Asuransi Liability

Doctor’s Malpractice Cause #4 – Failure To Obtain Informed Consent In Medical Treatment

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This article is part of the seven articles regarding the malpractice that doctors may cause by Doctor of Medical providers.

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Malpraktek Dokter # 3, Kesalahan Pengobatan



For your information, there are several common concerns that people have when it comes to the risks of medical treatment:

  • Side effects

Many people worry about the potential side effects of medications or treatments, ranging from mild discomfort to severe or even life-threatening reactions.

  • Medical errors

Patients are concerned about the possibility of medical errors, such as receiving the wrong medication or dosage or undergoing the incorrect procedure.

  • Infection

Hospital-acquired infections are a significant concern for many patients, especially those with a compromised immune system.

  • Anesthesia risks

People who undergo surgery or other procedures that require anesthesia may worry about the risks associated with this type of medication.

  • Cost

The high cost of medical treatment and the possibility of financial hardship can also be a source of concern for many patients.

It’s important to remember that while these risks are real, they are typically outweighed by the potential benefits of medical treatment. Patients should always speak with their healthcare provider about their concerns and ask questions to ensure they fully understand the risks and benefits of any recommended treatment.



Obtaining informed consent is an essential component of ethical medical practice. It involves providing patients with information about their medical condition, the proposed treatment or procedure, potential risks and benefits, and any available alternatives. Based on this information, the patient can make an informed decision about their care.

A failure to obtain informed consent can occur when a healthcare provider needs to provide adequate information to the patient or receive the patient’s explicit consent to proceed with a particular treatment or procedure. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Lack of communication

Healthcare providers may need to communicate more effectively with patients due to language barriers, cultural differences, or other factors.

  • Lack of understanding 

Patients may need help understanding the information provided by healthcare providers or may need help comprehending the risks and benefits of a proposed treatment.

  • Coercion or pressure

Healthcare providers may pressure patients to undergo a treatment or procedure, or patients may feel coerced by their social environment or circumstances.

  • Emergencies

In certain situations, such as emergency medical treatment, obtaining informed consent may not be possible due to time constraints or the patient’s medical condition.

  • Negligence or malpractice

Sometimes, a failure to obtain informed consent may be due to negligence or malpractice by the healthcare provider.

A failure to obtain informed consent can have severe consequences for the patient and the healthcare provider. Patients may experience physical harm, emotional distress, or loss of autonomy due to a treatment they did not fully understand or consent to. Healthcare providers may face legal or ethical repercussions for their actions.

To avoid failing to obtain informed consent, healthcare providers must prioritize effective communication with patients and ensure they can access all the information they need to make informed decisions about their care. 

They should also be aware of cultural and language barriers that may impede communication and take steps to address them. Additionally, healthcare providers must respect their patients’ autonomy and never pressure them to undergo a treatment or procedure against their wishes.



Informed consent is an essential part of medical treatment. It involves providing patients with adequate information about the treatment or procedure they will undergo to make an informed decision about their care. Here are the steps to obtaining informed consent:

  • Explain the diagnosis.

The first step is to explain the patient’s diagnosis in detail, including the nature and severity of the condition.

  • Discuss treatment options.

Discuss all possible treatment options, including their benefits, risks, and potential side effects. This should also include the possibility of not undergoing any treatment.

  • Answer questions

Answer any questions the patient may have about their diagnosis or treatment options. Providing clear, concise information that the patient can understand is essential.

  • Discuss the risks and benefits.

Explain the potential risks and benefits of the treatment or procedure and the likelihood of success.

  • Discuss alternatives.

If alternative treatments or procedures exist, discuss them with the patient and explain their pros and cons.

  • Obtain the patient’s consent.

After the patient has been fully informed, obtain their consent in writing. This consent should be voluntary and informed, meaning the patient understands the treatment or procedure and its potential risks and benefits.

  • Document the informed consent.

Document the informed consent in the patient’s medical record, including the date, the patient’s name, the healthcare provider’s name, and a detailed description of the treatment or procedure.

It’s important to note that informed consent is ongoing, and patients can withdraw it anytime. Therefore, healthcare providers should keep patients informed throughout treatment and update them on any changes or developments affecting their care.



Informed consent is usually obtained by the healthcare provider performing the medical treatment or procedure. This could be a doctor, nurse, or any other licensed health-care professional qualified to explain the risks and benefits of the treatment or approach to the patient.

In some cases, the healthcare provider may delegate the responsibility of obtaining informed consent to a qualified staff member under their supervision, such as a nurse or physician assistant. However, the healthcare provider is ultimately responsible for ensuring the patient has informed consent before undergoing any treatment or procedure.

It’s important to note that informed consent is a collaborative process between the healthcare provider and the patient. The healthcare provider is responsible for providing accurate and complete information to the patient. Still, the patient also has the right to ask questions, clarify doubts, and make informed decisions about their care.



Failure to obtain informed consent before medical treatment or procedure can have severe consequences for the patient and healthcare provider. Here are some of the risks of not obtaining informed consent:

  • Legal consequences

Without informed consent, healthcare providers can be held legally liable for any harm or injury caused to the patient during the treatment or procedure.

  • Ethical concerns

Failing to obtain informed consent violates ethical principles and can damage patient and healthcare provider trust.

  • Medical complications

With informed consent, patients may fully understand the treatment’s potential risks and side effects, which could result in medical complications or adverse events.

  • Psychological distress

Patients who do not fully understand the treatment or procedure they are undergoing may experience anxiety, fear, or other forms of psychological distress.

  • Poor treatment outcomes

Patients who do not give informed consent may be less likely to comply with the treatment plan, which could result in poor treatment outcomes.

Obtaining informed consent is crucial to ensuring that patients fully understand their medical treatment or procedure and can make an informed decision about their care. This protects the patient from harm and helps build a trusting relationship between the patient and the healthcare provider.



Patients can file a lawsuit against a doctor or medical provider if informed consent was not obtained before a medical treatment or procedure and they suffered harm or injury. Failing to obtain informed consent can be considered a form of medical malpractice, and patients may seek damages for any harm or injury caused.

To establish a claim for lack of informed consent, the patient must show that the healthcare provider failed to disclose all of the material risks and benefits associated with the treatment or procedure and that a reasonable person in the patient’s position would not have consented to the treatment or procedure if they had known about those risks and benefits. 

The patient must also demonstrate that they suffered harm or injury due to the lack of informed consent.

It’s important to note that the legal requirements for informed consent vary by jurisdiction, and it’s essential to consult a qualified attorney knowledgeable in medical malpractice law in your area.



These cases generally involve situations where the patient must be provided with adequate information about the risks and benefits of a treatment or procedure and suffered harm. Some common scenarios where informed consent issues can arise include surgery, medication, and experimental treatments.

Patients who believe they have suffered harm due to a lack of informed consent should consult a qualified attorney specializing in medical malpractice cases. An experienced attorney can review the patient’s medical records, help them understand their legal rights and options, and advise them on the best course to pursue their claim.



Whether a lawsuit against a doctor or medical provider for not obtaining informed consent in medical treatment is covered by a professional insurance policy depends on the specific terms and conditions of the policy. 

Most medical professionals, including doctors and other healthcare providers, carry professional liability insurance, also known as medical malpractice insurance, to protect themselves against lawsuits related to their professional practice.

However, the coverage provided by these policies can vary widely depending on the insurance company and the specific policy language. Some policies may provide coverage for claims related to informed consent, while others may exclude such claims from coverage. In general, insurance policies may cover damages and legal fees up to the policy limits, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.

It’s important to note that insurance coverage for informed consent claims may also depend on whether the healthcare provider followed appropriate protocols and procedures for obtaining informed consent. If the provider fails to obtain informed consent or deviates from accepted standards of care, their insurance policy may not cover the claim.

Patients considering filing a lawsuit for lack of informed consent should consult with a qualified attorney who can help them evaluate the potential liability of the healthcare provider and the availability of insurance coverage.



It is strongly recommended that doctors or medical providers refrain from buying insurance directly from an insurance company or via an insurance agent because it can lead to limited insurance coverage, higher premium, an unsecured insurance company, and no assistance in insurance claim settlement. 

Doctors and medical providers typically rely on insurance brokers to arrange professional liability insurance because these brokers have specialized knowledge and experience in the insurance industry. 

Professional liability insurance, or medical malpractice insurance, is a complex and specialized type requiring expertise in the healthcare industry, legal requirements, and risk management.

An insurance broker specializing in medical malpractice insurance can help healthcare providers understand their insurance needs, evaluate different insurance policies, and select the best coverage for their practice. 

They can also negotiate with insurance companies on behalf of the healthcare provider to obtain the most favorable terms and conditions for the policy.

Insurance brokers can also help healthcare providers manage risks by guiding risk mitigation strategies, such as quality improvement programs, patient safety initiatives, and informed consent protocols. This can help reduce the likelihood of claims and improve the healthcare provider’s overall quality of care.

In summary, insurance brokers specializing in medical malpractice insurance are essential in helping doctors and medical providers obtain the insurance coverage they need to protect themselves against liability claims. By working with an experienced broker, healthcare providers can ensure they have the right coverage to meet their needs and mitigate risks.

One of the leading insurance brokers in Indonesia focusing on Professional Liability insurance is L&G Insurance Broker.

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