Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor

Introduction to electric vehicles (EV) Insurance and their benefits in Indonesia

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Risks always become an essential part of our life, right? Risk is like spicy food. Spices make the food even tastier. But if there are too many spices, it can also bring disease. 

This time let’s discuss the risks of Electric vehicles (EVs) and the future of our transportation. 

Before buying EVs, let’s look at detailed risks, insurance, and how to manage them.

Electric vehicles (EVs) are cars, trucks, or other vehicles powered by an electric motor instead of a traditional internal combustion engine. 

The main difference between traditional vehicles (which run on gasoline or diesel fuel) and electric vehicles is how they generate power to move the vehicle.

Traditional vehicles use an internal combustion engine (ICE) that burns fuel to produce energy, which is then transferred to the wheels via a transmission system. 

On the other hand, electric vehicles use an electric motor powered by a rechargeable battery pack to drive the wheels.


This year 2023, the trend of electric vehicles (EVs) in Indonesia is still in its early stages, but the government and industry stakeholders are increasingly promoting EV adoption. Here are some key developments in the EV market in Indonesia:

  • Government initiatives 

The Indonesian government has announced several initiatives to promote EV adoption. These include tax incentives for EV manufacturers and importers, plans to develop EV charging infrastructure, and a regulatory framework for EVs.

  • Local EV manufacturers

Several local EV manufacturers in Indonesia, including Gesits and Mobil Anak Bangsa (MAB). These companies are working to develop affordable, locally produced EVs that can compete with traditional gasoline-powered vehicles.


Since its first introduction a few years ago, EVs have become increasingly popular and the target of many people. Many are already planning to replace their conventional vehicles with EVs. 

Here are some of the things that motivate customers to own an EV. 

  • Environmental benefits

EVs emit significantly less greenhouse gas and air pollutants than traditional gas-powered vehicles, making them more environmentally friendly. This is particularly important as many governments worldwide are increasing their focus on reducing carbon emissions and combatting climate change.

  • Lower operating costs 

EVs can be less expensive to operate than gas-powered vehicles over their lifetime. They typically require less maintenance and have lower fuel costs since electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline.

  • Improved technology

Over the past few years, EV technology has improved significantly, making them more practical and appealing to a wider range of consumers. 

For example, many newer models can travel farther on a single charge, and charging times have decreased. Additionally, more charging stations are available, making charging EVs on longer trips easier.

  • Quieter operation 

EVs are generally quieter than gas-powered vehicles, which can reduce noise pollution in urban areas.

  • Smoother driving experience

 EVs typically have instant torque, which means they can accelerate quickly and smoothly. This can make for a more enjoyable and comfortable driving experience.

  • Energy security

Since electricity can be generated from various sources (such as wind, solar, or nuclear power), using EVs can increase energy security and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

These benefits make EVs attractive to many consumers, particularly those concerned about the environment, looking to save on operating costs, or interested in new technology.


There are several types of risks associated with electric vehicles (EVs). Here are some of the most notable ones:

  • Battery-related risks

EVs rely on lithium-ion batteries to store and provide energy. While these batteries are generally safe, there is a risk of battery fires or explosions, particularly in the event of a crash or other impact. There is also a risk of battery failure, reduced range, or other issues.

  • Theft and vandalism

EVs are often more expensive than gas-powered vehicles, and their components (such as batteries) can be valuable. As a result, EVs may be more likely to be targeted by thieves or vandals.

  • Charging-related risks

Electric shock or electrocution is risky if EV charging equipment is not properly installed or maintained. There is also a risk of fire or other hazards if EVs are charged using improperly rated or damaged charging equipment.

  • Unique features cause accidents.

EVs have some unique features that can increase the risk of accidents. For example, they are often very quiet, making them difficult for pedestrians or cyclists to hear. Additionally, some EVs have regenerative braking systems, which can cause the vehicle to slow down more quickly than expected.

  • Cybersecurity risks

As EVs become more connected and autonomous, there is a risk of cybersecurity threats such as hacking or malware attacks that could compromise vehicle systems or steal sensitive data.

These risks are relatively low compared to those associated with traditional gas-powered vehicles. However, EV owners must be aware of these risks and take appropriate management steps. 

This can include regular maintenance and safety checks, safe charging practices, and defensive driving techniques. Additionally, EV owners should consider purchasing insurance coverage tailored to the unique risks associated with EV ownership.


Several factors can affect insurance rates for electric vehicles (EVs). Here are some of the most common ones:

  • Cost of the EV

EVs are often more expensive than gas-powered vehicles, which can result in higher insurance premiums.

  • Battery type and capacity

The type and capacity of the EV’s battery can also affect insurance rates. Generally, EVs with larger or more expensive batteries may have higher insurance premiums.

  • Range

The range of an EV can affect insurance rates since a longer range can mean a higher risk of accidents or breakdowns on longer trips.

  • Safety features

Many EVs have advanced safety features like collision avoidance systems and lane departure warnings. These features can reduce the risk of accidents and may result in lower insurance premiums.

  • Repair costs

The cost of repairing an EV can be higher than repairing a gas-powered vehicle, particularly if the battery or charging system is damaged. This can result in higher insurance rates.

  • Driving history

A driver’s history of accidents, tickets, and other driving violations can also affect insurance rates, regardless of the type of vehicle they are driving.

  • Location 

Insurance rates can vary depending on the driver’s location since factors such as local weather conditions, and accident rates can affect the risk of accidents and damage.

EV insurance rates can vary widely depending on various factors. EV owners should shop around for insurance coverage and compare rates from different insurers to find the best coverage at an affordable price. They may also want to consider reducing their insurance risk, such as installing a home charging station or driving safely and defensively.


There are several key differences between electric vehicle (EV) insurance and traditional motor vehicle insurance. Here are some of the main differences:

  • Cost/The Value of The Car 

One of the main differences between EV insurance and traditional motor vehicle insurance is the cost. In general, EV insurance tends to be more expensive than traditional motor vehicle insurance due to the higher cost of EVs and the fact that it often requires specialized repair and maintenance.

  • Coverage 

EV insurance may also offer different types of coverage than traditional motor vehicle insurance. For example, some EV insurance policies may cover the cost of charging station repairs or offer discounts for using charging stations owned by the insurer.

  • Battery coverage 

Another critical difference between EVs and traditional motor vehicle insurance is battery coverage. Since the battery is one of the most expensive components of an EV, some insurance policies may offer specialized coverage for battery damage or failure.

  • Repair and maintenance 

EV insurance may also offer coverage for specialized repair and maintenance. Since EVs have different components and systems than traditional motor vehicles, they may require different types of repairs and maintenance, which could be covered under an EV insurance policy.

  • Environmental impact 

Some EV insurance policies may offer benefits or discounts based on the vehicle’s environmental impact. For example, some insurers may offer discounts for EVs with lower emissions or smaller carbon footprints.

While there are some similarities between EV and traditional motor vehicle insurance, several key differences reflect electric vehicles’ unique characteristics and needs. As the market for EVs continues to grow, more insurers will likely offer specialized EV insurance policies tailored to the needs of EV owners.

How To Buy EV Insurance in Indonesia? 

In Indonesia, electric vehicles are still relatively new, and insurance policies may differ from those for traditional cars. However, many insurance companies in Indonesia offer coverage for electric vehicles.

The coverage offered by insurance companies for electric vehicles may vary depending on the provider/insurance company, but it typically includes coverage for theft, damage, and third-party liability. Some insurance companies may offer additional options like personal accident coverage and roadside assistance.

It is important to note that insurance premiums for electric vehicles may be higher than those for traditional vehicles due to the higher cost of repairing or replacing electric vehicle components.


An insurance broker can help you find the right insurance coverage for your electric vehicle in Indonesia. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Knowledge and expertise

Insurance brokers have specialized knowledge and expertise in the insurance industry. They can help you understand the different types of coverage available and the terms and conditions of your policy. This can help you make an informed decision about the right coverage for your electric vehicle.

  • Comparison shopping

An insurance broker can help you compare insurance policies from different insurers in Indonesia. This can help you find the best coverage at the most affordable price. Brokers may also have access to exclusive deals or discounts that you might not be able to find on your own.

  • Claims support.

An insurance broker can provide support and assistance if you need to claim your electric vehicle insurance policy. They can help you understand the claims process, advise what documentation you need, and advocate with the insurance company on your behalf.

  • Convenience

Using an insurance broker can save you time and hassle. Instead of contacting multiple insurance companies and comparing policies, the broker will do the legwork for you. They can also handle any paperwork or administrative tasks related to your insurance policy.

Using an insurance broker to buy electric vehicle insurance in Indonesia can be a convenient and effective way to find the right coverage for your needs.

One of the leading insurance brokers in Indonesia that can offer a competitive premium rate and high-quality insurance for DV is L&G Insurance Broker.

For all your insurance needs, don’t hesitate to contact L&G now!


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