a driver from a company that has been prepared,” said Anang. 

He said that renting a car with a driver makes the risk of damage more tolerable. “For the driver from us, if an accident occurs, it will be tolerated so that the tenant does not have to pay for car repairs,” said Anang. 

Meanwhile, Setiawan, owner of AD Trans Klaten rental, said car renters could obtain insurance without keys but not in full. 

“We provide a policy by providing limited insurance, so every time damage occurs, we will provide cash assistance of IDR 50,000 per incident,” said Setiawan. 

He said that even though the insurance provided was not large enough, it was felt sufficient to provide comfort for the tenants. 

“Small indeed, but hopefully, this policy will provide a positive value. Tenants also feel comfortable not having to worry when renting a car without the key,” said Setiawan.

So, insurance when renting a car off the key needs to be questioned before you decide to rent. This way, you will understand whether the rental company provides insurance or not because each company has its policy.

Source:  https://otomotif.kompas.com/read/2022/12/13/112200115/apakah-ada-asuransi-yang-melindungi-saat-sewa-mobil-release-key-?page=all#page2


  1.         Jiwasraya Restructuring Complete, IFG Life Receives Liability Transfer of IDR 30.40 T

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. PT Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero)’s restructuring program has entered its final stage. This was marked by the transfer of the portfolio (policy) along with assets and liabilities from Jiwasraya to IFG Life.

IFG Life Corporate Secretary Gatot Haryadi said that transferring the policies of Jiwasraya customers who had agreed to the restructuring up to November 2022 reached 157,266 procedures with an assigned liability value of Rp. 30.40 trillion. 

In addition, the company has made claims benefit payments of IDR 5.24 trillion. “Currently, the company has recorded total assets of IDR 30.328 trillion,” Gatot said when contacted by Kontan.co.id, Friday (16/12).

The principal director of Jiwasraya, Angger P. Yuwono, said that at the same time as the transfer of the portfolio (policy) along with assets and liabilities, the management is also preparing a plan to return the company’s license to the regulator.

Furthermore, returning the company’s license will mark the end of the entire Jiwasraya Restructuring Program series.

Angger explained his party is committed to continuing to carry out this process in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and continues to prioritize the principles of compliance and prudence.

In addition, along with the implementation of the final stages of the Jiwasraya Restructuring Program series, his party is also working on efficiency on company costs to ensure that the company can continue to be a going concern until all the rights of policyholders who have participated in the Restructuring Program can be transferred to a new company, namely IFG Life.

One of them is by carrying out an organizational structure rightsizing program followed by rationalization, in which this series of programs has been socialized recently and has been communicated to shareholders.

 “For that, let us express our respect and gratitude for all forms of contribution and dedication that have been given by our colleagues internally. This is also part of the solution to protect every right,” said Angger.

Meanwhile, the Director of Risk Management, Human Resources and General Affairs of Jiwasraya, R. Mahelan Prabantarikso explained that the rationalization program was carried out based on and complied with the provisions in several regulations.

Provisions include Government Regulation (PP) number 35 of 2021 concerning Work Agreements for Specific Time, Outsourcing, Working Time, and Rest Time, Government Regulation (PP) number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages, as well as Collective Labor Agreements (PKB) made between Management of Jiwasraya and the Jiwasraya Workers’ Union in 2020.

The rightsizing of the organizational structure followed by rationalization was also intended to make the company’s expenses more efficient.

Mahelan, before finally getting Jiwasraya’s permission, returned.

“In addition, currently, there is no product sales activity, and the company has suffered losses for a long time. These factors underlie the need to rightsize the organizational structure to suit the company’s needs towards plans to return permits,” said Mahelan.

Mahelan ensured that Jiwasraya’s management had fulfilled employee rights amidst the company’s declining financial condition.

Apart from that, the calculation of post-employment rights for employees who are included in this rationalization program is also appropriate and even better than the provisions for post-employment rights for employees who are subject to rationalization in the framework of efficiency as stipulated in Article 43 paragraph (1) PP 35/2021.

“This decision is not easy, so it requires support and understanding from all parties. But once again, we are grateful for all the support that has been given so far that the restructuring programs has entered its final stage,” concluded Mahelan.

Source: https://keuangan.kontan.co.id/news/restrukturisasi-jiwasraya-rampung-ifg-life-accept-pengalihan-liability-rp-3040-t?page=2 


  1.         Beware of Failure to Pay! These are 10 Life Insurance with Healthy Finances

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – As is known, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has included the names of 13 insurance companies in its surveillance radar. So, what kind of company should we choose if we want to choose an insurance product?

One indicator of the financial health of an insurance company can be seen from the value of the achievement ratio or Risk Based Capital (RBC). RBC can be interpreted as the ability to pay the long-term debt.

As for the provisions of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), based on POJK No. 71/POJK.05/2016, the minimum RBC value of an insurance company is 120%. The higher, of course, the healthier.

The CNBC research team has listed the top 10 conventional life insurance companies with the highest RBC values ​​in the third quarter of 2022.

Source : https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/mymoney/20221215160908-72-397268/awas-gagal-paid-ini-10-asuransi-jiwa-dengan-keuangan-sehat 


  1.         General Insurance Net Profit of IDR 5.3 Trillion per Quarter III/2022 

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – The general insurance industry recorded a positive financial performance throughout the third quarter of 2022. This is reflected in the growth in profit after tax which rose to IDR 5.3 trillion in the first nine months of 2022. 

Trinita Situmeang, Deputy Chairperson for Statistics Research and Analysis of the Indonesian General Insurance Association (AAUI), said that general insurance recorded profit after tax or net profit of IDR 5 .3 trillion up to quarter III/2022. 

The profit earned grew 13.1 percent annually (year-on-year/yoy) from reaching IDR 4.7 trillion in the third quarter/of 2021. 

Trinita explained that investment returns and underwriting results supported the profit recorded by the general insurance industry until September 2022. 

“The profit after tax comes from investment and underwriting results for general insurance companies. So both investment and underwriting results have contributed to general insurance after-tax profits,” Trinita said in an online presentation of General Insurance and Reinsurance Quarterly/2022 Performance, Friday (16/12/2022). 

In detail, Trinita said that investment returns increased to IDR 3.1 trillion from IDR 3 trillion. 

This position was able to record growth of 5.8 percent yoy. On the other hand, underwriting results also rose 8.6% yoy from IDR 12.1 trillion to IDR 13.1 trillion. 

In addition, total general insurance investment also grew by 3.9 percent yoy. This value has increased from IDR 87.1 trillion in the third quarter of 2021 to IDR 90.5 trillion in the third quarter of 2022. 

With three coins in common, total assets also increased 6.8 percent yoy to Rp. 195.8 trillion, from previously reaching Rp. 183.2 trillion. 

Furthermore, total liabilities and equity each recorded growth of 8.6% yoy and 4% yoy to IDR 124.3 trillion and IDR 70.7 trillion. 

Premiums and claims also recorded growth with respective percentages of 19.9 percent yoy and 25.2 percent. The two indicators rose to IDR 67 trillion and IDR 27.5 trillion.

Source: https://finansial.bisnis.com/read/20221216/215/1609193/laba-bersih-asuransi-umum-rp53-triliun-per-kuartal-iii2022

This information is presented by L&G Insurance BrokerThe Smart Insurance Broker


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