Asuransi Kapal

This is a list of the 7 worst cargo ship accidents of all time

Liga Asuransi – Awesome congregation of readers. Currently, world trade volume continues to increase. Various commodities from various countries are sent to other countries. From East Asia to Western Europe, from the Middle East to the American continent and so on.

For efficiency, transport ships are now made as efficient as possible. The size of the ship was increased so that it could carry various kinds of goods in large quantities. Ships can be controlled more simply.

But behind all this sophistication, risks are always there. Ships can catch fire, collide, sink, strand and other accidents.

As insurance broker, we always remind our clients to always ensure that every shipment of their goods is always insured. The cost of insurance premiums is very low compared to the benefits obtained. By spending little money but getting protection and peace of mind. 

For your information, every year, more than 100 million containers are sent throughout the world using container ships which are now the size of three football fields. 

Even though the number of containers shipped is so large, the number of accidents that occur is relatively rare, with general estimates, on average, less than 1,500 containers are lost from ships every year.

Ship accidents often occur, and when they occur they can cause major disasters.  From the information we received, during March 2021 alone there have been 35 ship accidents throughout the world. 

At the time we wrote this content, a container ship type Ultra Large Container Vessel (ULCV) EVER GIVEN  ran aground in the northern Suez Canal, around 0600 UTC on March 23, shortly after she entered the Canal in a northbound convoy. As of 14:40 UTC March 23, the giant ship was still aground with tugboats trying to refloat it. Traffic was reportedly blocked in both directions. EVER GIVEN was en route from Yantian China to Rotterdam.

Please note that the list of cargo ship accidents that we will write is not a complete list that describes all accidents that have occurred. We have only written down several major accidents that have attracted the attention of the shipping community, including the insurance industry throughout the world. We got this information from online news. To get more complete information, please click at the bottom of this article.  

  • Hanjin Pennsylvania – Indian Ocean, 2002

Boat Hanjin Pennsylvania It had been out of the shipyard for less than a year when an explosion occurred in the cargo hold on November 11, 2002, off the coast of Sri Lanka while en route from Singapore to Germany.

Four days after the first explosion, followed by a second explosion rocked the 282 meter long ship. So when did the source of the explosion come from? It turned out that one or more containers contained fireworks which when reported incorrectly or were not made on the ship’s manifest.

Tragically, two crew members died in the accident. As for the ship, it remained afloat but was eventually declared a total loss and sold for salvage. She never made it to breaker port, however, and she was rebuilt and returned to service as Norasia Bellatrix.

The ship suffered a total loss and so did all of its cargo.

  • Hyundai Fortune – Gulf of Aden, 2006

Hyundai Fortune The 274-meter-long cargo ship was rocked by a powerful explosion as it headed west in the Gulf of Aden on March 21, 2006. Dozens of containers were thrown into the sea by the explosion, causing a scattering of debris that spread five miles around the ship. The fire burned for several days.

All 27 crew members managed to leave the ship and were then picked up by a destroyer from the Dutch Navy which was not far from the ship’s position. In this accident, only 1 person suffered non-life threatening injuries.

The ship was eventually towed to Salalah, Oman. It is confirmed that around 1,000 of the 3,000 containers were damaged as a result of the fire. The exact cause of the explosion was never determined.

The ship was then successfully repaired and returned to service. He was dismissed and banned in 2018.

  • MSC Napoli – English Channel, 2007

In January 2007, the 275 meter long ship MSC Napoli suffered cracks and took on water/flooding after experiencing bad weather in the English Channel during a voyage from Belgium to Portugal.

All 26 crew members managed to abandon ship, leaving Naples adrift off the coast of Cornwall, England.

The ship was eventually towed, but officials feared it could break up and sink so she was purposely beached in Lyme Bay off the coast of Branscombe.

After removing all fuel and cargo, the salvage crew managed to refloat Naples on 9 July, but it was later determined that the ship was in such poor condition that it could no longer be used.

Then the ship was blown up with explosives and broke into three parts to make it easier to remove the wreck. It took 924 days to rescue MSC Napoli.

  • Rena – New Zealand, 2011

On 5 October 2011, a 224 meter Rena container ship struck the Astrolabe Reef rock cluster in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand at a speed of approximately 17 knots while heading towards Tauranga.

As a result, the ship ran aground and was stranded there for months. The load is crushed and broken. The load of chemicals and fuel spreads and falls on coral reefs, causing severe sea water pollution. Rescue workers are scrambling to overcome the environmental damage it can cause. 

Astrolabe Reef is famous for having very strong waves for months, the Rena finally split into two in January 2012. For rescue there was no other choice except to dismantle the wreck on the reef.

As a result of this incident, around 200 tons of heavy fuel oil was lost and polluted the sea and a large number of cargo containers were lost. New Zealand’s Prime Minister declared the shipwreck to be the “worst maritime disaster” in the country’s history. Although most of the wreckage of the Rena was successfully removed during a complex salvage operation. Part of Rena’s carcass could not be removed and currently remains on the coral reef. A judge ruled in 2016 that the ship’s owners could leave the remains of the wreck there.

After this incident, from the results of the investigation it was determined that the Second Officer of the Rena ship had deviated from its proper route to Tauranga in order to meet the deadline for the pilot ship to reach the port. The result was a course change that steered the ship right over a coral reef that was actually already on the map and no one realized the error until it was too late. The Master and Second Officer were arrested and sentenced to seven months in prison for their role in the disaster.

  • MSC Flaminia – North Atlantic, 2013

The German-flagged container ship, MSC Flaminia, was rocked by a series of explosions and a large fire in the cargo hold during a voyage across the North Atlantic in July 2012.

The explosion and fire resulted in the loss of four lives. The remaining crew members left the ship and were picked up by the Samaritan ship which was near the incident and prepared to rescue the crew.

The 300-meter-long ship burned for several weeks, sending toxic fumes into the air and causing extensive damage to the ship’s frame. As a result of environmental hazards, the ship was denied shelter for months before Germany finally agreed to admit it to Wilhelmshaven three months after the first explosion.

After the MSC Flaminia fire, the European Union finally adopted new guidelines for ships in need of assistance. The ship was finally repaired and returned to service in 2014.

  • MOL Comfort – Indian Ocean, 2013

MV MOL Comfort suffered a broken back on 17 June 2013 in the Indian Ocean.

The loss of the MOL Comfort in June and July 2013 was the worst container shipping disaster in modern history.

An investigation into the sinking of the MOL Comfort found that the ship suffered a hull girder fracture, but investigators were unable to determine the exact cause of the fracture. Regardless, the incident led to the implementation of new rules regarding the strength of hull girders of large container ships.

  • Maersk Flesh – Arabian Sea, 2018

Maersk Honam fire in the Arabian Sea.

With a nominal capacity of 15,262 TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units), the 353-meter-long Maersk Honam is the largest ship on the list of modern container shipping disasters. It is the only ship referred to as an Ultra Large Container Ship, or ULCS, which is one of the largest ships currently available.

The Maersk Honam is also one of the youngest ships along with the Hanjin Pennsylvania, which was just handed over by South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries in 2017.

The ship, then carrying a total of 7,860 containers (equivalent to 12,416 TEU), suddenly reported a serious fire in one of its cargo holds on Tuesday, March 6, while heading west in the Arabian Sea about 900 miles southeast of Salalah, Oman.

 As a result of this accident, of the 27 crew members, 23 were evacuated to nearby detention. Tragically, five crew members died as a result of the accident.

One week after the fire occurred, it had destroyed the entire cargo area from the bow to the superstructure. Although it was later reported that the fire had been brought under control on board the ship, when at its peak the flames were so large they could be seen from space. 

These are some notes regarding cargo ship accidents that attract attention.

We hope that the information can be a motivation for all goods owners who want to send their goods to always ensure that the goods are insured before sending.

The best way to get shipping insurance is to use the services of an insurance broker company. An insurance broker is your consultant for designing insurance policies, negotiating with insurance companies. Become a “lawyer” when handling claims with insurance companies.

One insurance broker company that is experienced in the field of freight insurance is L&G Insurance Broker.

For shipping insurance on your goods, contact L&G now!


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