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Elevator Crashes at Animal Feed Factory, Two Workers Die in Fall from a Height of 20 Meters: And 7 Latest Incidents in Indonesia that are Shocking

Liga Asuransi – Accidents and incidents can happen at any time and anywhere, regardless of who is involved. Whether at home, work, or on the road, risk is present at every step of our lives. In a matter of seconds, a seemingly safe situation can turn into an unexpected incident. This is why it is important to realize how crucial the role of insurance is in everyday life. Insurance provides protection that can help reduce the impact of losses and provide a sense of security for us and the people we love when facing unwanted events. This article aims to increase awareness about the risks and importance of having insurance, while reviewing real stories and news related to accidents which can be valuable lessons for all of us.

Chicken truck collides with Tronton truck, driver is pinned down

In a shocking incident in the early hours of Tuesday (24/9), two trucks had a fatal accident on Jalan Raya Mojoagung, Jombang. The accident, which occurred at around 01.30, involved a chicken truck and a tronton truck, causing three people to be injured.

An eyewitness, Tigas, revealed that the accident started when a chicken truck with license plate number L 9786 UY driven by Muhammad Yasin (30) was driving from east to west. The truck, which was also carrying kernet Noval Setyawan (20), allegedly became exhausted and entered the opposite lane.

“At that time, the chicken truck was traveling at medium speed, suddenly veered into a lane it wasn’t supposed to. “It seems like the driver is sleepy,” said Tigas.

An accident was unavoidable when the tronton truck number B 9478 UYU passed from the opposite direction. The two vehicles collided violently, causing the front of both to be badly damaged and the driver to be pinned to the driver’s seat. The evacuation process was dramatic.

Fortunately, although both drivers suffered injuries, there were no fatalities in this accident. Ipda Siswanto, Head of the Jombang Police Traffic Unit, explained that the two drivers had been rushed to hospital for treatment, while the chicken truck driver survived without significant injuries.

The vehicle involved in the accident is now being secured at the Jombang Police Traffic Headquarters, and the police are still investigating the exact cause of this incident. This situation reminds us of the importance of safe driving, especially for truck drivers who often travel long distances.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Cargo Insurance 
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Health Insurance


Six Lives Lost in Bus and Truck Collision

A terrible tragedy occurred in Pantura Pati-Rembang, precisely in Batangan District, Pati Regency, Central Java, in the early hours of Monday (23/9/2024). The accident involving the Surya Bali bus and two trontoon trucks resulted in six people being killed and four others injured.

According to the Head of the Pati Police Traffic Unit, Police Commissioner Asfauri, the bus with plate number DK 7207 AC carrying 28 passengers was traveling at high speed from east to west. Suddenly, the bus swerved to the right and hit the bed of a Mitsubishi Tronton truck number P 9339 OB, before then hitting another truck number L 8899 UQ.

“From the information we received, the six people who died consisted of the tronton truck driver who was behind, the bus driver and four bus passengers,” explained Asfauri. This accident occurred at around 02.30 WIB, when a bus coming from Surabaya encountered two trucks traveling side by side.

Asfauri said that the weather conditions at that time were rainy, making the road slippery. It is suspected that the bus driver was sleepy, which caused the bus to swerve to the right. One of the truck drivers who survived, Yogi, said that before the incident, he saw two buses from the direction of Surabaya as if they were overtaking each other. “The first bus stopped overtaking because it saw my truck, but the second bus suddenly took the right lane and hit the bed of my truck, which was followed by a collision with the trailer behind,” said Yogi.

This accident is a tragic reminder of the importance of vigilance and safety when driving, especially in bad weather conditions.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Cargo Insurance 
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Life insurance


Two Factories Burn in Tangerang! Electrical short circuit and grinding sparks trigger a major fire

Fire again hit the industrial area in Tangerang Regency, Banten. This time, a sandal factory in Balaraja District was the victim of a raging fire. According to BPBD Tangerang Regency via the Instagram account @bpbd.kabtangerang, the sandal factory belonging to PT PRG which is located in the Batik Kampung Cogrek industrial area, Pasir Bolang Village, caught fire on Tuesday (16/9) evening.

The fire occurred at around 20.10 WIB and was first noticed by employees in the mechanical department who saw that the fire had spread in the production room on the second floor. The fire quickly spread to the lower floors, where many of the sponges used as raw materials for sandals were found, exacerbating the situation. Not only that, the office space directly opposite the production area also caught fire due to the rapid spread of the fire.

BPBD Tangerang Regency immediately deployed five fire engines from various posts, including Balaraja, Mako Curug, Tigaraksa and Cisoka. A total of 30 personnel tried to extinguish the fire and finally managed to control it after working for an hour. The blackout operation was declared complete at around 02.00 WIB.

Luckily, there were no reports of fatalities or injuries in the incident. It is currently suspected that the fire was triggered by an electrical short circuit in the second floor production room, which is right in front of the office space.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Insurance Property All Risks
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Machinery Breakdown Insurance


Elevator Collapsed at Animal Feed Factory, Two Workers Died Falling from a Height of 20 Meters

The elevator collapse tragedy occurred at an animal feed factory in Mojokerto, East Java, which claimed two lives. Dasep (38) from Purwakarta, West Java, and M Zaenal Abidin (24) from Lekok, Pasuruan, were both construction service workers who died as a result of falling from a height of around 20 meters.

According to the Head of the Mojosari Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Ipda Rival, the incident occurred when the two victims used the elevator to the sixth floor to repair the roof of the PT New Hope Mojokerto factory in Sumbertanggul Village, Mojosari. At around 16.00 WIB, suddenly the lift sling wire broke, causing the lift to fall and the two workers falling from a height.

“It’s true, two workers fell when they were taking the lift to carry out roof maintenance. The lift sling wire broke, so they fell,” explained Rival, as reported by detikJatim, Wednesday (18/9/2024).

Dasep and Zaenal’s bodies have been evacuated to Prof. Dr. Soekandar Regional Hospital, Mojosari. “Both were declared dead and taken to hospital,” he added.

This work accident is currently under investigation by the Mojokerto Police Criminal Investigation Unit. Officers have carried out a crime scene investigation and examined witnesses at the scene to reveal the exact cause of this incident.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Asuransi Property and Equipment
  5. Construction Insurance


Crane Damaged on Ship, Critical Worker Due to Head Injury! Loading and Unloading of Cement Ends in Disaster at Martapura Harbor

Two workers suffered a work accident on the Karya Niaga Motor Boat (KM) which was docked at the Martapura Baru Harbor Pier, West Banjarmasin District, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan, on Friday (20/9/2024) at 16.00 WITA. One of the victims suffered minor injuries, while the other victim suffered serious head injuries.

The seriously injured victim named Toha (39), a resident of Banjarbaru, is currently being treated intensively at the Ulin Banjarmasin Regional Hospital due to a serious head injury. Meanwhile, Muhammad Ali Zainudin (35), the foreman involved in the incident, suffered minor injuries and is receiving treatment at TPT Hospital.

According to eyewitnesses, the accident occurred when the two victims were under a crane which suddenly broke down and fell on them during the process of loading and unloading cement from the trailer into the ship’s hold. Engine damage, especially to the bearings, is thought to be the main cause of this incident.

Further investigations regarding the accident are still being carried out by the relevant authorities to ensure work safety at the port. The victim’s family and workers hope that a similar incident will not happen again.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Health Insurance
  3. Machinery Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance


Pinisi tourist ship catches fire while repairing engine in Labuan Bajo

The pinisi ship named Nayara experienced a fire in the waters of Labuan Bajo, West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), on Monday (23/9/2024) afternoon. The incident occurred when the tourist boat was anchored not far from Labuan Bajo Marina Waterfront Harbor.

Head of the Labuan Bajo Class III Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP) Office, Stephanus Risdiyanto, explained that the fire occurred while repairing the machine. Smoke began to emerge from the back of the ship, specifically in the engine room.

“While carrying out maintenance on the generator in the engine room, a fire occurred which resulted in a fire in that section,” said Stephanus.

The joint SAR team managed to contain the fire, and the ship was towed to avoid sinking.

“The fire was successfully extinguished, and the ship was towed to a safe area to prevent sinking and the risk of collision with other ships, while the cooling process was carried out,” he explained.

Thankfully, there were no casualties in this incident. Stephanus also emphasized that the Pinisi ship fire incident did not cause pollution in sea waters.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Personal Accident Insurance
  3. Machinery Breakdown Insurance
  4. Liability Insurance


Passenger Ship Sinks in Batam, One Life Lost Due to Bad Weather

A fishing boat carrying passengers sank in the waters of Bawahpadang, Batam, Riau Islands, on Tuesday afternoon. In this tragic incident, one person reportedly died. This was confirmed by the Head of the Rearpadang Subdistrict, Abdul Hanafi, who stated that the victims who died were not local residents.

“The ship belongs to residents of Judah Island, Moro District, and was passing through Pekaseh Island, Terong Island Village,” said Hanafi.

According to reports, bad weather with heavy rain accompanied by strong winds hit the Rearpadang District, which also damaged the roofs of a number of residents’ houses. However, due to poor cell phone signal, the number of damaged houses cannot be ascertained.

The boat sinking incident occurred at around 18.00 WIB, when the speedboat carrying the victim, Sumani (38), a resident of Judah Island, along with five other passengers, departed from Tanjung Riau for Juda Island, Moro District, Karimun Regency. While crossing the waters of Pekaseh, the speedboat was hit by strong winds, causing the ship to capsize and sink.

However, five other passengers managed to survive the incident. The Akhirpadang Police Team is currently investigating further the incident which claimed one life.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Personal Accident Insurance
  3. Life insurance
  4. Liability Insurance
  5. Travel Insurance

This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


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