Asuransi Perjalanan

Protecting The Sacred Journey – Why Is Umrah Travel Insurance Important?

Liga Asuransi – Dear risk takers, how are you? Wishing you and your family are well.

As usual in this blog, we focus on risk management and insurance. This time we discuss the risks faced by Muslims when holding Umrah. 

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Millions of Muslims travel spiritually to Mecca and Medina to perform Umrah annually.

Umrah is a highly recommended worship in Islam, although it is more obligatory than Hajj. Muslims seek to draw closer to Allah through Umrah, wash away sins, improve themselves, and obtain His blessings and forgiveness. Umrah is also an opportunity for Muslims to visit the holy sites of Mecca and Medina, experience deep spirituality, and follow in the footsteps of prophets and companions in performing worship.

In the years before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia increased yearly. For reference, here are the estimated numbers of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia in the years before the pandemic:

  1. In 2019 before the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 2.9 million people from Indonesia were estimated to travel to Umrah.
  2. In 2018, around 3.1 million people from Indonesia traveled to Umrah.
  3. In 2017, the number of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia reached around 3.3 million people.
  4. In 2016, it was estimated that more than 1.7 million people from Indonesia traveled to Umrah.
  5. In 2015, about 1.5 million people from Indonesia traveled to Umrah.
  6. Keep in mind that such figures are estimates and may vary. Various factors, including economic conditions, government policies, and others, influence the number of Umrah pilgrims from Indonesia. 
  7. However, various risks must be considered behind this trip’s blessing and joy.



The Islamic view of the risks of Safar teaches Muslims to respect and take care of themselves, respect the rights of others, and rely on Allah in all aspects of life, including travel.

In Islam, Safar is a long journey made by someone from his origin. The Islamic view of the risks of performing Safar is as follows:

  • Protection and Security

Islam encourages Muslims to exercise caution and consider personal safety while traveling. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised his people to avoid danger and pay attention to personal safety while traveling. This includes choosing safe routes, avoiding conflict or dangerous areas, and taking preventative measures to protect personnel and property.

  • Be Fair and Respect the Rights of Others

During the journey, Islam stresses the importance of behaving fairly and respecting the rights of others. This includes not causing harm or discomfort, avoiding behavior that could lead to conflict, and treating others with good morals.

  • God’s Blessings and Protection

In Islam, Muslims are taught to rely on Allah in every aspect of life, including when performing safar. Despite travel risks, Muslims believe Allah gives blessings and protection to those who captivate and pray to Him. Muslims are encouraged to pray before, during, and after traveling for protection, smoothness, and salvation by Allah.

  • Using Common Sense and Vigilance

During travel, Islam encourages the use of common sense and vigilance. Muslims are expected to make wise decisions, avoid unnecessary risks, and take necessary precautionary measures to maintain the safety of themselves and others.



  • Health

You may be susceptible to illness or infection when traveling long distances, especially to countries with different climates and environments. For example, you can get respiratory diseases, travel diarrhea, or other infectious diseases. Maintaining personal hygiene, avoiding unsafe food or water, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle during travel is always important.

  • Security

As with any other international trip, security risks are associated with going to Mecca and Medina for Umrah. Despite heightened security measures at these holy sites, there remain potential threats such as theft, fraud, or other criminal acts. It is essential always to be careful, guard valuables, and follow directions given by local authorities.

  • Transportation

You will use air, land, and possibly public transportation during the Umrah trip. Transportation risks include flight delays or cancellations, schedule disruptions, or accidents. Ensure you follow the travel agent’s travel instructions and the safety rules when using transportation.

  • Financial Expenditure

Umrah involves significant costs, including registration fees, transportation, accommodation, food, and personal groceries. Sometimes there are risks associated with unreliable or unprofessional travel companies that can result in financial problems. Ensure you choose a trusted travel agent and fully understand the costs of Umrah travel.

  • Discomfort or uncertainty

Umrah travel can be a life-changing experience but can also generate discomfort and uncertainty. Sometimes, there are uncertainties in worship schedules and overcrowding at holy places that can affect your comfort. In addition, climate change, cultural differences, or language differences can be additional challenges during travel.

It is important to remember that these risks can be managed and mitigated by making good preparations, following the rules and instructions provided by local authorities, and maintaining personal awareness and safety during the Umrah journey.



There are spiritual and logistical challenges and health, security, and financial risks when performing Umrah. In the face of unexpected possibilities that can occur during the trip, one of the essential protections is to have an insurance guarantee for the Umrah pilgrimage.

Umrah travel insurance is not just an optional extra but an essential component in thorough preparation for this holy journey. Travel insurance can provide financial protection and peace of mind for pilgrims, helping them overcome various challenges that may occur along the way.

In this article, we will explore why Umrah travel insurance is so important and how it can help protect pilgrims from the risks they may face. We will look at the benefits of travel insurance regarding health, security, and finances and consider some case examples that illustrate how valuable it is to have this protection during the Umrah pilgrimage.

So, if you plan to perform Umrah soon, let us explore the importance of Umrah travel insurance coverage so that you can perform your worship with peace of mind, knowing that you have the right protection to deal with the contingencies that can arise during your holy journey.



Umrah travels insurance policies generally offer various benefits that can provide protection and financial security to Umrah pilgrims. Benefits that an Umrah travel insurance policy can guarantee can include:

  • Medical Treatment Costs

Umrah travel insurance usually covers the cost of medical treatment that may arise due to illness or accident during the trip. It covers the cost of doctor consultations, hospital stays, medications, surgeries, and other medical procedures.

  • Medical Evacuation and Repatriation

Umrah travel insurance policies often cover the cost of emergency medical evacuation if pilgrims require treatment unavailable where they are. If pilgrims need to be transferred to another hospital or even repatriated to the homeland, medical transportation costs can be covered by insurance.

  • Lost Baggage

Umrah travel insurance can protect against loss or damage to pilgrims’ baggage. If the pilgrim’s baggage is lost or damaged during the trip, the insurance will provide financial reimbursement based on policy terms.

  • Travel Cancellation or Postponement

Umrah travel insurance policies can also cover the cost of unexpected trip cancellations or delays. If pilgrims experience an emergency or circumstance forcing them to cancel or postpone the trip, insurance can reimburse expenses such as airfare, accommodation, or travel packages.

  • Legal Responsibility

Some Umrah travel insurance policies include protection against legal liability that may arise during the trip. This can include legal fees and damages if pilgrims inadvertently cause injury or property damage to a third party.



It would be best to use an insurance policy based on Islamic Sharia for Umrah travel because it is by the methods taught in Islam.

The main difference between Islamic and regular travel insurance lies in the underlying principles. Here are some of the differences that can be found between the two:

  • Sharia Principles

Sharia travel insurance operates based on the principles of Sharia in Islam, which follow Islamic law and ethics. Sharia travel insurance is designed to comply with the provisions provided in Sharia, such as the prohibition of riba (interest), gharar (uncertainty), and maisir (gambling).

  • Profit Model

In Islamic travel insurance, a tabarru’ based profit approach is used. Policyholders make tabarru donations which are later used to help policyholders who have suffered losses. In regular travel insurance, the insurance company makes a profit by calculating the risk and charging premiums to the policyholder.

  • Investment

Sharia travel insurance carries Sharia investment principles that follow Islamic provisions and ethics. Investments made by Islamic travel insurance companies must comply with prohibitions against activities deemed haram under Islamic law, such as riba and speculation.

  • Products and Offers

Sharia travel insurance tends to offer products that comply with Sharia principles, such as insurance policies that do not contain elements of riba and protect Umrah or Hajj pilgrims within the scope permitted by Sharia. These products are often designed with policyholders’ needs and preferences based on Islamic values.

  • Risk Assessment

Islamic travel insurance also has a different approach to assessing risk. Some risk factors considered incompatible with Sharia principles, such as alcohol, gambling, or other illicit activities, may be avoided or treated differently in Islamic travel insurance policies.

It is important to note that not all insurance companies offer Islamic travel insurance. However, in some countries with significant Muslim populations, insurance companies specialize in offering Islamic insurance products, including Islamic travel insurance.

For those who choose to adhere to Sharia principles in finance and insurance, Islamic travel insurance provides options that match their beliefs and values.



Taking care of Umrah travel insurance through an official insurance broker registered with the OJK (Financial Services Authority) has several advantages and important reasons, including:

  • Reliability and Security

Using an official insurance broker registered with OJK confirms that you work with a party regulated and supervised by a competent financial authority. The official insurance broker has met the licensing requirements and complies with the financial, ethical, and professional standards OJK sets. This provides reliability and security in taking care of your Umrah travel insurance.

  • Access to Accurate Information

Authorized insurance brokers usually have knowledge and access to various Umrah travel insurance products offered by various insurance companies. They can provide accurate and precise information about coverage, premiums, terms, and insurance policies. With the help of an insurance broker, you can make a more informed decision and choose a policy that suits your needs and budget.

  • Best Benchmarking and Offers

An authorized insurance broker can assist you in comparing various Umrah travel insurance products from various insurance companies. They can evaluate your needs and preferences and help you find the best deal that fits your needs. With access to a wide range of options, you can choose an insurance policy with adequate coverage and competitive premiums.

  • Support During Claims

If you experience a claim, an authorized insurance broker can assist you in the claim process, ensure that you understand the necessary procedures and documents, and bridge communication between you and the insurance company. They can provide useful support and advice during the claim process, helping you benefit from your insurance policy smoothly.

Using an official insurance broker registered with OJK; you can get security, convenience, and support that is important in taking care of Umrah travel insurance. Choose a trusted and reputable broker and ensure their insurance products suit your needs.



Umrah travel insurance provides financial protection that covers various risks such as illness, accident, loss of baggage, or cancellation of trips. This gives peace of mind to Umrah pilgrims, so they can focus on their worship without worrying about possible unexpected costs.

Taking care of Umrah travel insurance through an official insurance broker registered with OJK is also recommended. Authorized insurance brokers can access accurate information, assist in benchmarking and best quotes, and provide support during claims. Using a legitimate insurance broker provides reliability, security, and confidence that you are working with a party regulated and supervised by competent financial authorities.

In the Islamic view, safar or long journeys are considered worship. During travel, Islam encourages Muslims to keep themselves safe, be fair, rely on Allah, use common sense, and keep themselves and others safe. Umrah travel insurance can be one of the practical steps taken to deal with the risks and challenges that may arise during the trip.

Thus, having Umrah travel insurance coverage is very important and provides significant benefits. Through a travel insurance policy, Umrah pilgrims can protect themselves from financial risks and get protection and peace of mind during the special Umrah pilgrimage.

One official insurance broker company focusing on travel insurance is L&G Insurance Broker.

For all your insurance needs, contact L&G now!


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