Ulas Berita

7 Fatal Accident News Selections for 2023 – May 2

Liga Asuransi – We wish your business continued growth and success.

We remind you always to be careful, not only when driving but also in your daily activities, bearing in mind that there are risks that can be detrimental financially and physically, which can happen at any time.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you, and please share it with your colleagues so that they understand it as well as you do.

Facts about a Bus Accident Entering the River in Guci Tegal

On Sunday morning, May 7, 2023, a bus accident fell into a river in the Guci tourist area, Tegal, Central Java. This accident killed one person and injured dozens of others. The group of tourists who had an accident came from South Tangerang with 50 passengers, of which 37 were on the bus at the time of the incident.

The accident occurred when the previously parked bus slid and fell into a river on a downhill road. When the incident occurred, the bus driver was not on the bus because he was talking with the tour group outside the bus. The bus driver, Romyani, claimed that he had started the bus engine, got off the bus, and activated the handbrake before the incident occurred.

However, it is not yet known whether the handbrake is working. The Tegal Police Chief AKBP Muhammad Sajarod denied the rumor that the bus accident was caused by a small child pulling on the handbrake based on information from passengers on the bus at the time of the incident. The driver and co-driver are still in witness status and are being questioned by the police.

Source: https://www.cnnindonesia.com/nasional/20230508081336-20-946520/fakta-fakta-kecelakaan-bus-masuk-sungai-di-guci-tegal

Risk Management and Insurance Review

  • Health Insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Travel Insurance


The KMP Royce ferry caught fire while sailing from Merak to Bakauheni. This is the reason.

On May 6, 2023, the KMP Royce 1 ferry carrying many passengers caught fire in the Sunda Strait while en route from Merak Port to Bakauheni Port.

The cause of the fire is believed to be a bus on board the ship which caught fire. The combined SAR team from Basarnas, TNI AL Banten, Polairud Banten, KPLP Banten, BPTD, ASDP Merak, PMI, and local fishermen immediately evacuated to save all passengers on board. The evacuation process was completed at 17.30 WIB. Currently, the number of survivors is still in the process of data collection by officers.

Ship accidents that occur in Indonesia like this often occur and can be a threat to the safety of passengers. Therefore, the authorities must be more stringent in checking and improving the ship’s seaworthiness before departure to minimize the risk of an accident.

In addition, ship operators must provide adequate evacuation training and ensure that all passengers have adequate knowledge of evacuation and safety procedures on board.

We also need to increase awareness of ship safety and promote the importance of using the necessary marine safety equipment, such as life jackets, when boarding a ship.

Source: https://www.liputan6.com/bisnis/read/5278956/kapal-feri-kmp-royce-terbakar-saat-berlayar-dari-merak-menuju-bakauheni-ini-penyebabnya 

Risk Management and Insurance Review

  • Ship Insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Vehicle insurance


House in West Bandung Elite Complex Collapsed by Landslide

Heavy rains in West Bandung Regency triggered landslides and caused 12 housing units in the Pramestha Complex, Mekarwangi Village, Lembang District, to collapse on Monday (8/5/2023) at 12.00 WIB.

Access to the location hit by the landslide was closed, and only a handful of people could pass. The collapsed house is several blocks away and is still in the process of being finished. In addition, three motorbikes and house materials were also buried in the landslide.

The Chief Executive of the BPBD, Djarot Prasetyo, said that the collapse of the house was initiated by a crack in the building heard by workers. Workers were plastering on several houses at that time and heard cracking sounds, so they came out of the building.

Apparently, after leaving, the building collapsed. Even though there were no casualties due to this disaster, the BPBD conducted an assessment to check the impact of the landslide. Workers are also asked to increase their vigilance in facing the potential for extreme weather.

Currently, the house is still being repaired by the developer with the help of workers who want to clean up the building debris.

Source: https://www.detik.com/jabar/berita/d-6709529/rumah-di-kompleks-elite-bandung-barat-ambruk-diterjang-longsor

Risk Management and Insurance Review

  • Property Insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Natural Disaster / Landslide Insurance
  • Vehicle insurance


It’s been 5 hours, and the paint factory fire in North Jakarta hasn’t gone out yet.

A paint factory in Bandengan, North Jakarta, experienced a fire that had not been extinguished for about five hours. The DKI Jakarta Fire Department team was deployed to the location with 32 cars and 160 personnel trying to extinguish the fire. At this time, officers are still trying to cool down the fire. The cause of the fire is unknown, and it is not yet known whether there were any casualties from this incident.

Fire is a disaster that can threaten the safety and security of humans and property. Therefore, prompt and appropriate prevention and response measures are very important in dealing with fires. The DKI Jakarta Fire Team was immediately dispatched to the location to put out the fire. However, extinguishing this fire takes quite a long time and requires persistent efforts from the officers.

The public also needs to increase their awareness of the dangers of fire and take the necessary precautions, such as ensuring that electrical cables and electrical equipment are in good condition, avoiding lighting candles in places prone to fire, and so on. The community needs to understand how dangerous fire is and how to avoid it, to reduce the risk of fire occurrence and minimize the losses caused by this disaster.

Source: https://news.detik.com/berita/d-6710332/sudah-5-jam-kebakaran-pabrik-cat-di-jakut-belum-padam

Risk Management and Insurance Review

  • Fire insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Property All Risk Insurance


Horrified! PLTU Sumsel Employee Killed Falling 19 Floors at Work

A project employee at the Sumsel 1 PLTU, Muara Enim, South Sumatra, died after falling from a height of 19 floors. Kapolres Muara Enim, AKBP Andi, stated that the accident occurred when the victim was working on the top floor of PLTU Sumsel 1 on Wednesday (3/5) around 09.00 WIB.

When walking on zinc which had not yet been installed with iron bars to support the zinc, the victim fell 19 floors up to the 44th floor. The results of the TKP and preliminary investigations show that the victim allegedly did not comply with the SOP because he did not use body protection or safety ropes. Hence, the victim fell suddenly and died.

The police are still investigating this incident to determine whether there was an element of intent. The police are also coordinating with related parties in this case. The victim’s body has been handed over to the family at the funeral home at OKI.

Work accidents often occur in Indonesia and are caused by work safety violations. In addition, awareness of the importance of using work safety equipment must be further increased and a priority in every construction project.

This is very important because work accidents can endanger the safety of workers’ lives, as well as have an impact on families and the surrounding community. Therefore, companies must enforce compliance with work safety SOPs to prevent preventable accidents.

Source: https://www.detik.com/sumut/berita/d-6707889/ngeri-pegawai-pltu-sumsel-tewas-jatuh-19-lantai-saat-bekerja

Risk Management and Insurance Review

  • Personal Accident Insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Asuransi Third Party Liability
  • Liability Insurance


Pagoda Hotel Purwokerto Banyumas Burns!

On the evening of 7 May 2023, the Pagoda Hotel located on Jalan Wiiraatmaja, Kedungwuluh Village, West Purwokerto District, Banyumas Regency, experienced a fire. Head of the UPT Fire and Rescue Satpol PP Banyumas Regency, Andaru Budilaksono, said that eight hotel rooms caught fire, and his party received a fire report at 19.27 WIB. The cause of the fire is still under investigation by the police, but it is known that it originated in one of the hotel rooms.

The fire department deployed four fire engines to put out the fire. The police stated that the Banyumas District Fire Department had extinguished the fire. Even though the fire has been extinguished, the location that was burned is still hot, and the exact material loss is not known. However, there were no casualties in this incident.

The exact cause of the Pagoda Hotel fire is still unknown because it is still under investigation by the police. The police will re-examine the location of the fire the next day to find out the source of the fire more clearly.

Source: https://www.detik.com/jateng/berita/d-6708640/hotel-pagoda-purwokerto-banyumas-terbakar

Risk Management and Insurance Review

  • Fire insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Liability Insurance
  • Vehicle Insurance
  • Property All Risk Insurance


Again, Truck Overturns in Lempeni Lumajang Village, This Time, it’s a Plywood Carrier.

The truck accident occurred on the Lempeni Village main road, Tempeh District, Lumajang Regency, East Java, on Monday, May 8, 2023. A truck loaded with plywood with police number N 8770 YI overturned to the right while traveling from the north at the bend in Lempeni Village.

The truck driver, Yuswa Ardiansyah (23), doesn’t have a driver’s license. Luckily, no vehicles were traveling from the opposite direction, so there were no casualties. The cause of the accident is believed to be due to the overloaded truck and the sloping road conditions.

Previously, on the previous day, there was also an accident at the same place due to a truck carrying sugarcane which hit two motorcycles, causing two people to die and five people injured.

Head of the Traffic Unit of Lumajang Police, AKP Radyati Putri Pradini, appealed to truck drivers to pay attention to load capacity so they are not forced to overload. If you still insist, the police will take action in the form of fines or loading and unloading.

The accident on the Lempeni Village highway is of concern because it is the second time it has happened in the last two days. Sloping road conditions and excessive truck loads are the leading causes of this accident.

The police urge truck drivers to pay attention to the load capacity and not to force it to exceed the specified limit. Therefore, truck drivers must comply with traffic rules and not neglect road safety.

Source: https://surabaya.kompas.com/read/2023/05/08/220803678/lagi-truk-terguling-di-desa-lempeni-lumajang-kali-ini-pengangkut-tripleks?page=all#page2

Risk Management and Insurance Review

This information is presented by L&G Insurance BrokerThe Smart Insurance Broker.


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