Asuransi Liability

Doctor Malpractice # 7 – Breach Of Confidentiality

Liga Asuransi – Dear readers, how are you? I hope you and your family are always well.

This is the final article of DOCTOR MALPRACTICE reviews. We have eight articles, including this one discussing the risks and insurance concerning Malpractice insurance. 

Doctor’s Malpractice # 6 – Inappropriate Behavior

As a senior insurance broker, I am so glad to present those articles so that we all know the risks ahead of us and can take preventive action for patients, doctors, and medical providers.

If you are interested in those articles, please share them with your friends so they can understand as much as you do.



A breach of confidentiality occurs when someone discloses information meant to be kept confidential, private, or secret without the consent of the person who provided the information. This type of breach can occur in many contexts, such as in a workplace, medical setting, legal setting, or personal relationship.

In many cases, a breach of confidentiality can have serious consequences, such as damage to a person’s reputation, financial harm, or emotional distress. 

For example, in a medical setting, a breach of confidentiality can lead to a loss of trust between the patient and healthcare provider and the possibility of harm to the patient’s physical or mental health.

It is important to note that certain professions, such as healthcare providers, lawyers, and counselors, have legal and ethical obligations to maintain confidentiality with their clients or patients. Breaching confidentiality in these professions can result in disciplinary action, loss of licensure, or legal consequences.



A breach of confidentiality by doctors or medical providers occurs when patient information is disclosed to someone who is not authorized to receive it without the patient’s consent. Confidentiality is a fundamental principle in the medical field, essential for building trust between doctors and patients.

Examples of breaches of confidentiality can include a doctor or medical provider sharing a patient’s medical history or diagnosis with someone who is not involved in the patient’s care, discussing a patient’s health information in public, or with someone who is not authorized to receive it, or accessing a patient’s medical records without a legitimate reason.

Breaches of confidentiality can have serious consequences, including legal action, loss of trust in the medical profession, and harm to the patient’s personal and professional reputation. Medical providers need to ensure that patient information is protected and kept confidential. 

This includes implementing policies and procedures to safeguard patient information, ensuring employees are trained on confidentiality policies, and using secure methods for storing and transmitting patient data.



Maintaining confidentiality is an essential part of the medical profession, and there are several steps doctors and medical providers can take to ensure patient information is protected:

  • Obtain patient consent. 

Patients should be informed about using and disclosing their health information and asked to provide written consent before sharing it with others.

  • Limit access to patient information.

Access to patient information should be limited to those who need it to provide care or perform their job duties. Medical providers should implement security measures, such as passwords and firewalls, to protect patient information from unauthorized access.

  • Use secure communication methods. 

Medical providers should use secure methods like encrypted email or fax to transmit patient information.

  • Implement policies and procedures.

Medical providers should have policies and procedures to govern the use and disclosure of patient information. These policies should be communicated to employees and regularly reviewed and updated.

  • Train employees

Medical providers should provide regular training to employees on confidentiality policies and procedures.

  • Maintain confidentiality after termination.

Medical providers should ensure that confidentiality agreements and policies continue to be enforced even after an employee leaves.

By taking these steps, doctors and medical providers can maintain the confidentiality of their patient’s health information and protect their patients’ trust in the medical profession.



Several causes can lead to the breach of patient confidentiality by doctors or medical providers, including:

  • Human error

Mistakes can happen, and medical providers may accidentally disclose patient information to the wrong person or in an unsecured manner.

  • Lack of training

Employees not adequately trained on confidentiality policies and procedures may inadvertently disclose patient information.

  • Intentional disclosure

Doctors or medical providers may intentionally disclose patient information for personal gain or other reasons.

  • Cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity threats, such as hacking or phishing attacks, can result in the unauthorized access and disclosure of patient information.

  • Inadequate security measures

Medical providers who do not implement adequate security measures, such as firewalls or encryption, may be more susceptible to breaches of patient confidentiality.

  • Shared devices

Medical providers who share devices, such as computers or tablets, may accidentally access patient information belonging to another patient.

To prevent breaches of patient confidentiality, medical providers should implement policies and procedures to safeguard patient information, provide regular training to employees, and use secure communication and storage methods. 

Additionally, medical providers should be vigilant in detecting and addressing cybersecurity threats and regularly review and update their confidentiality policies and procedures.



Breaching patient confidentiality can have severe consequences for the patient and the medical provider. Some of the potential effects include:

  • Legal action

Patients may have grounds for legal action if their confidentiality is breached. Medical providers who breach confidentiality may face lawsuits, fines, or criminal charges.

  • Loss of trust

Breaching patient confidentiality can damage patients’ trust in the medical profession. This can long-term impact the patient’s willingness to seek medical care.

  • Harm to the patient

Breaching confidentiality can harm the patient in terms of physical harm and their personal or professional reputation.

  • Damage to the medical provider’s reputation

Breaching patient confidentiality can damage the reputation of the medical provider and their practice.

  • Disciplinary action

Medical providers who breach confidentiality may face disciplinary action from their professional organizations, such as losing licensure or suspending practice.

  • Regulatory sanctions

Medical providers may face regulatory sanctions, such as fines or revocation of their facility’s accreditation.

Medical providers must take steps to prevent breaches of patient confidentiality, including implementing policies and procedures, providing regular training to employees, and using secure communication and storage methods. If a breach does occur, it is essential to take immediate action to address the situation and prevent further harm.



Patients may have grounds for legal action if doctors or medical providers breach their confidentiality. 

The type of legal action that can be taken depends on the circumstances of the breach and the laws in the jurisdiction where the breach occurred. Some of the legal actions that patients may pursue include:

  • Civil lawsuits

Patients may bring civil lawsuits against medical providers who breach confidentiality. These lawsuits may seek damages for harm caused by the breach, such as emotional distress, loss of reputation, or financial harm.

  • Criminal charges

In some cases, medical providers who breach confidentiality may face criminal charges, particularly if the breach was intentional or involved a pattern of misconduct.

  • Complaints to regulatory bodies

Patients may file complaints with regulatory bodies, such as state medical boards or the Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights, which oversees compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

  • Professional disciplinary action

Medical providers who breach confidentiality may face disciplinary action from their professional organizations, such as losing licensure or suspending practice.

  • Government enforcement action

Government agencies, such as the Department of Justice or the Office of Inspector General, may take enforcement action against medical providers who breach confidentiality, particularly if the breach involves fraud or abuse of government programs.

The legal action that patients can take for breach of confidentiality depends on the specific circumstances of the breach. It is essential to consult with a qualified attorney to understand the legal options available.

Do you have sample cases of lawsuits against doctors and medical providers caused by the breach of confidentiality of patients?



Below are 3 sample legal suits against doctors and medical providers due to breach of confidentiality:

  • In 2017, a California hospital paid a $450,000 settlement to a patient after a hospital employee accessed their medical records without authorization. The patient alleged that the hospital failed to properly train and supervise their employees on patient privacy and confidentiality.
  • In 2019, a New York doctor was sued for $2.5 million by a patient who alleged that the doctor shared their medical information with family members without their consent. The patient claimed that the breach of confidentiality caused them emotional distress and damage to their reputation.
  • In 2020, a Texas hospital was sued by a patient after their medical records were accidentally faxed to a third party. The patient alleged that the hospital failed to properly secure their electronic medical records, resulting in a breach of confidentiality.
  • In 2021, a Pennsylvania doctor was sued by a patient who claimed that the doctor disclosed their HIV status to a third party without their consent. The patient alleged that the breach of confidentiality caused them emotional distress and damaged their reputation.

These cases demonstrate the importance of healthcare providers protecting patient privacy and confidentiality. Breaches of confidentiality can have serious consequences for patients, including emotional distress and damage to their reputation, and can result in legal action against the provider or institution involved.



Professional liability insurance, or medical malpractice insurance, protects doctors and medical providers from claims of negligence, errors, or omissions while providing medical care. Professional liability insurance coverage depends on the specific policy and the circumstances of the claim.

In general, professional liability insurance may cover legal action by patients against doctors or medical providers for breaching patient confidentiality if the breach was related to the medical care provided by the medical provider. However, not all professional liability insurance policies are the same, and the specific coverage may vary depending on the policy.

It is essential for doctors and medical providers to carefully review their professional liability insurance policies and understand the scope of coverage. If there is any uncertainty regarding coverage for breach of patient confidentiality, it is recommended to consult with an insurance professional or attorney to understand the options available.

It is worth noting that professional liability insurance typically does not cover intentional acts, criminal acts, or acts that violate the law or the provider’s professional obligations.



Arranging insurance by contacting insurance companies directly or through agents is not recommended because it can lead to limited insurance coverage, uncompetitive premium costs, the use of less secure companies, and the absence of claim settlement assistance.

Doctors and medical providers may need the services of an insurance broker to arrange professional liability insurance for several reasons:

  • Expertise

Insurance brokers specialize in understanding the insurance market. They can provide doctors and medical providers with expert guidance on the types of coverage available and the options that best meet their needs.

  • Access to multiple insurance companies

Insurance brokers have relationships with multiple insurance companies and can help doctors and medical providers compare coverage options and pricing from different insurers.

  • Customized coverage

Insurance brokers can help doctors and medical providers customize their coverage to meet their specific needs, including the level of coverage, policy limits, and deductibles.

  • Claims assistance.

Insurance brokers can assist in the event of a claim, including helping doctors and medical providers understand their coverage, providing guidance on the claims process, and advocating on their behalf.

  • Timesaving

Insurance brokers can help doctors and medical providers save time by handling the insurance process from start to finish, including application, underwriting, and policy issuance.

  • Cost-effective

 Insurance brokers can help doctors and medical providers save money by identifying opportunities for discounts, negotiating rates with insurers, and helping them avoid overpaying for coverage.

The services of an insurance broker can provide doctors and medical providers with valuable guidance and support in securing the professional liability insurance coverage they need to protect themselves and their patients.

One of the leading insurance brokers in Indonesia focusing on professional liability insurance is L&G Insurance Broker.

For all your insurance needs, please call L&G now!


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