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7 Selected Fatal Accident News – December Second Week

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Liga Asuransi – Dear readers, how are you and your business? Hopefully in good condition, and your business is going well and progressing. Without realizing it, many events have occurred in various regions of Indonesia.

Last Sunday, there was an explosion in a coal mine in Sawahlunto, which claimed lives. Then is there any insurance coverage that can reduce losses due to the outbreak?

In this article, we will discuss it and provide 7 choices of events from within the country and abroad for you.

Again, we remind you to always be careful when driving and carrying out daily activities because all kinds of risks that can be financially detrimental to your life can occur at any time.

  1. Mall in Moscow Burns Intensely, Second Fire in 4 Days

Plumes of smoke rise from the Balashikha mall on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia, which was ravaged by fire earlier this week (Russian Emergency Ministry Press Service via AP)

Moscow – A heavy fire engulfed a shopping center or mall in the eastern suburbs of Moscow, Russia. This is the second fire to hit a shopping mall in Russia in the last four days.

As reported by the Associated Press Monday (12/12/2022), the blaze at a mall called Balashikha was said to have first appeared in the warehouse area and spread to other parts of the building on Monday (12/12) local time. Balashikha Mall is known to sell construction goods and home decoration materials.

A security guard was rushed to hospital and is currently undergoing treatment for inhaling toxic fumes from the fire.

The fire team managed to localize the fire to an area of ​​9,000 square meters and prevented the fire from engulfing the entire mall.

Local officials said a short circuit might have caused the fire during heavy rains that hit Moscow.

The mall fire on the outskirts of Moscow comes days after a massive fire destroyed the OBI building materials store, which is part of the Mega Khimki shopping center located on the northwestern outskirts of the Russian capital, last Friday (9/12).

Firefighting efforts were reportedly hampered by the design of the building, in which part of the roof collapsed, and the fire spread over a large area. Several eyewitnesses said they heard an explosion at the scene of the fire.

Local authorities reported that at least one person, a security guard, died due to the fire at the Mega Khimki complex.

Deliberate actions, such as arson, were considered the suspected cause of the fire. However, local authorities finally said that welding activities that violated safety rules were the most likely suspected cause of the great fire.

Source: https://news.detik.com/internasional/d-6457654/mal-di-moskow-terbakar-hebat-kebakaran-kedua-dalam-4-hari.

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  1. Chronology of the Sawahlunto Coal Mine Explosion

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A coal mine explosion has occurred again in the PT Nusa Alam Lestari (NAL) concession in Sawahlunto Regency, West Sumatra. This coal mine exploded on Friday, December 9, 2022, and is reported to have claimed several victims.

From information received by Tempo, the Head of the Public Relations Division at the National Police Headquarters, Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo, said that a total of 14 people were affected in the Sawahlunto coal mine explosion incident, with details of 10 people dying, one with 30 percent burns, one lightly injured, and two others survived.

“Info from the Kapolda has been evacuated. All victims are currently in the identification process,” said Dedi when contacted Friday, December 9, 2022. However, as of December 10, 2022, Tempo has yet to receive the latest update regarding the condition of the Sawahlunto coal mine.

Chronology of the Sawahlunto Coal Mine Incident

The incident began on Friday morning at 08.30 WIB when an explosion occurred inside a coal mine owned by PT NAL in Salak Village, Talawi District, Sawahlunto Regency, West Sumatra.

When the pit workers were carrying out their usual mining activities, PT NAL’s Head of Mining Engineering (KTT), Dian Firdaus, saw the pit emit a puff of smoke accompanied by a small explosion from inside the mine pit.

Dedi said that several workers had entered the mine pit when this happened. Then the summit ordered the head of the hole to check into the hole. The mine pit workers are estimated to be trapped in the hole at 200 meters.

A total of 15 workers were reported in the pit, but only nine people could get out. Dedi said of the nine people, five people were injured, and four others died. While six other people are still trapped in the hole. At 18.00, the last victim was successfully evacuated. Unfortunately, the victim was already dead and was immediately taken to the Sawahlunto Regional General Hospital for identification. In total, the incident claimed 10 lives.

The Cause of the Explosion

As for the cause of the explosion, as quoted by Antara, West Sumatra Regional Police Chief Inspector General of Police Suharyono stated that methane gas was suspected to cause the explosion in PT NAL’s SD C2 (Lori 2) mine pit.

He said the police would re-check and study the operational standards of mines where methane gas does indeed exist at a certain depth.

Source : https://bisnis.tempo.co/read/1666836/kronologi-ledakan-tambang-batu-bara-sawahlunto

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  1. Flash Floods – Strong Winds Landa West Sumbawa, Houses and Shops Damaged

Sumbawa – Heavy rain accompanied by strong winds caused flash floods in the Regency area of West Sumbawa (KSB) and West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). As a result, dozens of houses in Two Districts in the area were flooded and badly damaged.

Not only floods but strong winds also hit the KSB area. As a result, 5 units of residents’ houses and two units of basic food shops were badly damaged in Telaga Bertong Village. The roofs of people’s houses were detached and flew from the houses.

KSB Head of Emergency and Logistics for the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Syaiful said that as many as 24 residents’ houses were flooded. In addition, 5 housing units and 2 shops were damaged due to the strong winds.

“The flood location was in Seteluk District, namely Meraran Village 8 houses and Lamusung Village 4 houses. In Taliwang District, Lamunga Village 5 houses and in Kertasari Village 7 houses,” explained Syaiful to detikBali, Monday (12/12/2022).

Syaiful said before the disaster occurred, parts of the KSB area were hit by heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning on Sunday (11/12/2022) from 15.00-16.30 WITA.

“Flash floods and strong winds caused moderate to heavy rain accompanied by thunder and wind. Strong in parts of West Sumbawa and its surroundings starting at 15.00-16.30 WITA,” he said.

He revealed that, on average, the residents’ houses hit by strong winds suffered damage to the roof. Almost all of the damaged homes had roofs made of spandex steel.

“All of them were damaged in the form of spandex roofs detached by wind and rain. There were no fatalities,” he said.

Syaiful emphasized that the number of victims of strong winds is likely to increase. This is because the damaged 5 houses and 2 shops were the initial data that was reported. Meanwhile, his party will carry out an assessment directly in the field.

“The number of victims of a tornado may be added because today we are conducting another assessment; this is temporary data that has come to us,” he stressed.

Source: https://www.detik.com/bali/nusra/d-6456383/banjir-bandang-angin-kencang-landa-sumbawa-barat-rumah-dan-toko-rusak.

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  1. Accident, 2 Cars Burned at Jalinsum Asahan

Asahan – Two cars collided, resulting in severe burns on Jalan Lintas Sumatra (Jalinsum) precisely at kilometer 213-213 Aek Ledong Village, Asahan Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra).

This incident occurred Sunday (11/12/2022) yesterday. There were no casualties in this incident. Head of the Law Enforcement Unit (Gakkum) of the Asahan Police Traffic Unit, Iptu Muhammad Rony, explained the chronology of the two cars colliding.

“The Vios BK 1348XB minibus driven by Ramlan allegedly took the lane too far to the right and crashed into the Terios BM 1057 BD car driven by Juliadi from Medan to Labuhanbatu,” said Ronny when confirmed by detikSumut at his office, Monday (12/12/2022).

Meanwhile, the cause of the fire in the incident is believed to have come from the car driven by Ramlan, which experienced an electric short circuit after the collision. At the location at the time of the incident, the road conditions were also wet due to rain.

“It is suspected that there was an electrical short circuit due to the collision in the Vios car. But we are still investigating it,” he said.

This incident resulted in 8 victims consisting of 3 passengers in the Vios car and 5 passengers in the Terios car, who suffered several minor injuries and were treated at the nearest Health Center. There was a long traffic jam due to the incident because the position of the burning vehicle was on the road.

Firefighters who arrived after the incident put out the fire, which had scorched all parts of the car.

Source:  https://www.detik.com/sumut/berita/d-6456754/kecelakaan-2-mobil-terbakar-di-jalinsum-asahan.

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  1. Mount Fuego in Guatemala Erupts Again, Residents Beware

Liputan6.com, Guatemala City – Mount Fuego is reported to have erupted again. The Fuego volcano (Volcan de Fuego) is located about 16 kilometers (10 miles) from Antigua, the beautiful former capital of the country and Guatemala’s biggest tourist attraction.

Fuego erupts on average every four to five years. In June 2018, an eruption sent rivers of lava rushing its side, destroying the village of San Miguel Los Lotes, killing around 200 people and leaving another 200 people missing.

Authorities are monitoring the latest eruption closely, and so far, no one has been evacuated, said Rodolfo Garcia, a civil protection spokesman.

“With what happened in 2018, now the security forces are more alert and active,” said Jose Sul, a resident of Alotenango.

Residents of Alotenango — about 65 kilometers to the southeast of Guatemala City — saw a sudden flow of lava that turned the sky red on the evening of Saturday, December 10, 2022.

“People here are used to this, and they see it as normal, ” said Demetrio Pamal, a 28-year-old Mayan farmer, according to an AFP report.

Many local families prepare backpacks filled with food, water, flashlights, and medicines so they can easily evacuate for up to three days.

Guatemala has two other active volcanoes, Santiaguito in the west of the country and Pacaya in the south.

Fuego also borders the dormant Acatenango volcano, which is 3,500 meters high.

Unlike the Andean volcanoes in South America, Guatemala is not covered in snow due to Central America’s warmer climate.

Central America has more than 100 volcanoes, which are hugely popular tourist spots, although they sometimes cause death and destruction.

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  1. Leaving for the Fire Location, the Luwu Regency Fire Car Turns Over at a Bend 

KOMPAS.com – A Luwu Regency Fire Department (Damkar) car overturned in Dusun Samba, Rantebelu Village, Larompong District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.

Head of the Luwu District Fire Service, Yermia, said the car swerved when it entered a sharp bend.

The Luwu District Fire Department personnel driving the car allegedly could not control the vehicle.

“The car headed to the location to extinguish the fire and loaded thousands of liters of water. It overturned when it was in a zig-zag bend on the boundary between Babang Village and Buntu Matabing Village,” Yermia said when confirmed Sunday (11/12/2022).

According to Yermia, the incident started when the Luwu District Fire Department received a fire report. Two cars from the Luwu Fire Department, with numbers 102 and 104, left for the location.

“However, during the journey, the 102 fleets overturned, while the 104 rescue fleet continued their journey to extinguish the fire,” said Yermia.

All Luwu Fire Department personnel who were in the car survived.

“Thank God our personnel survived this incident. They only suffered injuries,” said Yermia. Meanwhile, the Luwu Police Traffic Unit (Satlantas), contacted by Kompas.com, still needs to provide detailed information regarding the accident.

Source: https://regional.kompas.com/read/2022/12/11/185743278/berangkat-ke-dinding-kebakaran-mobil-damkar-kabupaten-luwu-terbalik-di.


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  1. Severe Fire in Ambon, Hundreds of Houses and Kiosks Swallowed by Fire 

AMBON, KOMPAS.com – Severe fires hit densely populated settlements in the Lorong Tahu area, Mardika, Sirimau District, Ambon City, Maluku, Friday (9/12/2022) early morning.

The fire also scorched hundreds of kiosks, stalls, boarding houses, and residents’ houses in the area.

The fire spread quickly and burned down the used clothing sales complex nearby.

Local residents tried to extinguish the blaze using water from the Batu Merah river. However, it was difficult to extinguish the fire because the fire continued to spread rapidly because many buildings were made of flammable materials.

Based on Kompas.com monitoring at the location of the fire, until 11.00 WIT firefighters were still continuing to put out the hot spots. Meanwhile, hundreds of residents whose homes and businesses were burnt are still in that location.

Hadi, a victim resident, admitted that the fire incident occurred at around 04.00 WIT. “I heard a commotion when I went to the mosque. It turned out there was a fire,” he said.

Hadi admitted that when the fire started to spread, he immediately returned home and took his wife and children out of their house.

“We only came out with important papers and clothes on our bodies, and everything else was burnt,” he said. The new fire was extinguished after five hours of firefighters trying to put out the fire.

Residents assisted the firefighters. So far, police have not been able to determine the cause of the fire. Currently, the police have set up a police line at the fire’s location for investigation purposes.

Source: https://regional.kompas.com/read/2022/12/09/110416978/kebakaran-hebat-di-ambon-rumah-dan-ratusan-kios-ludes-dilalap-api.

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This information is presented by L&G Insurance BrokerThe Smart Insurance Broker


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