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Yitta Dali Wassink, husband of artist Jennifer Coppen, dies as a result of a single accident: and 7 recent incidents in Indonesia that are shocking

Liga Asuransi – Hello, risk takers! We are back with various news related to accident incidents in Indonesia which attracts all of our attention. Risk can come to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. 

Although we cannot predict when an accident will occur, we can minimize its impact by prioritizing safety. 

In this article, we have collected seven accident news stories that will deepen our understanding of the importance of safety in everyday life. Let’s remain alert and take care of ourselves and our loved ones around us.

Accident Tragedy in Lubuk Pakam: One Family Killed by a Train

Lubuk Pakam, 21 July 2024 – A tragic accident occurred at a railway crossing without gate barriers in Pagar Jati Village, Lubuk Pakam District, Deli Serdang. A black Toyota Rush car with plate number BK 1496 MAA carrying a family was hit by a train, resulting in six people being killed and one person being injured.

The dead victims consisted of Ramses Manullang (52) and his wife, Herawati Manurung (51), along with their five children: Gabriela Manulang (28), Sarah Manulang (26), Yohanes Manulang (24), David Manulang (22), and Niko Manulang (20). Herawati Manurung, the only survivor, is in critical condition and has been evacuated to hospital.

Accident Chronology

The accident occurred at around 12.30 WIB, when the family had just returned from church services and were planning to go on a trip to Medan. After arriving at their house in Srimulya B Hamlet, Sumberjo Village, they immediately changed clothes and left. However, only about a minute from home, their car was hit by a train at a crossing without barriers. The car bounced about 30 meters and fell into a rice field, causing serious damage.

PT KAI Evacuation and Explanation

The evacuation of victims was carried out by officers and local residents. Ramses Manulang, who was trapped in the car, was the last to be evacuated at around 15.30 WIB, while his wife and children were evacuated first. According to the Public Relations Manager of PT KAI (Persero) Divre I North Sumatra, Anwar Solikhin, this accident occurred at KM 33+800 on the road between Perbaungan Station and Lubuk Pakam Station. The train driver honked the horn many times, but the car driver ignored it.

PT KAI also conveys its deepest condolences and sorrow to the families of the victims and apologizes for the delay of the U51A Sribilah Utama train which was delayed by 11 minutes due to this incident.

Residents’ Reactions and the Atmosphere of the Funeral Home

The funeral home in Srimulya B Hamlet, Sumberjo Village, was filled with mourning residents. Neighbors said that the Ramses Manulang family was known to be kind and friendly, even though they had only lived there four years. Residents also revealed that accidents at crossings without barriers often occur.

Ramses’ youngest child, Setia Manulang (14), survived the tragedy because he did not take part in the trip. The neighbors have not told the sad news to Setia, who is currently still under family protection.

Victim’s Funeral

According to information from the family, the bodies of Ramses Manulang and his five children will be buried in their hometown in Huta Gurgur Village, Dolok Sanggul District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency, on Tuesday, July 23 2024. Ramses’ sister-in-law, Mei Siregar, revealed that their extended family is still alive. on the way to the burial site.

List of accident victims:

  1. Ramses Manulang (52) – Killed
  2. Herawati Manurung (51) – Injured
  3. Gabriela Manulang (28) – Killed
  4. Sarah Manulang (26) – Killed
  5. Yohanes Manulang (24) – Killed
  6. David Manulang (22) – Killed
  7. Niko Manulang (20) – Killed

This tragic accident reminds us of the importance of safety at railway crossings, especially at locations without gate barriers. It is hoped that the authorities can take preventive measures to prevent the recurrence of similar incidents in the future.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Public Liability Insurance
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Life insurance
  5. Personal Accident Insurance


Tragic Accident at Kayutangi 2 Complex, Construction Worker Killed by Fallen Column

Banjarmasin, 22 July 2024 – A tragic work accident occurred at Kayutangi 2 Complex, Line 7, RT 20, Pangeran Subdistrict, North Banjarmasin on Monday afternoon at around 14.00 WITA. A construction worker named Salman (45), a resident of Pelambuan, was killed when he was crushed by the rubble of a building that was about to be demolished.

Indra Bayu Kusuma (35), Salman’s co-worker, described the terrible moment when the tragedy occurred. “We are jacking up the building, our position is at the top. Suddenly, the building tilted and collapsed instantly. Salman fell and was stuck,” he said in a trembling voice.

At the time of the incident, workers were trying to equalize the height of the building so that the demolition process would be easier. However, the sloping building could not support the weight and collapsed, hitting Salman who was on top of the construction.

“I immediately approached Salman. He didn’t move anymore. “My knees immediately went weak, my colleague’s life could not be saved,” added Indra with teary eyes.

Not long after the incident, Banjarmasin City BPBD immediately arrived at the location to evacuate the victims. The police also came to investigate the crime scene and investigate this incident further.

According to information gathered, the house had previously collapsed but was not repaired by the owner. This time, the building was to be completely demolished, but unfortunately, the construction process actually resulted in casualties.

Currently, Salman’s body has been evacuated to the Mortuary at Ulin Hospital, Banjarmasin. The police are still carrying out further investigations regarding the exact cause of this accident.

This tragedy is a reminder of the importance of work safety, especially in building demolition projects. Workers and related parties are expected to be more careful so that similar incidents do not happen again.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Employment Liability Insurance
  4. Construction Insurance


A devastating fire hit a villa and restaurant in Padangbai, Bali 

A major fire occurred in Padangbai Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency, Bali, on Monday (22/7/2024) early morning. This incident burned down two villa buildings and a restaurant, causing losses of up to IDR 5 billion.

The villas that burned were the Padangbai Beach Inn and Kerti Beach Bungalow, as well as the Padangbai Billabong restaurant. Dozens of foreign tourists managed to escape the flames in a dramatic way, climbing down an electricity pole near the burning villa.

The Villa Owner’s Family Also Rescued

I Komang Budiarta, who is the in-law of the villa owner, said that the two villas and restaurant are owned by one family. The whole family lives in the villa, including parents, children, in-laws and grandchildren.

“I got a call from my son that the villa was on fire and immediately rushed to the location to help save guests and other valuables. Coincidentally my son and his family were sleeping on the first floor,” said Budiarta.

The extinguishing process took four hours

A total of 26 personnel from the Klungkung and Karangasem fire departments (damkar) were deployed to extinguish the fire. The fire was only extinguished after four hours and consumed around 55 thousand liters of water.

“The roof of the villa is made of thatch and wind Also “Blowing very hard, the fire quickly spread and spread to the building next to it,” said Head of Public Relations of the Karangasem Police, Inspector I Gede Sukadana.

According to Sukadana, the fire was first noticed by a resident who was on guard. Seeing the flames from above the Padangbai Beach Inn villa, the residents immediately shouted for help. One of the villa guests who was awakened by the screams immediately woke up the other guests to save themselves.

Huge Losses and Panic of Foreign Tourists

As a result of this fire, 22 Balinese lumbung style rooms at Padangbai Beach Inn villa, 10 Balinese lumbung style rooms at Kerti Beach Bungalow villa, as well as one Padangbai Billabong restaurant building were burnt down.

“The cause of the fire is still under further investigation, because when it was first discovered the fire was already burning quite big,” said Sukadana.

The tourists sleeping on the first floor were immediately rescued. However, tourists sleeping on the second floor had to escape via the PLN electricity pole next to the villa building, because the stairs were no longer possible to pass.

“It was no longer possible to take the stairs, because the fire was already quite big. So I and other residents helped tourists get down via the electricity pole,” added Budiarta.

This fire not only panicked all the tourists staying overnight, but also residents who lived near the villa panicked and rushed to save valuables. They were afraid that the fire would get bigger and spread to residential areas.

“Currently, my children, daughter-in-law, grandchildren and in-laws are temporarily staying at home. Tourists who previously stayed at the villa have moved to other places,” explained Budiarta.

This fire is an important reminder of the importance of fire prevention measures, especially in tourist areas that are densely visited by visitors such as Bali. It is hoped that the authorities will soon find the cause of this fire to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Property Insurance
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. General Liability Insurance


Car Theft Syndicate in Bandar Lampung Revealed, Four Perpetrators Arrested in Bandar Lampung, Sunday (21/7/2024) early morning – Tekab 308 Team and Ranmor Unit 

The Bandar Lampung City Resort Police succeeded in thwarting a car theft syndicate operating in two different locations in Bandar Lampung. In the early hours of Sunday (21/7/2024), the Tekab 308 Team and the Bandarlampung Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested four of the six perpetrators involved in this theft case. The four perpetrators who were arrested were HA (45), MR (29), FR (30), and CS (35), who were known to have carried out their actions using key duplication.

This car theft incident began at dawn on Saturday (13/7/2024) in the parking lot of a hotel in Teluk Betung, Bandar Lampung. The victim, the owner of a black Toyota Innova Reborn with the number plate BE 1508 AAS, reported his car missing to the police after finding his vehicle missing from the parking lot.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Bandarlampung Police, Commissioner Dennis Arya Putra, explained that after receiving the report, officers immediately carried out an investigation. As a result, the missing car unit was found in a dead end alley in the Sukabumi area, Bandar Lampung, not long after the report was made. “The victim’s car was found in Sukabumi after the perpetrator left it there,” said Dennis.

Further investigation revealed the perpetrator’s modus operandi, namely renting a car and duplicating the ignition key. They then followed the victim’s vehicle and stole the car when it was parked in a deserted place. After successfully stealing the car, this syndicate pawned the stolen vehicle for IDR 120 million.

“We arrested the four perpetrators in two different locations, and we are still looking for the other two perpetrators involved in this case,” added Dennis.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Public Liability Insurance


PT Subcontractor Workers. The True Independent Albatross Disappeared at Sea While Painting a Barge in Batam

Batam, July 22 2024 — Ansgarius Laba Wato, a 22 year old subcontractor worker from PT. Albatros Mandiri Sejati, was reported missing after falling into the sea from the Barge Buana Jaya at Jetty Buana Cipta Mandala, Kabil, Batam, at 15.30 WIB today.

This tragic incident occurred while Ansgarius was painting on the ship. According to information gathered from, the victim allegedly fell while working. Search efforts were immediately carried out by the ship’s crew and other workers using Tug Boats, Pancung Boats and divers, but so far this has not yielded results.

Head of the Tanjungpinang SAR Office, Fazzli, through Public Relations Ardilla Azizi, confirmed that a joint SAR Team had been dispatched to search for victims. The SAR team consisting of 5 personnel has gone to the location of the incident using a Type 2 Rescue Car and is equipped with sophisticated equipment such as Rubber Boat Set, Aquaeye, flashlights and thermal drones.

The weather at the location of the incident is currently estimated to be cloudy with southeast to south winds of 5 – 30 knots. Even though the weather conditions were not ideal, the SAR Team continued the search with full dedication.

“Search efforts are still being carried out by the SAR Team. “We hope that the victim can be found soon and is safe,” said Ardilla Azizi.

Apart from the Rescue Car Type 2 and Rubber Boat, the SAR Team also used Aqua Eye, thermal drones, as well as communication and medical equipment in this search operation.

Relevant parties and the victim’s family are waiting for good news from the rescue team, and it is hoped that the victim will soon be found safe.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance 
  2. Life insurance
  3. Third Party Liability Insurance
  4. Asuransi Contractor’s All Risks Insurance
  5. Personal Accident Insurance


Speedboat Crashes into Barge in North Penajam Paser: One Dead, One Still Missing

North Penajam Paser, 22 July 2024 — A marine accident occurred in the waters of North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, on Sunday (21/7) morning, involving a speed boat that hit a barge. This incident resulted in one person being killed and another person still being searched for.

According to the Head of the Balikpapan Class A Search and Rescue Office, Dody Setiawan, the speedboat carrying seven passengers lost control and crashed into the stern of the barge RM 3209. As a result of the collision, five passengers were rescued, while one person died and a 12-year-old child was still alive. search.

“The speedboat lost control and hit the stern of the barge. All passengers jumped from the speedboat after the collision,” explained Dody Setiawan.

The victim who died, Randi (25), was immediately evacuated to the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo. The search is still continuing for Zaki, a 12-year-old boy who has not been found.

Zaki’s mother, Yanti, revealed that the speedboat had engine problems and stopped in the middle of the sea, causing panic among passengers as the barge drew closer. “We had given signs not to approach because the speedboat’s engine wasn’t running. When the barge got closer, everyone panicked and jumped,” said Yanti.

Basarnas has carried out a search along 0.52 nautical miles to the north and is continuing to try to find Zaki. The search operation involved various tools and personnel to ensure the victim was found quickly.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Marine Cargo Insurance
  3. Personal Accident Insurance
  4. Third Party Liability Insurance


Yitta Dali Wassink, husband of artist Jennifer Coppen, dies as a result of a single accident

Bali, 18 July 2024 — The virtual world was shocked by the news of the death of Yitta Dali Wassink, husband of artist Jennifer Rochelle Coppen. The man known as Papa Dali, 22 years old, reportedly died as a result of a single accident on Jalan Sunset Road, Seminyak, Bali on Thursday, July 18 2024, at around 02:00 WITA.

According to the Head of Public Relations of the Denpasar Police, AKP I Ketut Sukadi, Dali Wassink had an accident while riding a Kawasaki DK 5555 KSW motorbike. “The victim was moving from north to south at high speed and could not control his vehicle when he arrived at the scene. “The motorbike swerved to the right and hit the road island barrier,” explained AKP Sukadi.

Dali suffered serious injuries and was rushed to BIMC Kuta Hospital. Unfortunately, he breathed his last breath in the hospital.

This sad news was first uploaded by Jennifer Coppen via her Instagram account on Thursday evening. In her upload, Jennifer wrote:

“Innalillahiwainnailaihirojiun has passed away to Rahmatullah. My beloved husband, Yitta Dali Wassink, on Thursday at 02.20 WITA. Papa Dali was a cheerful, kind, polite person and loved by everyone. He always tried to be a good father and husband, as well as a child which is good for both parents love easiness, but Allah loves the late Papa Dali more.”

Jennifer also asks that friends, relatives, and fans respect their family’s privacy in this time of grief. “We apologize for any mistakes and attitudes he had during his life, and we ask for forgiveness. Pray that he may be forgiven of all his sins and be placed in the most glorious place in the presence of Allah SWT. AMEN YRA.”

Family and close friends are now mourning the passing of Dali Wassink. May the family be given fortitude and strength in these difficult times.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Personal Accident Insurance
  2. Vehicle Insurance 
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Life insurance

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