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Pioneer Aircraft PT. Water SAM Falls and Destroys in Swamps, 4 Lives Lost: And 7 Latest Incidents in Indonesia that are Shocking

Liga Asuransi – Indonesia has been rocked again by a series of tragic incidents that claimed lives and destroyed property, highlighting how vulnerable we are to various risks in everyday life. Starting from accidents on land, sea and air to severe fires and work accidents that result in loss of life, these incidents not only touch humanity but also serve as a reminder of the importance of risk mitigation through preventive measures and insurance protection. In this article, we will discuss the details of several recent events that shocked the public, as well as the important role of insurance in dealing with unexpected disasters.

Travel Car Tragic Accident on the Pasuruan-Probolinggo Toll Road. 5 People Killed and Dozens Injured

A deadly accident rocked the Pasuruan-Probolinggo toll road in the early hours of Monday (21/10/2024), when a travel vehicle carrying dozens of people had a fatal incident. Five people were reported to have died, while seven others were injured as a result of an accident involving a travel elf with plate number M 7419 UA.

The accident occurred at Km 814 l, precisely in Cukur Gondang Village, Grati District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java. Pasuruan City Police Chief, AKBP Davis Busim Siswara, explained that the accident started when the elf driven by Ifan Erlando drove from Situbondo to Madura carrying dozens of passengers. Suddenly, the elf hit something on the road before hitting the guardrail at high speed, causing the front of the vehicle to be destroyed.

“We are still investigating whether before hitting the guardrail, this vehicle hit something or another vehicle. “After the incident, the elf was seen standing still in a very serious condition,” he explained.

Among the five victims who died, there was the driver M. Adi Ifannor and his wife, Ely, who were residents of Tambaksari Village, Rubaru District, Sumenep Regency. Other victims who lost their lives in this incident were Muslih (60) from Sanggrahan, Ngadirejo District, Wonogiri, Darwiyono (26) from Curah Tatal Village, Arjasa District, Situbondo, and Sutrih (50) who also came from Situbondo.

Police Chief Davis added that the police were still ensuring that all surviving passengers had been taken to the Grati Pasuruan Regional Hospital. To find out the exact cause of the accident, his party is still waiting for information from the passengers who are currently undergoing medical treatment. This incident is a reminder of the importance of road safety.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Travel Insurance (Travel)
  3. Public Liability Insurance
  4. Health Insurance 
  5. Life insurance


Supermarket Dragon in Tambun Bekasi Fire. Fire spreads in the Sky Game room, suspected to be an electrical short circuit

A surprising fire occurred at Naga Swalayan which is located on Jalan Diponegoro, Setia Mekar Village, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency, on Sunday night (20/10/2024). The police revealed that the cause of the fire was thought to be an electrical short circuit.

Head of the South Tambun Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Inspector Kukuh Setio Utomo, explained that the fire started in the play area inside the shop, precisely at a location called Sky Game. “The damage occurred in the play area. “We suspect that the fire started due to an electrical short circuit,” said AKP Kukuh Setio Utomo to journalists on Monday (21/10/2024).

This terrible incident occurred at around 21.30 WIB when Naga Supermarket was closed and there was no activity. Currently, the police are still carrying out investigations to determine the material losses caused by this fire. “The shop has closed, and the losses cannot be estimated,” he added.

To extinguish the fire, firefighters deployed seven cars to the location. “There were seven fire trucks dispatched to handle the fire last night,” said Rizki Ramadhan from the Bekasi Regency Fire Department.

The fire was only successfully extinguished about two and a half hours after the incident, at 23.30 WIB to be precise. This incident is a reminder of the importance of safety and the need for safe electrical systems in public places.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Insurance Property All Risks
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Public Liability Insurance


Pioneer Aircraft PT. Water SAM Falls and Destroys in Swamps, 4 Lives Lost

On October 20 2024, the Indonesian aviation world was shocked by a tragic incident when a pioneer aircraft belonging to PT. SAM Air with registration number PK-SMH (DHC6) had an accident at Panua Airport, Pohuwato. The plane was on its way from Djalaluddin Airport, Gorontalo, to its final destination, Panua Airport, Pohuwato.

The plane piloted by Capt. M. Saefurubi A and First Officer M. Arthur V. G, together with a technician named Budijanto, took off with good hopes at 07:03 WITA (23:03 UTC). Unfortunately, after experiencing cloudy weather, the plane lost contact at 07:22 WITA (23:22 UTC). Several hours after losing signal, the plane was found completely destroyed in the swamp, just before runway 27 at Pohuwato Airport.

This tragedy claimed the lives of 4 people, including the pilot, first officer, technician and a passenger named Sri Meyke Male. The bodies of the victims have been evacuated to the Motolohu Pohuwato Community Health Center.

Acting Director General of Civil Aviation, Lukman F. Laisa, expressed his deep condolences for this accident. “We are deeply saddened by the incident that befell the PT pilot aircraft. SAM Air in Pohuwato. “We convey our prayers and sympathies to the families of the victims left behind,” he said with full empathy.

Furthermore, Lukman stated that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation was working with the National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) and related parties to investigate this incident further. “We hope that this investigation will run smoothly and we can take preventative steps for future aviation safety,” he added.

This accident not only touched the hearts of many people, but also served as a reminder of the importance of safety in the world of aviation.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Aviation Hull Insurance
  2. Public Liability Insurance
  3. Health Insurance
  4. Life insurance
  5. Personal Accident Insurance


Tragic Work Accident Occurs in Bena Baru Village. Timber Employee Killed by Falling Tree

A tragic work accident occurred in Bena Baru Village, Sambaliung District, where a timber company employee lost his life after being hit by a tree. This heartbreaking incident was confirmed by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for the Berau Police, AKP Ardian Rahayu Priatna.

According to AKP Ardian’s explanation, the victim died in hospital due to the serious injuries he suffered. He suffered a serious injury to his left leg after it was caught in a log he fell. “The victim is believed to have died from injuries suffered when the tree fell on him. “He was taken to hospital, but unfortunately he couldn’t be saved,” he said when met in his room on Wednesday (16/10/2024).

The company where the victim worked has handled this incident, and the victim’s family was promised to receive compensation. “The victim’s family will also receive assistance from the company,” he added.

From the results of the investigation, the police confirmed that the incident was a pure accident without any criminal elements. “This was purely an accident, the result of the victim’s negligence,” he concluded. This accident reminds us all of the importance of work safety in high-risk industries such as woodworking.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Work Accident Insurance
  2. Life insurance
  3. Liability Insurance (Liability)
  4. Personal Accident Insurance


Fishing Boat Sinks, Two Fishermen Missing Due to Bad Weather 

A fishing boat from Harapan Village, Pemangkat District, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan, experienced a tragic incident when it sank in Kalang Bahu, South Java on Monday, October 21 2024. The bad weather that hit the area was the main cause of the fishing boat sinking, and now two fishermen , Idang and Bimo, reported missing.

The Joint SAR Team has been deployed to carry out a search after their ship sank in the waters. The Head of Harapan Village, Farid, confirmed this disaster and said that search efforts were still ongoing as of 22.00 WIB, but the two fishermen had not been found. “Until 10 o’clock last night, two fishermen were still confirmed missing. “One person has been found safe,” said Farid when contacted by

Farid explained that the fishing boat sank when it was about to dock at Penjajab Pemangkat port. “Yes, the ship had an accident while trying to dock at Penjajab port, based on information from the Head of Water Police, Mr. Rudi, and Mr. Zulhijah from Basarnas,” he said.

Information about the sinking of this fishing boat was received after there were reports from village residents that one of the trawl fishermen had experienced an accident. “We received a report that our resident’s ship sank yesterday afternoon,” he said.

Furthermore, Farid emphasized that the village and the victim’s family completely entrusted the search process to the joint SAR team. “The family entrusted the joint SAR team to carry out the search for the victim,” he said. This incident is a reminder of the risks faced by fishermen in the midst of unpredictable weather.

Source :      

Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Marine Hull Insurance
  2. Liability Insurance
  3. Life insurance
  4. Personal Accident Insurance 


Truck Accident on Tangerang-Merak Toll Road: Load of Heavy Equipment Overturns, Congestion Strikes

An accident occurred on the Tangerang-Merak toll road on Monday afternoon (21/10/2024) when a truck loaded with heavy equipment rolled over. The incident occurred at around 11.30 WIB at kilometer 79, when a truck carrying construction materials allegedly lost control, causing the vehicle to overturn and block part of the toll lane.

Although there were no fatalities in this accident, the incident caused long traffic jams on the Tangerang-Merak toll road. Toll officers and police were immediately deployed to evacuate the spilled cargo and regulate traffic in the area.

Until the afternoon, the evacuation process was still ongoing, but traffic flow was slowly starting to return to normal. Passing motorists are advised to remain careful and follow the officers’ directions for mutual safety. This accident is a reminder of the importance of being careful on the road, especially when transporting heavy goods.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. Vehicle Insurance
  2. Public Liability Insurance
  3. Cargo Insurance 
  4. Personal Accident Insurance


Fire Tragedy in the Snack Home Industry: Losses Reach IDR 50 Million

A major fire hit the snack home industry in Kedawung Hamlet, Central Majang Village, Dampit District, yesterday (20/10). This fire is thought to have been caused by cooking oil that was too hot and caught fire, resulting in material losses estimated at IDR 50 million.

This incident was reported to the fire brigade at around 08.16, although the fire had started to grow at 07.45. At that time, the production process in the factory was underway with more than 10 employees in it.

Suriati, a 52-year-old home industry owner, uses traditional equipment for production. Instead of using a gas stove, the frying pan is heated with firewood. “When the fire occurred, there was indeed an activity frying snacks in the burning stove,” said Syaiful Anwar, Platoon Commander (Danton) of the Malang Regency Satpol PP Fire Brigade.

Four fire engines arrived at the scene at around 08.55. Luckily, all employees were outside the factory before the fire got bigger. The fire team immediately moved quickly to extinguish the fire in the burning kitchen area measuring 8 x 10 meters. The blackout process was completed at around 09.45, but the home industry had suffered major losses. This incident is a reminder of the importance of safety and vigilance in running a business.

Based on statements from witnesses, the fire team suspects that the fire was caused by cooking oil that was too hot during the frying process.

“Because too much firewood is used, the heat in the cooking oil becomes excessive. “The fire then spread to the frying pan and grabbed the cooking oil,” said Syaiful.

According to him, oil that is too hot will evaporate.

When hit by a big fire from under the pan, it will obviously burn very easily.

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Insurance and Risk Management Review:

  1. All Risks Property Insurance 
  2. Business Interruption Insurance
  3. Liability Insurance
  4. Personal Accident Insurance

This article is brought to you by Insurance Broker L&G Insurance Broker.


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