Pemilu Indonesia

Political Tensions High: Understanding The Implication Of Riot, Strike, And Civil Commotion Insurance Surrounding Indonesia’s General Election 2024

Liga Asuransi – Dear Risk Takers, how are you? I hope your business is doing well.

In this blog post, we focus on risk management and insurance, and this time we will be discussing the political risks, particularly about the general election. 

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As Indonesia gears up for its highly anticipated general election in the coming months, the nation finds itself at a critical juncture in its democratic journey. While elections are typically seen as a celebration of democracy, they also bring with them a certain level of uncertainty and potential social risks. 

The collective voice of the people, eager for change or dissatisfied with the status quo, can manifest in various forms, including riots, strikes, and civil commotion. 

Understanding and evaluating these potential risks is crucial to ensure the electoral process’s smooth functioning and preserve social harmony.

Indonesia’s political landscape is diverse and vibrant, reflecting various voices and interests. Examining the potential for social unrest arising from differing ideologies, socioeconomic disparities, and regional tensions becomes imperative with the general election approaching. 

Riots, strikes, and civil commotion can disrupt the electoral process, create an atmosphere of fear and instability, and undermine the legitimacy of the election results.

This article explores the complexities surrounding the social risks of Indonesia’s upcoming general election. 

It seeks to shed light on the factors contributing to these risks, examine historical precedents, and analyze their potential consequences on the electoral landscape and the wider society. By understanding the underlying dynamics, we can better prepare, mitigate, and address these risks to ensure a peaceful, inclusive, and fair election process.

Throughout this article, we will explore the interplay of various factors, such as political polarization, socio-economic grievances, ethnic and religious tensions, and the role of influential stakeholders. 

We will also examine the government and civil society’s strategies to manage and prevent social unrest during elections. Ultimately, the goal is to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the potential social risks, enabling them to engage in informed discussions and contribute to creating a more resilient democratic process in Indonesia.

The following sections will delve into the historical context, analyze the key risk factors, and discuss potential strategies to address and mitigate social risks associated with riots, strikes, and civil commotion in Indonesia’s general election. By examining these critical aspects, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead, ensuring a robust and peaceful democratic process for the nation.

Stay tuned as we explore Indonesia’s political landscape and the potential social risks that loom over its upcoming general election.



Some notable past political experiences of general election tensions and damage in Indonesia:

1997-1998 General Election

The general election held in 1997-1998 was the first democratic election after the fall of the Suharto regime. The transition to democracy led to tensions and incidents across the country. 

Protests and clashes erupted in various regions as people voiced their political reform and change demands. The election marked a significant turning point in Indonesia’s democratic journey but was accompanied by challenges and social unrest.

The political crisis in Indonesia in 1997-1998 was a significant period marked by social unrest, including riots, strikes, and civil commotion. Here is an elaboration on the impact of these events:

  • Riots

Riots erupted in various parts of Indonesia during the 1997-1998 political crisis. Widespread discontent with the government, economic hardships, and demands for political reform fueled these riots. The impact of the riots was significant:

  • Loss of Life and Injuries

The riots resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives and caused injuries to many individuals. The clashes between protesters and security forces, as well as inter-communal conflicts, led to casualties.

  • Property Damage

Rioting often leads to extensive property damage. Public infrastructure, government buildings, businesses, and private property were targeted and vandalized. Shops, markets, and homes were looted and destroyed, resulting in substantial economic losses.

  • Economic Disruption

The riots caused disruptions in economic activities. Businesses were forced to suspend operations, leading to financial losses and declining investor confidence. The instability and destruction hindered economic growth and exacerbated the economic crisis that Indonesia was already facing.

  • Social Impact

The riots also had social consequences. They deepened social divisions, strained inter-group relations, and exacerbated ethnic and religious tensions. Communities became polarized, further exacerbating the fragility of the political situation.

  • Strikes

Strikes played a significant role during the 1997-1998 political crisis, as various groups and labor unions mobilized to express their grievances and demands. The impact of strikes included:

  • Disruption of Services

Strikes in key sectors such as transportation, manufacturing, and public services caused disruptions to daily life. Public transportation systems were paralyzed, factories were shut down, and essential services were interrupted.

  • Economic Impact

Strikes contributed to economic instability and weakened Indonesia’s economy. The halting of production and services affected domestic and international trade, leading to financial losses for businesses and a decline in investor confidence.

  • Political Pressure

Strikes served as political pressure on the government to address labor issues, economic inequality, and corruption. The collective action of workers and labor unions aimed to bring attention to their demands and push for political reforms.

  • Civil Commotion

Civil commotion refers to widespread public unrest, often involving mass demonstrations, protests, and confrontations with authorities. During the 1997-1998 political crisis, the civil commotion had the following impacts:

  • Political Instability

Civil commotion reflected the deep-rooted political instability and widespread discontent with the government. Protests and demonstrations demanded political reforms, accountability, and a democratic system.

  • Pressure on the Government

Civil commotion pressured the government to respond to public demands and address the population’s grievances. The intensity and scale of the demonstrations created a sense of urgency for political changes.

  • International Attention

The civil commotion during the crisis attracted international attention. The protests and unrest put Indonesia in the global spotlight, leading to international pressure on the government to take action to resolve the crisis and initiate democratic reforms.

2004 General Election

The 2004 general election was significant as it was Indonesia’s first direct presidential election. The election process was marred by tensions and incidents, particularly in areas with regional disparities and ethnic and religious tensions. There were allegations of fraud and irregularities, and protests and clashes occurred in certain regions, highlighting the need for effective management and prevention strategies.

2014 General Election

The 2014 general election was marked by solid polarization between the two main political camps. Tensions escalated during the campaign, leading to protests, clashes, and even fatalities. Supporters of different political parties clashed in several areas and allegations of fraud and irregularities added to the contentious atmosphere. The situation emphasized promoting peaceful dialogue and mitigating risks during election cycles.

2019 General Election

The 2019 general election was significant as the presidency and legislative seats were contested simultaneously. While the election was relatively peaceful overall, tensions emerged due to political rivalries, disinformation campaigns, and allegations of voter fraud. Protests and clashes occurred in some areas, prompting authorities to deploy security forces to maintain order.

These are just a few examples of past political experiences in Indonesia’s general elections that have witnessed tensions and incidents. Each election cycle has its unique dynamics, challenges, and specific incidents that contribute to the overall political landscape of the country.

Learning from these experiences and implementing strategies to address and mitigate potential risks in future elections is crucial.



To anticipate and mitigate the risks associated with tensions and incidents during general elections in Indonesia, both individuals and companies can take several proactive measures:

  • Stay Informed

Individuals and companies should stay informed about the political climate and developments leading to the election. Follow reputable news sources, monitor social media platforms, and engage in discussions to understand the prevailing sentiments and potential risks.

  • Conduct Risk Assessments

Perform a thorough risk assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and assess the impact of social risks on individuals and businesses. This includes evaluating the geographical context and considering the potential for political polarization, regional tensions, and socioeconomic disparities that may contribute to unrest.

  • Develop Contingency Plans

Create comprehensive contingency plans that outline strategies to address potential risks and incidents. These plans should include clear communication channels, protocols for employee safety, crisis management procedures, and steps for protecting company assets.

  • Enhance Security Measures

Individuals and companies should enhance security measures during the election period. This can include strengthening physical security, improving cybersecurity, and implementing access control measures to safeguard assets and sensitive information.

  • Engage in Dialogue and Mediation

Individuals and companies can actively engage in dialogue and mediation efforts to help prevent tensions from escalating. This may involve participating in community forums, supporting initiatives that promote inclusivity, and fostering open communication to address grievances and foster understanding.

  • Support Independent Election Monitoring

Companies can contribute to a transparent and credible election process by supporting independent election monitoring organizations. This can help ensure fair practices, mitigate the risk of fraud, and increase public trust in the electoral system.

  • Promote Ethical Practices

Companies should adhere to ethical business practices, avoiding involvement in activities that could fuel tensions or contribute to political polarization. Respect for diversity, neutrality, and impartiality is crucial to maintaining a harmonious environment during elections.

  • Provide Employee Guidance

Companies should educate their employees about the potential risks and guide how to navigate sensitive political situations. Promote tolerance and respect for diverse opinions and discourage engagement in activities that could incite or contribute to social unrest.

  • Collaborate with Authorities and Local Communities

Establish partnerships with local authorities, community leaders, and relevant stakeholders to foster a collaborative approach to risk mitigation. Actively participate in local initiatives that promote peace, stability, and dialogue.

  • Regularly Review and Update Plans

It is essential to regularly review and update contingency plans based on the evolving political landscape. Continuously monitor the situation, assess new risks, and adapt strategies to ensure preparedness.

Individuals and companies can anticipate and mitigate the risks associated with tensions and incidents during general elections in Indonesia by taking these proactive steps. Being informed, prepared, and actively engaged can create a safer and more stable electoral environment.



Insurance plays several vital roles in the context of risks and incidents during general elections in Indonesia. Here are some essential parts that insurance can fulfill:

  • Risk Transfer

Insurance provides a mechanism for individuals and companies to transfer the financial risk of potential damages and losses resulting from election-related incidents. This includes coverage for property damage, business interruption, liability claims, and other relevant risks. 

Individuals and companies can mitigate the financial impact of unforeseen events by having appropriate insurance coverage.

  • Business Continuity

Insurance can support business continuity efforts by covering disruptions caused by election-related incidents. This can include coverage for additional expenses incurred during a crisis, such as temporary relocation costs, increased security measures, or the need to hire extra personnel. 

Business interruption insurance can also compensate for lost income during periods of forced closure or reduced operations due to incidents.

  • Asset Protection

Insurance helps protect valuable assets, such as buildings, equipment, inventory, and other property, against risks associated with tensions and incidents during elections. 

Property insurance policies can include coverage for damage caused by riots, strikes, civil commotion, or vandalism. This ensures that individuals and companies have financial protection in case of asset damage or destruction.

  • Liability Coverage

Insurance can provide liability coverage for individuals and companies if they are held responsible for damages or injuries caused by election-related incidents. This includes coverage for third-party bodily injury, property damage, or legal expenses arising from lawsuits. 

Liability insurance safeguards individuals and companies from potential financial liabilities and legal consequences resulting from incidents during elections.

  • Personal Protection

Individuals can also benefit from insurance coverage in times of social unrest. Personal insurance policies, such as personal accident, health, or travel insurance, can provide financial support for medical expenses, emergency evacuation, or other unforeseen circumstances that may arise during election-related incidents.

  • Risk Assessment and Risk Management

Insurance companies often conduct risk assessments and guide individuals and businesses to mitigate risks. They may offer risk management services, such as safety training, security recommendations, or risk prevention measures, to minimize potential incidents and their associated losses.

  • Supporting Government Initiatives

Insurance companies can collaborate with the government and support initiatives to manage risks and promote stability during elections. This can involve participating in public-private partnerships, contributing to risk management strategies, or offering specialized insurance products tailored to the needs of specific sectors affected by election-related risks.

It’s important to note that insurance coverage and specific terms may vary depending on the insurance provider, policy type, and individual circumstances. Consulting with insurance professionals or brokers can help individuals and companies identify the most suitable insurance solutions to address their unique needs and potential risks during general elections.



Individuals and companies can benefit from insurance brokers in the context of risks and incidents during general elections in several ways:

  • Expertise and Guidance

Insurance brokers have in-depth knowledge of the insurance market and can provide expert guidance to individuals and companies. They understand the complexities of insurance policies, coverage options, and terms and conditions. Brokers can assess individuals’ and companies’ needs and risks and recommend suitable insurance solutions tailored to their circumstances.

  • Access to Multiple Insurance Providers

Brokers work with multiple insurance companies and have access to a wide range of insurance products. This allows them to provide individuals and companies with options from different insurers, helping to ensure they can choose the most appropriate coverage for their specific needs. Brokers can also leverage their relationships with insurers to negotiate favorable terms and competitive premiums on behalf of their clients.

  • Comparison and Analysis

Insurance brokers can compare insurance policies, coverage limits, and pricing from different insurers. They analyze the details of each policy to ensure it aligns with the specific risks individuals and companies may face during general elections. Brokers can provide clear explanations of policy terms and help individuals and companies make informed decisions by highlighting the benefits and limitations of each option.

  • Customized Solutions

Insurance brokers understand that individuals and companies have unique requirements. They can customize insurance solutions to address specific risks and coverage needs related to general elections. Brokers can tailor policies to account for factors such as the nature of the business, the location, and exposure to potential incidents, ensuring that individuals and companies have appropriate and comprehensive coverage.

  • Claims Assistance

Insurance brokers can assist individuals and companies in the claims process during an incident or loss. They advocate for their clients, liaising with the insurance company and helping navigate the claims procedures. Brokers can guide the required documentation, help expedite the claims process, and ensure that individuals and companies receive fair and timely settlements.

  • Ongoing Support and Review

Insurance brokers provide ongoing support even after policies are in place. They can conduct regular policy reviews to ensure coverage remains up-to-date and aligned with changing circumstances and risks. Brokers also assist with policy renewals and modifications and advise on risk management strategies to help individuals and companies proactively mitigate potential incidents.

By working with insurance brokers, individuals, and companies can leverage their expertise, access various insurance options, receive customized solutions, and receive support throughout the insurance process. This allows them to make informed decisions, secure appropriate coverage, and have peace of mind in managing the risks associated with general elections.

One of the leading insurance brokers in Indonesia is L&G Insurance Broker.

For all your insurance needs, please call L&G now!


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